My 7 year old cat started breaking out with miliary dermatitis after we moved from Arizona to Maryland. We have been to the vet several times. Skin test revealed no ringworm and topical flea medication caused her to break out more in the area it was applied. Tests showed no ringworm. We opted for steroid treatment as allergy testing and treatment was too expensive for us. Her skin cleared up for about a month, but now it has broken out again and appears worse thanbefore. The areas most affected are forehead, ears, chin, along the spine, and the base of her tail. She is also on Royal Canin SO Urinary food. How can we help her without making numerous visits to the vet? We just cannot afford to keep bringing her.
Found a lump on my Guinea pigs butt and I’m not sure what it is or what to do about it. It’s right above the butt where the tail would be. Don’t have money to take him to the vet right now. Is there anything I could do to help him without that?
My one year old female cat has been acting tired lately. She is eating an drinking and using her box like normal. She is sleeping alot. Im not sure if i should be worried or not
why does my maltese keep going round in circles when he walks and chews his paw?
When she does eat spits a tiny bit of food out. Plays & does most things like before just slower
What medicine needed for hypoglycimia on pomeranian puppiy
I think my cat is constapated what can I give him to help him and he’s not eating eather
11yr old shakes head as if something in his ear!