My 1 year old cat has been diagnosed with FLUTD last night. They gave her fluids and a pain med, along with prazopan (is that right?) I haven’t noticed her having went pee yet since they empties her bladder…. Is this something I should be concerned about?
9 year bichon poodle who had low platelets in May 37.5. prednisone for 10 days platelets went up to 170. Off the medication for 2 weeks levels 143. We did not keep her on prednisone. Does homeopathic medicine affect platelets? Yesterdy blood test was at 90. Will she have to be on predinisone everyday for the rest of her life? She is acting normally other than that.
My dog is acting very lethargic, has a loss of appetite, wobbles when walks or stands, wobbles head while sitting down, and is drooling excessively. Any suggestions? She is one year old and is a cockapoo.
My Labrador retriever ate 40 mg of Prozac. She has never had any before and I don’t know whether or not this could be dangerous.
since a couple days ago shes been getting swollen around the stomach area and she hasnt been as energetic lately and i dont know what to do now because i cant go get medicine or anything because the pet store is closed and most vets near me are all closed as well
Dog has knots on skin. Some look like normal skin color, others looks Ozzie white and other look lik dry blood.
I am very worried this is not his nature. He is up to date on shots.
I can’t in to take our 5 month old rat out of cage yesterday and she has a walnut size lump on her neck.
My one month kitten has a large scab on his chest