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Charlotte | 6 years ago
Today Well Cleaning My Female Dwarf Hamsters Cage I Seen She Has A White Spot In …

Today well cleaning my female dwarf hamsters cage I seen she has a white spot in her right eye but their is not one in her left eye this is the first time I have noticed it she seems to be acting fine but I would like to know what I should do thank you

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    White spots can be corneal damage, fat, or even pus. A veterinarian should be consulted to identify the source.

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Jennifer Taylor | 6 years ago
Today After Running Errands I Came Home To Find My 7yo Shepherd Mix Cowering In The …

Today after running errands I came home to find my 7yo Shepherd Mix cowering in the corner. Typically he runs to greet us. I made sure he hadn’t gotten into anything then I let him out while unloading groceries, typically he enjoys running around the farm but today he hopped into the back of my SUV and refused to budge. As my truck was in a shady spot I let him be with the hatch and windows open while I mowed. Now several hours later he is still in the back of my truck. He has been offered water which he drank and we let his Golden Retriever best bud out who he was happy to see but still refused to budge. Typically he is a “Velcro” dog and stays right with us, especially my daughter. This behavior is very out of character and has me concerned .

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I am sorry you didn’t get a response sooner. I would be concerned as well with such a sudden change in behavior. I would get to the vet- just for peace of mind for sure. Even if you go and they find no temperature or anything else wrong, you will at least know that part of the equation is ok. Maybe he just ate something he shouldn’t have and will bounce back? I’m hoping by now you have a better idea of what is going on.

    1. Jennifer Taylor Post author

      I am very lucky in that I could contact my vet after hours who suggested taking him for a ride and seeing if he was normal upon returning home. We took a quick drive to our favorite hiking spot, he had popped up, tail wagging so we took a short hike and swim. Upon returning home he again refused to leave my SUV. I moved my vehicle and offered to take him in a different door to the house which was a success. Seems something must have scared him in our kitchen and the hike was an added bonus. Completely normal today.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like something got him startled and he needed a little change if scenery to get himself off the issue. If he’s still afraid of the kitchen start desensitizing him back to it.

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Charlotte | 6 years ago
I Have A One Year Old Lab Basset Hound Mix And Every Time We Go In …

I have a one year old lab basset hound mix and every time we go in the car she throws up I know it is just car sickness but is it something she will grow out of or something I should be worried about

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    It could be nerves/anxiety… in which case you would have to work to change the behavior and also work on her anxiety. You may want to discuss it with the vet and see if they have any recommendation as they know your pet better than me. I would try to find a good dog behaviorist (your vet may have a recommendation) to help show you the best way to handle this with your dog. Best of luck.

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Zoey | 6 years ago
A Repeat Rhinoscopy On My 11 Year Old Cat Revealed New Tissue Growth In The Nasopharyngeal Space …

A repeat rhinoscopy on my 11 year old cat revealed new tissue growth in the nasopharyngeal space with a very small polyp that has not changed in size since last year. The new tissue growth and polyp was biopsied again (last year it was negative) for cancer which is what the vet suspects. Her labs are all normal. I will have a definitive diagnosis in 3-5 days. If it comes back negative again, it would be highly indicative of Nasopharyngeal Stenosis according to the vet. Has anyone out there had any experiences with this possible diagnosis? In the meantime my kitty continues to have very noisy and difficulty breathing with trouble swallowing her food. The nasopharyngeal flush did nothing to improve her symptoms this. I am doing my best to keep her calm and adding water to her pate food to assist with eating as she still has a very good appetite. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have to say this is a very rare condition in cats for me. I am not sure who you are using for this but my recommendation would be to find a feline specialist who is also focused on internal medicine. If possible. If not go with one or the other. But get a second opinion. Also I am not sure if they offered any possible treatment options but a surgeon might be able to help. The Veterinary colleges are also excellent resources to utilize. Please keep me posted on what happens. And also make sure your cat is on a good diet and not overweight. That helps too! Good luck.

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Christine | 6 years ago
I Have What May Be A Ridiculous Question But I’m Going To Ask Any Way… …

I have what may be a ridiculous question but I’m going to ask any way… I just order leather collars for my dogs. I did a lot of research to make sure there were no toxic chemicals used during the process. However, I couldn’t find info on the hardware (buckle). It is made of brass. I just want to make sure that this won’t be toxic on my dogs skin?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Well that’s one I haven’t gotten before. Now I’m not a metallurgist. But I am fairly certain brass and stainless steel are considered the safest. So I think you are good!!
    Thanks for asking. ????
    Krista .

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Linda | 6 years ago
When I Go For A Run With My 1 Year Old Yellow Lab, She Wants To Stop …

When I go for a run with my 1 year old yellow lab, she wants to stop every 15 seconds to smell and sniff everything! It’s annoying because I just want to run. I take her because she’s ancy to go in the morning and it’s good exercise for her

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    You each have a different motivation while outside. I take my dogs for a run (they are a year old too), every single day. But I only run after they have had a walk to go to the bathroom and investigate their territory. That way we each get our outside time and preferences for being out there out of our system. The other thing that helps is running with someone who’s dog already understands the routine. Let them learn from another dog. And please whatever you do never get upset or frustrated. Your dogs whole life and purpose is you. So be kind and considerate and remember this is your kid so you have to compromise. They will love you more for it and your life together will be happier and easier.

  2. Sarah

    Hi there-
    I also run with one of my dogs. But we all have a pack walk earlier in the morning, (and another after lunch and dinner)so that bathrooming, smelling, general “romping around”, etc…. are all out of the way. It took us about 5 runs for each of our routes, for him to get the routine down, but basically, he could probably run our route(s) without me if he had to???? If you give a nice 20 minutes or so morning walk to your pup before you head out to run, they should pick up rather quickly that “oh! Yay! We are running now.” If he veers off, a gentle tug and a fun “come on let’s run????” should do the trick. Hope this helps. Happy running!????????

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Kelli | 6 years ago
My 9 Year Old Pug Has A Seroma On His Right Back Hip. It Was Drained Once …

My 9 year old pug has a seroma on his right back hip. It was drained once due to discomfort.

It’s now filled back up over the last few days. We’ve been monitoring it since our vet doesn’t want to drain it unless it’s absolutely necessary.

It’s really big. It’s pulling the skin down with the weight of it.

How is it possible for the body to heal the muscle area where the space exists when all that liquid is in there and stretching the skin?

He is eating, drinking and seems fine, but he’s having trouble walking with the weight of the liquid he’s now walking around with.

Is it dangerous at any point? Is there a time where it’s too much fluid in the area?

The space was cause by a car tire. He was grazed in our driveway. The skin got separated and me has formed a seroma. He is recovering well from the experience. He’s on antibiotics for the cuts he had and an anti inflammatory.

Thank you. ????????

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In general I address seromas this way; if it isn’t infected or causing the patient problem I leave them alone. It takes time, often weeks to months but the body will reabsorb the fluid slowly and without incident. If it is a problem a drain can be placed in and around the pocket. But this comes with possible consequences. Like every surgery has risk. It requires anesthesia. There is a charge and a risk with this. Opening a sterile pocket to place a drain allows for the introduction of bacteria and can lead to infection. That’s worse than a sterile pocket of fluid. So talk to your vet about all of this and then decide what you think is best for your dog.

  2. Sarah

    If you did not get any paperwork with your puppy, I would make an appointment with your vet immediately. Let them know he is brand new and has no records.

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Zahi | 6 years ago
My Dog Lola Has Ivdd And Hurt Her Back For The Second Time. The Last Time …

My dog lola has ivdd and hurt her back for the second time. The last time was last year. This time it’s worse, she was at the park running on sat after that everything looked fine until sunday night she looked like she’s in a little pain and monday got worse. She couldn’t walk at the vet she still had deep pain which a day after she lost also. Now she’s paralyzed and doesn’t control her bladder, she was in a hospital for 3 days getting medications. She’s now taking steroids and pain management.. I couldn’t afford the surgery which was about 10k $ so we decided to try cage rest again. Now a week later when I poke her feet it looks like the leg is twitching. How can I tell if it’s a good sign or just reflexes? What treatment will be best from now? I’m thinking about acupuncture and laser.. thank you

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These cases absolutely require constant almost daily oversight by your vet. They can help with assessing pain, managing recovery and even with physical therapy to get your dog back to ambulatory function. Please call your vet and ask them to look her over and go every few days for help in managing her. I have lots of info about this on my blog and YouTube channel. Search ivdd. Ps I think acupuncture and laser are beneficial ancillary therapies. But good oversight is key. Good luck.

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Karen | 6 years ago
On Friday My 6yr Old Mutt Carlito Went “down” With IVDD. Back Legs Paralyzed. Dr Krista’…

On Friday my 6yr old mutt Carlito went “down” with IVDD. Back legs paralyzed. Dr Krista’s YouTube vids with the beagle were helpful but they started on day 10. Day 17 was a success to see him walking, I’ve been crying a lot but that gave me hope.
My dog Carlito and I are on day 3, start of day 4. Went to emergency vet immediately on Friday they diagnosed but didn’t prescribe- I called on Saturday morning because he was in much pain and the vet I talked to said she would have prescribed and wondered why I didn’t get anything. had to go back the next day for gabapentin and codine. So- got a late start on meds. Saturday afternoon started meds. Carlito only wanted to be in a “sit” position, which was rough on his two front legs which are curved and a bit -let’s be honest-malformed. I had a scarf I would hold under his armpits to relieve his legs and take the weight. Made a traction thing in his cage for a bit but I stopped keeping him in the cage as moving him was painful (for him) and difficult for me. He weighs 45lbs. He looks like a mini pit bull in the face and chest, but with a long body and short legs. He’s athletic usually. Fetching maniac. Chasing all wildlife. This is extremely upsetting.
I used banfield vets for first 3yrs, then moved so I just got his annual shots from the humane society. I don’t have a relationship with a vet. I can’t move him so I called a house call vet service and have one coming today.
Carlito is drinking a little water and urinating, but won’t eat food and hasn’t pooped since Friday when I found him.
I’m worried he hasn’t pooped, but he only ate once, I believe early Saturday (1am).
His penis is exposed and I’m worried about that. Pain? Infection?
I am mostly worried about him walking again.
He slept in a laying down position last night. Maybe that’s progress?
He cried out and bit me when I moved him Saturday morning so when I moved him once Sunday I put a muzzle on him and moved him from the floor to a bedding situation. I am hesitant to move him but I worry about his back legs and circulation?
He tenses up when I attempt to put my arms underneath him and resists my lifting him. I saw on the vid that you touched the place where -butch? The beagle- disc was out. Carlito has a mid back disc injury. Should I be patting him there? To send him the message that I will be conscious of this injury spot? I’ve been avoiding this because I though it would cause pain.
Also, should he be prescribed a stool softener? Steroids? Anti-inflammatory? I only have the gabapentin and codine.
What should I be doing at this stage for his back legs? Please advise. I have not really slept. I can’t afford surgery. I will put any and all vet bills and supplies on credit cards to get my good boy better. I just want to know what to do.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have information on ivdd on my YouTube channel and my blog Search hank or ivdd. I also think that it is super important to have a vet available daily for the first week or two. If you have been happy with your housecall vet use them. But you need help this first week dusky
    If your dog isn’t eating regularly they won’t defecate regularly. . So I think you need to get the pain under control first. I also always recommend wet food. It’s easier to eat and softer to pass. Ask about option for pain and even a referral to a neurologist. I also always advocate for the Facebook group called dodgers list. They are super helpful.

  2. Sarah

    So sorry that you are going through all of this. I would start with the house vet that you have coming over, since you do not yet have a regular vet. Ask them and share your concerns with them. I would mention the research that you have already done online as far as treatment options go. See what information and knowledge they have to share. I would also start asking around for opinions on local vets who are close to you… in case your visit with the vet you have making the house call does t work out. Dr. Magnifico has many videos on this and she also has a blog that you can look up for advice. I would definitely discuss pain management with the vet, options for how to help maneuver Carlito, stool softeners and possibly vitamin supplement until he is eating better….. I hope this helps. There are many knowledgeable friends on this sight. I am hoping someone that has had more experience with your situation logs on. Best ofluck to you and carlito!!

  3. Karen Post author

    Thank you for the replies. I really like my visiting vet. She prescribed prednisone and I’m adding Pepcid. Carlito is on Gabapentin and codine. So hopefully the steroid helps calm the inflammation. This is Day 5. He pooped a little yesterday. I’m getting better at expressing his bladder on a schedule. I put a muzzle on to move him so he doesn’t bite, and while that helps me confidently pick him up for pee/poop check I wonder if it silences his pain cries so maybe I can’t know as well as before if what I’m doing is causing pain. I have a pretty good idea of what positions are painful for him but this positions seem to be changing as the pain meds kick in. He seems more depressed than scared now, but that could also be the meds.
    He also seems weaker, he seem less able to “stand” or support himself in a sit position on his two front legs but again, maybe it’s the pills.
    I have a rear leg sling coming on Thursday. (Day 7) and think if I put that on I can have Carlito start “standing” and possibly walking on his front legs again. WHEN is it ok to start that movement? How regular should that be? I’m going to research PT that I can start at home.

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SAMANTHA | 6 years ago
Cat Nail Quick Exposed, Urgent Issue?

My cats nail quick is exposed and her nail is not covering it. It is no longer bleeding. Do I need to take her in to see my vet in person immediately or will it heal itself?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. Glad the bleeding has stopped. You may want to check with the vet- keeping it clean until it is fully healed may be a challenge. Especially with the need for the litter box. You might be able to bandage it somehow to help keep it protected and clean. That would be my biggest concern- infection. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics to help. If your cat will let you clean it regularly, your vet might just suggest monitoring it.