My friend has a 1 yr old female German Shepherd, baby sister of my male GSD. She was diagnosed with EPI and has been getting PancreVed in her food, every meal.
She is not seeming to be getting better or gaining weight. She’s lost about 12 lbs. although she doesn’t act as if she’s sick at all!!
Do you have any recommendations for this or advice? And is it hereditary?
My boy in the left and his sister on the right.
Thank you,
I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she is stuffed up or has something in her airway causing her to breathing problems. I’ve spent $2000 on testing with no results and I can’t continue to go bankrupt to fix her. Is there anyone in the San Tan Valley area who will give her a cat scan for reasonable price and cure my cat. Thanks.
I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she is stuffed up or has something in her airway causing her to breathing problems. I’ve spent $2000 on testing with no results and I can’t continue to go bankrupt to fix her. Is there anyone in the San Tan Valley area who will give her a cat scan for reasonable price and cure my cat. Thanks.
A few of my co-workers and I have been taking care of some feral cats that hang around my office. Those co-workers have since moved on. So that leaves me with the expenses of food and such. I’m doing my best to keep up because I truly care for these cats. I would like to get some flea and tic medicine on them…. They do allow me to get near them and also pet them, just for a minute though! Anyone know where to find highly discounted meds for them?
Just noticed fleas on both of my cats.. what is the safest treatment to use?
My 8 year old Belgian Malinois had surgery to remove her salivary gland on June 11, 2019. It was quite an extensive surgery because her salivary gland had ruptured and there were a lot of stones present. I was giving her a bath yesterday feeling in the area where the surgery was and I can feel what I believe is her lymph node or something firm on the side of where the surgery was. Below are pictures of what I am seeing. Could this be lymphoma starting (I lost a dog to that in December) or is it from the surgery. I am so worried! No ER’s where I am at so waiting till tomorrow to take her back in but for now I would like to know ideas on this.
My cat disappeared outdoors for numerous days (he’s indoor, but LOVED it out at night) I always had the back door a bit loosely closed, so he could get back in. He was 12yo and could get in.
After days of worry and a small sighting of him, he came to me gaunt and meowing. He wasn’t a big meower— It was sad sounding as well.
After 1 1/2 days of exhibiting odd spots to just lay around the house, he deteriorated in hours. I found him with vomit at his mouth and what appeared to be urine at his backside. He had passed.
My husband was convinced that our new dog just bothered him enough to the point that he’d gone to our neighbors, outside. Or was being fed somewhere. I looked for him constantly and only once did he attempt to come up to me. After a few days, to see him in such weak and fragile state, I’m so horrified at what was going on; to which I have no answered questions and regrets.
*He weighed considerably less upon returning home
*He was a WELL fed cat (didn’t eat after returning)
*He recently (2mo prior) had blood work done and his shots. Not cancer/diabetes
*He deteriorated very quickly (when he couldn’t walk and use his back legs, he passed before anything could happen; ie; vet etc)
*He didn’t seem to to be able to eat? My last time trying to feed him, he’s s head repeatedly tapped the bowl. Uncontrollably and he couldn’t get food. This being before he went. -It was awful-. I left food by him and went to explain the severity to my husband.
Prior to disappearing, he seemed in perfect health at 12.
So overnight he couldn’t walk and within the hour of dying, function. He laid and went. Vomit at his mouth (some food by his head partially chewed)
And urine stain backside.
I’m devastated. Please help!
Good day- We are owners of a new 12-week-old rescue puppy names Bruno. He has been a great addition to the family and we are working thought having a new puppy in the house.
Reference to crate training at night, should we be waking up in the middle of the night to take him out (4-5 hours or so), or should he alert us that he needs to go out and then we wake up and take him out? We do walk him before going to sleep in his crate. Please advise your thoughts.
Hey, I had a 10 year old beagle who was suffering from ivdd in the neck and was paralyzed on all four legs. All of the vets I brought him too told me he needed surgery or he may never walk again. So I paid around $7500 for the ct scan and surgery. After the surgery my beagle couldn’t fully wake up and was having trouble breathing he was placed on oxygen. I left the hospital around midnight and received a call around 4am that my beagle was not breathing and they had to perform cpr, by the time I arrived at the hospital he passed away. Is this normal for this to happen after surgery? And what could have caused this? I feel like I should have just let him heal on his own after watching videos of other beagles with ivdd getting better with out surgery.
I just recently moved in with my S/O and their dog hates it. She gets jealous. She didnt pee in the floor before and now she does. She always has to be under the covers and worms her way in between us. She stares at me all the time and when i walk towards her she rolls on her back and shows me her stomach. If we leave her outside of the room she whines and claws at the door. When its just me home she doesnt get in the bed, but if hes home she’ll hop right up with us. Im at a whits end.
Cab you tell me how this was diagnosed and how it is being treated? And even if the standards of care were met if they aren’t getting better you need to go back to vet for another discussion on what’s next with the plan. I have been treating a 1.5 yo GS for months and although I also suspect EPI if he isn’t gwtting better we keep looking for the cause and the answers. We have tried multiple medications. Bloodwork and treatment plans. It is often not a simple quick easy answer. It is a long discussion and discovery process. Please go back to your vet or ask for a referral to a specialist.
Thank you very much for your response!
I agree with Krista. There is no sign of improvement. Talk to the vet about changing treatment or adjusting it. Ask about testing for other possible illness and more bloodwork. Ask about initial diagnosis. Also ask about timing for feeding and how many times per day should she be eating. I hope she starts to improve.????????
She was suggested pig pancreas and goats milk??