My 5 year old bob tailed cat has a new Pomeranian roommate that he didn’t quite hit it off with. We tried a very gradual introduction. He’s a big cat and she’s a tiny dog and we’re afraid he thinks she’s a squirrel. He got along with my old roommates’ dogs fine after a time, so I’m hopeful this could be the case.
She’s very energetic and he’s friendly and playful for the most part but gets reserved around her. Any advice?
Hi Dr. Mag,
My 12 week old puppy had vaccines DA2PPV & lepto 1 of 2; bordetella booster and strongid this evening at the clinic. He is now excessively urinating which is new behavior tonight. Is this normal or cause for concern?
Thank you,
I have a 6 month old, female border collie. We are having a hard time with food aggression, especially towards our two year old daughter. What can we do stop the food aggression?
Anonymous I would involve a professional, someone who understands the breed quite well. If you’re in the US, I would go to the nearest chapter of the breed club:
I would also search Google for “Border collie club $YourState.” They’ll be able to refer you to a GOOD trainer for the breed.
Feed your dog in the crate, to prevent stress at meals. If you don’t have a crate, now’s the time to get one. Step up your obedience training, too – remember, you have THE smartest breed on the planet, and your dog needs a job or she will become a neurotic mess. If you haven’t worked on anything beyond basic obedience, start. BCs need to herd, or they need a sport that fulfills their need to work.
My 8 yr old Cocker Spaniel was sick yesterday morning, pure white. Not a lot but twice. She was sick again this morning should I ring the vet?
Anonymous This might be useful for you:
Tracy Moore My cat used to have seizures, it was really scary. Come to find out, it was caused by feeding her people food. We stopped giving her people food type treats and she hasn’t had a seizure since.
I would hold her and talk to her while she siezed. She was always very disoriented when it was over and went exploring the house like she’d never been there. It turns my stomach in knots remembering those horrible times.
How do I get my dog to use the doggy door properly? He will go outside on his own but he seems afraid to come back in unless he gets permission! How do I teach him it’s okay to go in and out on his own?
my dogs has been poisoned, 3 weeks ago, 6 puppies died as well. 2 puppies survived and one of them started showing a lump on his back last night. they are 6 weeks old. the mother did scratch them – not sure if the scratching could have infected the little ones please help
My 28lb dachshund mix ate one children’s vitamin. I will post the ingredients. Should I take him to the ER?
Hello Christopher