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Pawbly | 7 years ago
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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My 5 Year Old Bob Tailed Cat Has A New Pomeranian Roommate That He Didn’t…

My 5 year old bob tailed cat has a new Pomeranian roommate that he didn’t quite hit it off with. We tried a very gradual introduction. He’s a big cat and she’s a tiny dog and we’re afraid he thinks she’s a squirrel. He got along with my old roommates’ dogs fine after a time, so I’m hopeful this could be the case.
She’s very energetic and he’s friendly and playful for the most part but gets reserved around her. Any advice?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Very gradual sometimes is waaay longer than we think it might be. Be patient. Provide lots of play and stinuli apart from each other and keep your cats nails trimmed and the dog supervised. I bet they will be ok soon. It doesn’t sound like outright aggression it sounds like tentative curiousity. What do you think?

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Jessica Terzigni | 7 years ago
Hi Dr. Mag, My 12 Week Old Puppy Had Vaccines DA2PPV & Lepto 1 Of…

Hi Dr. Mag,

My 12 week old puppy had vaccines DA2PPV & lepto 1 of 2; bordetella booster and strongid this evening at the clinic. He is now excessively urinating which is new behavior tonight. Is this normal or cause for concern?

Thank you,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Sorry. I was at the clinic until after 9. My advice is to always call the vet as soon as you can if you think that there has been an allergic reaction. Even if you aren’t sure you should check with them ASAP.
    As far as tonight’s episode Imis concened I would say that as long as he is otherwise normal I think you are ok to wait through the night until the clinic is open in the morning. If anything else changes like attitude, behavior, or anything out of the ordinary please head to the closest ER. Just to be safe. If you need me you can call.
    PS please notify us in the morning as to how he is doing.
    Merry Christmas to you all!

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A 6 Month Old, Female Border Collie. We Are Having A Hard…

I have a 6 month old, female border collie. We are having a hard time with food aggression, especially towards our two year old daughter. What can we do stop the food aggression?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would involve a professional, someone who understands the breed quite well. If you’re in the US, I would go to the nearest chapter of the breed club:

    I would also search Google for “Border collie club $YourState.” They’ll be able to refer you to a GOOD trainer for the breed.
    Feed your dog in the crate, to prevent stress at meals. If you don’t have a crate, now’s the time to get one. Step up your obedience training, too – remember, you have THE smartest breed on the planet, and your dog needs a job or she will become a neurotic mess. If you haven’t worked on anything beyond basic obedience, start. BCs need to herd, or they need a sport that fulfills their need to work.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with both dr. Magnifico and Laura. Please do not give up on your pup. Find a behaviorist/trainer that can help you in the right direction of what you need to be working on with your dog. Very best of luck to you.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but these questions are often difficult to answer as they have a complicated and multifaceted evolution. Please ask your vet to guide you to a trainer who can come to your home and help understand the situation your dog lives in and the relationship they share with your family. In some cases this requires reestablishing boundaries and going back to basic obedience. Regardless always use positive reinforcement and understand that your dog is adapting to your family and there is a responsibility that you all have to helping her learn to be respectful and safe with your family.

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Vivienne Barnes | 7 years ago
My 8 Yr Old Cocker Spaniel Was Sick Yesterday Morning, Pure White. Not A…

My 8 yr old Cocker Spaniel was sick yesterday morning, pure white. Not a lot but twice. She was sick again this morning should I ring the vet?

2 Responses


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Pawbly | 7 years ago
What Is A Seizure Like In A Cat?

What is a seizure like in a cat?

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Seizures in animals, like in humans, can present differently. If you suspect your cat had a seizure, please call your vet right away and explain exactly what happened and why you suspect a seizure and get an appointment. I hope your cat is ok!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree! Seizures can be hard, even for a vet, to distinguish. Please play it safe and see a vet. I will also add that I see a large number of cats who present looking like a seizure but are in fact a toxin exposure. Like a topical treatment, getting into drugs from their owners, exposure to drugs (from their owner), ingestion from grooming, etc. etc. Cats are very sensitive beings please see a vet immediately if anything is abnormal, or concerning.

  3. Tracy Moore

    My cat used to have seizures, it was really scary. Come to find out, it was caused by feeding her people food. We stopped giving her people food type treats and she hasn’t had a seizure since.
    I would hold her and talk to her while she siezed. She was always very disoriented when it was over and went exploring the house like she’d never been there. It turns my stomach in knots remembering those horrible times.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
How Do I Get My Dog To Use The Doggy Door Properly? He Will Go…

How do I get my dog to use the doggy door properly? He will go outside on his own but he seems afraid to come back in unless he gets permission! How do I teach him it’s okay to go in and out on his own?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Repitition! Repitition! Reward! And repeat. Over and over and over. And then one of these times he just sort of gets it. Use lots of rewarding and lots of looking a little foolish as you try to pass treats back and forth through the door. So that the door isn’t scary anymore and a treat always exists on the other side. And always (ALWAYS!!) be patient, kind and add more patience.
    Good luck

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Natanya Pierdica | 7 years ago
My Dogs Has Been Poisoned, 3 Weeks Ago, 6 Puppies Died As Well. 2…

my dogs has been poisoned, 3 weeks ago, 6 puppies died as well. 2 puppies survived and one of them started showing a lump on his back last night. they are 6 weeks old. the mother did scratch them – not sure if the scratching could have infected the little ones please help

1 Response


  1. Julie Brader

    Hi, I’m so so sorry! How dreadful that someone would do that. I assume you are certain they have been poisioned? They couldn’t have eaten a toxic plant or something? Whichever way your dogs have become you MUST take the ones that are still alive to a Vet URGENTLY. If you don’t you could well lose them all. They really should have gone to the Vet as soon as you saw symptoms and they died. Please please taken them all to a Vet NOW. I do hope they survive…but it is unlikely without professional treatment.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Why Is My Dog’s Poop Orange?

Why is my dog’s poop orange?

1 Response


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    Is your dog’s stool always orange? Have you you recently changed foods? Could your dog have eaten something he/she shouldn’t have? I often see dogs who eat colorful dog food have equally colorful stool. If this is something new and there is no other explanation then I would contact my vet. Best of luck getting to the bottom of this mystery!

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Jennifer Linhares | 7 years ago
My 28lb Dachshund Mix Ate One Children’s Vitamin. I Will Post The Ingredients. Should I…

My 28lb dachshund mix ate one children’s vitamin. I will post the ingredients. Should I take him to the ER?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry I didn’t see this earlier. I was at Pets With Santa,, your dog should be fine if it is just an OTC multi-vitamin. If there are any gi signs I am at the clinic all day tomorrow.

  2. Alana Wood

    It should be fine if it is only one. Just make sure he does not eat anymore.