I’d love to hear you opinion on the corporatizing ( making that word up) of veterinary clinics. Personally I’ve had mixed results with both small independent clinics and with one of the large corporate players.
Last Christmas our kitty snacked on our live Christmas tree. We found the needles in her stool. This also coincided with her being diagnosed with lymphoma. She is amazingly still with us, although life seems to be a series of ups and downs. As she has has digestive issues from lymphoma I certainly don’t want to cause any further irritation this holiday season. We are debating putting up an artificial vs real tree, however I wonder if ingesting the artificial matter (ie plastic) could be more iritating than organic matter. Thoughts?
If we had a room to simply close the tree in to we would, however we have an open floor plan….and if we didn’t have children we would skip the tree altogether!
Dr. Magnifico (and anyone else), a friend has a difficult situation he’s trying to rectify with his cat.
He has a male cat who was treated for a UTI very recently – 2 weeks ago, to be exact. In the past two days, the cat has taken to urinating on a specific spot on the carpet on the same floor as the litterboxes (they have 3 boxes for 2 cats). He is not actively AVOIDING the boxes, he’s just preferring the carpet for urine. He isn’t marking, either – he’s emptying his full bladder in this one particular spot. I’ve suggested cleaning the heck out of the spot with an industrial shampooer with Nature’s Miracle added to the mix, to get the urine out of the pad. What other suggestions can I give him? I have zero experience with a cat with a UTI, and I’m at a loss at the moment.
Anonymous Just to update, friend rented a Rug Doctor and thoroughly cleaned the spot. Once it’s dry, he’s going to do another round of cleaning on the spot.
Anonymous Sarah – Thanks! I suggested the box move. Even if it’s just plopping ONE box in that spot, it can’t hurt, right? I don’t think they’ve furnished the basement yet, so it’s a great idea. 🙂
Dr. M – THANK YOU! I’ll recommend another urinalysis. My gut feeling is it’s not quite gone, especially when this started a day or so ago, and he was seen by their vet 2 weeks ago. I’ll recommend another visit today. I’ll also dig through the blog. 🙂
Anonymous Update! He will cover the spot with plastic and put a litterbox on top of it, and he’s trying to get his cat in today to get a urine sample captured today or tomorrow. He also washed the spot again before returning the Rug Doctor this afternoon.
Thanks a ton, ladies! I’ll keep updating as things progress.
Julia Morrell are they declawed? some cats dont like the feel of the litter. have several types of litter boxes high, low, covered, open, etc. to encourage proper elimination
My dog tested Elisa test positive for Giardia with no cysts seen. She has no symptoms. Does she need to be treated and can she give it to us? Thanks.
I noticed my dog (Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mix born Feb 28, 2016 15lbs) licking his penis. So I examined it and I noticed that the hair on the tip of his penis is turning black and hardening at the base of the hair and the hairs falling out. I also noticed that he has a lump on the right side of the tip of his penis. I’m just very concerned because I just now examined him to find the lump but have notice the hair problem for about a week or 2. Please help!
Sorry to disturb but I need advice. Appears Jessy the latest rescue who is 1 years old is causing a pretty disturbing home environment. Here goes: daisy the 13 year old dog has been eating non-stop, Lucy the 9 year old has completely withdrawn very depressed, Stella a 9 year old dog bit the hell out of Jessy trying to get her to stop nipping at her. Tao my male 5 year old cat has started swatting my younger cat Mia. Sasha the youngest cat hasn’t been seen since last weekend hiding from all of us under my bed. I have dog and cat pheromones on all 3 floors. Jessy appears to be herding all the animals by nipping at their haunches. And non stop sniffing which is iratating all the animals. Any advice on how to calm the house?
Anonymous Get Daisy to the vet if she’s eating non-stop. Reestablish a routine for EVERYONE in the house. This may include feeding all the dogs in their crates for now.
I would also encourage getting a behaviorist in the home, to see exactly what’s going on. There may be an underlying behavioral issue that you aren’t seeing.
Is Jessy a herding breed? How long have you had her in the home? What sort of training have you done with her thus far?
Anonymous Okay, you need to set rules rather than discipline the dog(s). You’re punishing without showing what you expect, and that causes a LOT of issues. I strongly suggest getting into a class with Jessy.
I got my five-month-old male cat neutered two days ago, and everything looked fine until this morning when I noticed a small red swelling. I’m not sure if I should be concerned, or just keep an eye on it.
I’m an expat in a country with literally one licensed vet, and thus she’s very busy all the time and it’s hard to get into contact with her to ask questions. I’ve attached a photo; it’s not great, but it gives the idea.
Other than that, he seems to have mostly regained his appetite, and he’s back to being his affectionate self.
Elizabeth Buller Thank you for your response! I left a message for her several hours ago, so hopefully she will see it and respond. I’m keeping a close eye on him and other than the redness he seems fine and is acting normal.
Thank you for your time. 🙂 I’d rather be safe than sorry, so getting a second opinion helps (and hopefully I’ll get a third from my vet).
Did your dog ever pee on you? If so, how did it feel? Please be as detailed as possible.
I have a 10 year old daschundAbout 4 months back she had her tumor operated and was fine for about 3 months, but for the past 1 month she has been vomiting and feeling low.She even has a appetite loss and is feeling quite low.Her breathing has also increased a lot.When shown to the vet he injected her 3times and even asked us to give her enzymes for appetite loss. There’s still no positive sign.Please suggest me what should I do, as we love her a lot.
My 12 lb French Bulldog/Shitzu mix is displaying symptoms of garlic poisoning after ingesting garlic powder. It has been at least 10 hours and she is showing symptoms now. What can I do for her here at home?
I personally feel that whether your vet clinic large or small, it is imperative to have a good relationship with them. If you have a good, reciprocal relationship where you both have your pets best interest at heart, it is a win win for everyone, most importantly your pet, involved.
I agree with Sarah! It is very important to know who your pets provider is and who the owner of the clinic that they work for is. It is also vitally important to be prepared for the inevitable bumps in the road of your pets life. Knowing what options are available for expensive conditions is also a way to be prepared. Many clinics don’t provide surgeries and rely on referrals. Others don’t offer any payment options outside of credit cards. And even fewer invest back in their community for shelters, rescues, or unhomed animals. It all depends on your financial abilities and personal perspective. It takes asking questions for real problems that exist and being prepared for those that might lie ahead.
My personal opinion is that in general corporations are heavily focused on profits and less invested in the small aspects of what makes each community special. The individuals they serve. (And no I am NOT talking about the clients here). Most Corp practices do not help rescues, do not offer discounts to rescues and do not offer every single option to save every single patient. Do I think that this is an unattainable dream? No. I don’t. And lots of other people don’t either. I just don’t know if those other people are corporate entities. Let’s hope a few are.