I have a 13 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Can I feed him anything besides dog food or dog treats such as a small piece of meat or fruit or vegtable?
My 3 year old dog was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure after about a week of vomiting, lethargy, and not eating. After less than a day in the hospital her BUN came down from a 227 to a 200 and when I visited her in the hosptial I could tell her mood was night and day from when she was admitted to the hospital, much more energetic and happy, which I took as a very good sign of her health. So I guess my question is what can I expect? What are her realistic chances of recovering from this?
Looking for a pet sitter to come to my home while on vacation
I have 2 cats and 1 needs insulin twice daily
Can my dog get sick from eating a small/tiny piece of an eyeliner pencil?
I’ve had a kitten for almost 2 months and have adopted a friends older cat. My kitten tries to be friendly but the adult cat hisses and tries to attack. I have put them in separate rooms with the doors between them slightly open and each has their own food, water and litter box. Should they get along better over time? I feel sorry for the older cat because she seems stressed out and won’t leave her hiding spot, even though the kitten is being friendly.
My dog has had diarrhea and frequentcy for 3 days. He is otherwise his normal self. What can I do at home?
What would cause a cat to never clean himself. He looks awful & is getting matted clumps of hair. He will not let me brush or comb him. His fur is dull & sheds all year, i know this isn’t normal. Can anyone help me figure this out please..?
I have a Siberian Husky with this horrible scabbing on his nose.
He has been looked at before and the vet had no suggestion as to what it was and simply told me to use Vaseline or neosporane. Nothing worked. Do you have any advise or suggestions? Thank you, Mary
Question for Krista
Hi…wondered if you could give me some advice? As you know I’ve had Blue with Anal Sac Carcinoma and his mum Rio with Thrombocytopenia. My gut feeling is to keep all chemicals away from them both. I’ve been using a Homeopathic Essential Oil Flea spray and putting Rose Geranium on their collars as fleas and ticks hate the smell.
Not seen a flea all Summer till yesterday when a big one crawled off Blue and onto my arm. YUK! It was pretty slow, I caught it easily. It obviously didn’t like the spray on Blue’s coat otherwise it would have burrowed in not crawled off. No blood in it so hadn’t bitten him. However one flea and there’s probably more fleas. I wondered if you think Frontline Spot on would be safe to use on them both? It just sits in the hair follicles and doesn’t go into the bloodstream like some of them do. Thanks Krista hope all is well with you xxx
Hi Dr. M. Please check your facebook messages. Thanks! Terri
My preference is a very high quality breed and age specific dog food. Have you asked your vet their opinion? Or recommendation?