My dog has not had a bowel movement in 4 days . Is there a home remedy I can try ?
My 11 years old cat died yesterday after 12 hours in pain. She has been lethargic for about 1 month now, but I really thought that was a result of her aging. She was occasionally puking, mostly unprocessed food. Yesterday she started puking but just liquids, greenish and with some foam. She was really in pain and she started breathing with her mouth open and tongue out. We took her to the vet which told us that was probably a kidney failure and run some blood test on her. Then he sent us home with the cat telling us to come back the other day, he didn’t realize it was an emergency. We took her back home but the situation got worse. She puked more, the pain got worse she didn’t have any energy at all. So we rushed to the clinic again at 1 am. The vet did some x rays on her, and told us she had something near her stomach but he couldn’t tell what it was. It could have been anything from a tumor to a hairball. He thought it was best for her to stay overnight. She was in very bad conditions, he just injected some pain killers to her. She died three hours later. I feel so bad for letting her there. I just can’t believe she is gone like this. Another vet that saw the blood test and the x rays thinks it neither kidney failure nor tumor or hairball. I’m devastated. What could it possibly be that killed my cat?
My cat is having trouble urinating and I don’t think he has eaten for about a day. What should I do?
Bleeding Histiocytoma
Last August, I took my dog to the vet because she had a bump that kept coming and going. The vet cut into it and found it nothing to worry about. Now, the bump has persistently been there for about 3 months. It is hairless, hard, about the size of a quarter and hasn’t seemed to bother her. Yesterday, I noticed a small scab. Today, the scab covers the whole bump and she has been trying to itch it. Is this normal? How can I help her?
My Doberman Gabe, has has diaherrea for 6 days, possibly from his DA2PPV shot, same thing happened last year! I took him to the vet, stool sample normal. They gave him Provable Forte kit and Metronidazole, 5mg. He has been on chicken & rice but still has the symptoms. I was wondering if kapecto or pepto his old would be ok for him until I get him to the vet tomorrow?
Our German shepherd has suddenly developed what feels like a tiny scab on the tip of each of his ears. You can’t see it, but when I was loving on him earlier this morning I felt it. Upon further inspection I realized that it is like a little scab on each tip. It doesn’t seem to bother him. Both dogs have been outside a ton since the weather has finally been nice the past few days. I’m wondering if it could be allergies acting up?
My 18 and 1/2 year old lab mix just suddenly lost about 50-70% use of his hind legs few days ago. The vet recommended MRI which was financially not feasible nor did I think giving him anesthesia given his age was a good idea. He sent us home with prednisone and to call back with updates. I took him to a vet acupuncturist but she said that probably won’t be very helpful. I’m going back tomorrow to see if I can convince her to do acupuncture. Boston has otherwise been a super happy and healthy dog (sans nerve sheath tumor surgery 7 months ago from which he has made 100% recovery).
It’s been 5 days and since I wasn’t told about crate rest, I allowed him to wonder/wobble short distances around the house to go potty and to/from bedroom and living room and he has fallen few times when his back legs gave out. Given his age, I just don’t think surgery is an option. If he doesn’t get better in a couple of weeks, is euthanasia pretty much the only option? How much time should I give him? I just hate seeing him in pain but my husband is on deployment and I really want him to hang on until he comes back as it was my husband who rescued our dog 16 years ago. He is currently on prednisone and tramadol. Please advise. I just cannot make any drastic decisions on my own right now but I also want to do the right thing by our loyal and loving baby. Thank you.
Linda Squales The preliminary diagnosis was disc issue, moderately advanced. But without mri I guess they couldn’t say for sure. I don’t know why the holistic vet didn’t want to give him acupuncture but I’m going back tomorrow and going to demand one. We did do cold laser but not sure if that’s doing anything. Given his advanced age I just want to know what the “right” thing to do is by a dog who has been so loyal through so many of our lives’ difficult moments. The regular vet (and I agree) that surgery is not really an option for a lab his age. But not sure if I want to give up on him yet especially before my husband’s return. Thank you.
When I was grooming my cat I accidentally cut her skin. The wound doesn’t look deep and is not bleeding. Is it safe to use Neosporin ointment on her wound? The wound looks like a small tear.
Hi Pawbly, my older (13) cat Dora has been working her tail. Not sure how it started. What should I do to help her out here?
i have a 1 year old wolf-dog i dont kown how to train it
i need help
Anonymous IF this is a true wolf-dog, I strongly suggest returning it where you got it. Wolf dogs are NOT like normal dogs, and need special management…and most likely, a license to keep.
Inside Sunrise True wolf dogs are not for the faint hearted, and need particular training. If you’re not specified with this please don’t put the work onto yourself, and find the dog another home.
Lea Behncke I understand the allure of having a wolf-dog. They are gorgeous and fascinating animals. However, most wolf or wolf-hybrid caretakers do not recommend keeping them as pets. Despite being from the canine family, they have very different dispositions and most are still very wild and extremely wary of humans. They can also be very unpredictable. I would call the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary in Divide, Colorado. Their staff is extremely knowledgeable, and if you have your heart set on keeping it they may be able to provide some training tips for you. They also rescue wolves and wolf-hybrid, so if you decide training isn’t feasible they would be able to offer you some resources to find a safe new home for them. If you do decide not to keep it, please do not let it loose or take it to a shelter. Most animal controls and shelters will euthanize them, and there are so few wolves left in the United States. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck!
I would let my vet know and see what they recommend. I know that one time one of our dogs was on a medication that bound him up and it was recommended that we feed him pumpkin. I don’t know if this particular situation warrants that or not, but your vet would probably be able to discuss this with you. Good luck!
I would be very afraid that the lack of output is related to a lack of input. That’s what I most commonly see. A dog who is not eating well or at all. The only thing I can safely recommend is to see your vet for an exam so they can assess whether this is an obstruction, constipation, anorexia, etc. until you know why your dog isn’t defecating I would not try anything at home. Please see your vet as quickly as possible. Either tonight or by morning. Good luck
I agree to Krista. Bring your dog to a vet. While there are home remedies you should look for the cause first.
– If your dog ha snot eaten (enough), there can be no output – what are the reasons why he doesn’t eat?
– The dog has eaten enough, the cause could be slow bowel movements or even a blockage. Forcing something through that blockage could kill your dog.