My dog has sore, smelly ears, they are very dirty inside (black) and itchy and they really bug him.
We took him to a vet and after spending over $600 they are still the same. The vet wasn’t even really sure what she could do for him and didn’t know what it was.
She put him on medications and told us to clean his ears regularly and gave us stuff for that. But the medications made him start acting weird and we were concerned about that. So I was looking for any ideas on how to help my boy, I’d say his ears are as bad as they’ve ever been and that is still with regular cleaning, any thing I can try to do for him, I am willing. Unfortunately we can’t really afford too much more of a vet bill so if theres anything I can do for him at home or without a vet would be better.. I was trying to do some research online but came across this site.. any ideas would be greatly appreciated??
my dog ( 1 1/2 year old small mix terrier) is a sweet guy when it comes to humans and dogs he is familiar with. sadly, he has picked up aggressive behaviors from my brothers large dogs. He will growl at people he is not familiar with on the street and when they enter the home. he will growl at outside noises and also at other unfamiliar dogs. he doesn’t bite people he just growls and when they try to pet him he runs away and gets shy. minutes will pass and he will warm up to people. he does fine at the dog park, when a dog approaches he smells the dog and runs away( which makes sense, he is a small dog) i’m more concerned when we go on walks. i’m looking for advice and tips i can do to help me and my dog work on his excessive growling. i would love to be able to go on a walk with him and be able to pass people without him growling and he can just keep walking.
Hi, I just noticed yesterday my pet rabbit has two tiny patches of missing fur on the front legs, at the same spot on each leg. However, his behaviour seems completely normal (eating, running, playing,pooping as normal), so wondering what could cause this. Thanks
Dog stuck in mud?
Is it possible for a dog to get stuck in the mud and if so, what kind of mud would be most likely to get them stuck and how would they attempt to free themselves?
My dog hasn’t ate all day. She is lethargic, whimpering, tremors. All she wants to do is lay down. What can possibly be wrong with her?
My dog just bit our neighbor out of nowhere?!? We recently (2 weeks ago today) brought home a 2 year old great dane/lab/retriever mix. We’ve been doing out “trial” run as we call it to see if he’s our perfect fit. Well so far it’s been amazing. We keep saying he’s a turn key dog, perfect. Until today. Our neighbor, whom he’s never met, walked over to us and the dog, who was on the chain lunged and bit her. Out of nowhere. She had and ready let him sniff, do his thing, pet him, he was andlreadyll good, then BAM! Luckily he didn’t puncture the skin and she was understanding when we apologized multiple times, but my husband is irritate. He has zero tolerance for this. He wants him gone. I’m wondering if maybe it was just andlreadyll glitch persay? I random act of over excitement? Does anyone have any ideas? He’s never done it to anyone we’ve had over or taken him to see. I understand my husbands concern as there are people that walk around here, kids, smaller animals, and he doesn’t want them hurt seeing as how this happened with him on a leash. Any ideas?
I have a 14 year old cat who is a seasonal vomiter. She rarely has an issue October – April, but the vomiting becomes frequent May – September. I held off on her topical flea treatment this year thinking that may be the cause but the vomiting started in May as usual. She vomits food, grass, and fur; there can be as many as 9 events per month. This is the 3rd year in a row this has happened. What could be the cause?
We use an invisable fence as my dog is a jumper. She hurt her foot leaving the house yesterday and is now terrified to leave the house. We think she associated the pain with the fence even though she was no where near the fence
Any suggestions?
Curious if it is known what amount (percentage) of digested blood needed for stool to clearly look black and tarry.
Large lumps under bottom 4 nipples. Female 1 y.o only had 1 cycle. They have only just become lumpy , we first though hormonal changes or her second cycle but they haven’t gone down after 2 weeks. No discharge, no pain on palpating and my dog is completely normal, eating and drinking well. Going to go to the vet but can’t sleep because I have read some nasty stuff. What do you think?
I’m so sorry to hear that your dog is struggling and the vet hasn’t been able to provide relief. Here is the dilemma. Until you understand why they are so bad it is very diffilcult to resolve them. In some dogs it is anatomy, breed, allergies, disease, and/or infection, etc. at my clinic if I can’t resolve the issue within 2-3 trips I refer to a dermatologist. They are your best bet at identifying and treating the underlying cause so that the bad ears don’t return. I wish I could offer a silver bullet and magic answer. I wish you the best.