Oh my gosh! How dangerous is febreeze for pets?
My Golden Retriever puppy of 87 days does not eat his food but if it is mixed with his treats he eats it why? And how to make him eats his food.
Why would my dog be throwing up yellow liquid and not eating regularly?
My 6 year old cat named Jake has a small growth on his neck I am attaching a picture of it and hoping you could tell me what you think it is
my 7 yr old cocker spaniel is a beautiful little dog in all ways. However when anyone is leaving the house after visiting she goes absolutely mad and I have to put her out. Also when my daughter comes to pick up her little boy she goes totally mental. When I leave for work she is grand. How do I calm her down?????
Anonymous Don’t make a big deal out of leaving and returning. I hope you don’t mean you’re putting her in the yard when you leave? I would crate her in the house, say “bye” quietly, and just leave. 5 minutes later come back, don’t say a word, let her out of her crate once she’s calmed down. reward the appropriate behavior, ignore her until she’s calm.
brett is 4 years old and has a fever throwing up and pain in his right upper side of back. Its tender to the touch when I try to move him he crawls away me. he is throwing clear liquid only my hubby said he has ben doing this all day long
My 6 yr old beagle ate chocolate a day ago, which we just figured out, and starting having seizures and posturing. He is also very lethargic. Can I still give him activated charcoal to absorb whatever toxins are still in his system and how much? Any help is appreciated.
Jay Alex I’m not a vet, but once a dog has started having seizures, you should skip giving him activated charcoal and take him to the vet. If he ate it that long ago, he’s already absorbed most of the toxins. Activated charcoal is only effective before he’s absorbed toxins, not after. It may be a costly visit, but seizures are never a good sign.
Fancy Mouse and Tetracycline Antibiotics?
So I had a ca. 9 month old fancy mouse who started with an irriteted eye around 2 weeks ago. She was otherwise fine and healthy and had a weight of 32gram. She got eye drops twice a day for 10 days, but that didn’t help much.
So last Thursday (two days ago) I visited the vet again and she got tetracycline s.c. and I got some of it home, to inject it to her every two days additional to her eye drops.
So when I wanted to give it to her today, I found her outside of her hiding places cold and apathic. She rarely made trembling, seemingly non controlled movements with her head and paws, but couldn’t walk or rob. She didn’t really react when I took her in my hands. I rushed to the vet where she got fluids and vitamins (B12). Her weight was still fine and she was only a little dehydrated. I kept her warm and should keep her hydrated and try to feed her. She still died around 2 hours later, but she was her hiding spot, together with the other mice she lived with.
Is it possible that it was an reaction to the Tetracycline, that she maybe couldn’t metabolize it or something? It just came so suddenly without warning. Thanks for reading.
Hi, and thank you for free advice. My vet isn’t available. Our 16 yr. old female cat was just diagnosed with kidney/renal issues. Changed her food and she appears to be improving. Teeth cleaning needed, never been done and breath is bad, but her condition too compromised to be put under/stress so maybe BRUSHING would help? OR Dental Fresh Original Water: Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide.0.1%, Stabilized with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda). What if any action is best? blood results attached.
Anne McLaughlin Yes, blood work only, attached on first question but here it is. ALB 3.0 ALP 122 ALT 224 AMY 1136 TBL 0.2 BUN 46 CA 9.2 PHOS 15.1 CRE 1.9 GLU 90 NA+ 147 K+ 4.2 TP 8.3 GLOB 5.4. Vet said blood sugar and heart rate good. Now eating renal/kidney specific food as per vet. She loves it. Since then, not drinking so much water and so much urine as before, but still drinking, eating. Phosphate binder? no. My vet had shoulder surgery, not available presently. Will find out. Also giving a pinch of collagen powder. My hope is that she is comfortable. My prayer is for healing, I believe as a Christian. I know we are all on our way from mortality to eternity. So I stand in hope for the best situation to reign. Her teeth apparently are in need of attention and I’m concerned they are further challenging her little body but vet shrugged it off like she’s on her way out anyway, why put her through further stress. This is why I thought maybe I would try working with her so that she might at least at some point allow a quick brush. Is this safe for her or would I be releasing more poison by brushing? How about water additives? attached is blood work printout and pic of Gracie. Thanks so much for all you do Krista.
Kitten is uncoordinated and wobbly on rear
That’s what I would have done too!
Thanks. Feeling a bit better now. Dierks rolled in “something” and the kids were trying to be helpful. I found my two younger ones with the febreeze bottle and freaked. They sprayed him twice before I got to them. I’ve wiped him off and wet toweled him. I’m afraid to give him a full on bath because I just front-lined him today. Thank you!
There was an internet rumor going around a few years ago about this product being dangerous around pets. I did some research and all of the toxicologists I heard from say it is safe for use around pets… BUT, I have to be totally honest and admit that I don’t use any sprays, powders, or chemicals in or around my home (except for bleach to clean very soiled areas using very dilute 1:30 with hot water). I just don’t think the “nice smell” is worth the allergens, inhalation, or product on the face/fur/skin,,, it does after all get ingested no matter where you put it..
XOXOXO Sarah!!