My 7 yr old #@!#er spaniel is a pet UNTIL visitors call or leave. Then she gets so hyper, Barks its impossible to calm her. Then I get agitated also. I was thinking of buying a whistle, might this help to ground her. I tried a Kong filled with treats which worked initially but no.
My 10-yr old Tonkinese cat has a seroma on his throat from fighting with his brother (littermate), who bit him in the neck. This happened over a year ago. The vet did full test panel (no cancer), etc and drained it. It refilled within a week. I took him back to drain again, it refilled again. I did NOT want to repeat this cycle for fear of infection (not to mention cost). The seroma is still on his throat and I know bothers him, but does not affect his appetite. All the vet suggests is draining it again. He does eat more slowly than he used to, and doesn’t purr quite as much as he used to. I was hoping it would have shrunk by now, but it hasn’t. Any advice? I am extremely interested in holistic, alternative ideas, if possible. Thank you!
French bulldog keeps shivering and breathing small fast breaths!!!
Maria Simonova He is 8 months old. This morning he has vomitted everywhere twice, then later on was very drowsy on his walk. After about 4pm he ate a bowl of food and starting shivering/shaking and breathing small fast breaths. He then stopped shaking a little but has still continuous small faster breaths than usual. What could be the reason this has happened?
Hello all,
My German shepherd is getting older and has a lot of trouble jumping into the back of the car now. Friends of ours have been lovely enough to loan us a ramp for him. While I have been able to train this dog to do tons of things, I am having a hard time teaching him to use the ramp, and I can’t figure a way to make this work. So far I have used treat rewards for each time he puts his front paws onto the ramp, I have had our other dog Dierks go up and down it to show him, I myself have also gone up and down the ramp to show Butch. I have also tried lining the treats up the ramp in an effort to get him to follow his nose. Lastly, I have laid thenramp flat on the ground and tried to get him to walk on it… all of this to no avail. We have been working at it for about a week now. I never go more than 10 minutes at a time and I always end our little ramp session with something I know he can already do so that it ends on a happy note. Any and all suggestions on how to help him understand the concept of the ramp would be greatly appreciated!!?
Yorker poo, 2.5lbs. She is whining/crying as tho she’s in pain when she gets up to adjust herself as she sleeps, she spent most of the day outside with the family, laying out by the pool. She had plenty of shade, water and food. She is eating drinking and going to the bathroom normally, the whining did not occur until later in the night after dinner. No one has any idea what could be causing her pain. Any ideas?
I have a 3 1/2 year old Coonhound that I just can’t seem to completely housebreak. He knows that if he goes outside he gets praised and a treat. As long as we are home, as a general rule (he has a few times), he won’t go in the house. However, if we leave, he always craps and pees in our basement. We had him go stay with a trainer and he was really good there. He was great the first week we had him home, now he’s back at it. I’ve cleaned the area he goes in with an enzyme cleaner, ammonia, vinegar, and even put cayenne pepper down as I read it was supposed to keep him from going there. I’m not sure if it’s just really bad separation anxiety or what the deal is. I try keeping him distracted with something when I leave but that doesn’t seem to be working any more. Now, he even has my other dog, a 3 1/2 year old Chorkie, reverting and she’s been going in the house even though she has been housebroke for years. I really hate to have to take him back to the shelter because of this, but it has been 3 months and I can’t seem to break him. ANY SUGGESTIONS OR HELP AT ALL?!? (We have to be able to leave him alone for 8 hours because sometimes our work schedules over lap) Also kenneling is not an option with him as he severely hurts himself and even the vet and trainer said he will never be able to be kenneled.
Anonymous I would find another trainer and block access to the basement.
Melissa Rumph I have been through 3 trainers already. He does really well for them, is good for the 1st week, then back to the same issue. I have no way of blocking the basement off as the last time I tried that, he tore down the door which led to him tearing down half the wall so we had to tear it out. Right now he is only left by himself for maybe 1 hour, however, I would like to be able to leave him for 8 and have no problems, which should be doable. The vet said everything was fine with him and he’s healthy. I just don’t know why he always does this. It’s within the first 10 minutes of him noticing no one is around.
Melissa Rumph Okay. Do you have any tips or suggestions on how yo work on the anxiety?
Help me determine my kitten’s gender?
I adopted Joey 4 months ago and the vet determined that he’s a boy. We never really brought up his gender afterwards during his vaccination.
He is around 6 months old now and I don’t really see his ‘scotum’ growing. Compared to the kitten nearby where I live (which is around 2 months old), his ‘male parts’ look less prominent.
I don’t have the time to visit the vet this week, so can someone help me determine his/her gender? I’m a little confused.
Hello, my border collie has some weird coloured skin on his nose, which has appeared recently. Please can someone help or know what this is…
Why does my dog lick me after a shower or swim in the pool
My dog, a schnoodle 7yrs is lethargic, seems to have pain in his hind quarters (like arthritis type pain) and is sensitive around the anal area and slightly runny stool. Any thoughts or advice please.
These things don’t have a quick solution and need to be worked on gradually. Find out about clicker training. And then you need to work on changing the way she feels about things step by step. Probably starting from the knock on the door/doorbell ring … get your friends work with you on these sessions. Only when you change she feels about things you’ll change the behavior successfully to everybody’s happiness. Look up Donna Hill’s YouTube channel, she has some very good instructional videos. Other things to do is to give her a safe place she can retrieve to as well as curb the amount of visitors in the meantime.
Thank you Jana. I would say she has become worse since my last little grandchild was born come to think of it. She was always uses to the others coming in and out but not as young babies. She is very gentle with the children and when she has had enough retreats to her own corner. Do you think the little stranger who made strange noises may have something to do with this.
Something like that certainly can be playing a role. Kids are quite stressful for most dogs unless they get used to them. I know Jasmine, who loved kids, would get upset if a kid started screaming or shrieking, for example. It’s easy to get stressed over things one doesn’t understand.
There could be other things at play, such as more attention taken away from her etc. I always wondered what I’d do to get my dog be okay with baby crying and screaming if I had to. I always wondered whether a recording of such could be used in the same manner as desensitization soundtracks to deal with noise phobias. I never had to test it but logically it would make sense to me. Having a recording of all the noises little kids make, and expose the dog to them gradually (first low volume and short duration) and using a similar game as the Look at That (Donna has videos on that), where the sound would become a predictor of something great such as a treat or play or whatever the dog really loves. And gradually increase the volume and duration etc. I’m sure somebody more focused on training (my focus is health advocacy) might have some proven technique which you might be able to find.
The bottom line with these things, though, always is this formula: “Change the feeling, change the behavior.”