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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hi My Cat Has Just Been Prescribed Metacam; Can You Please Advise For How Long…

Hi my cat has just been prescribed Metacam; can you please advise for how long he should take it before I take another urine sample back to the vets? He has a little blood in his urine and the vet has put him on this medication. Thanks.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    No one but your vet can answer this appropriately. Too many variables like disease, diagnostics (or lack there of), and your cats physical health influence this answer.
    Please call your vet and ask for clarification on the duration and use of the medication they prescribed. It is part of the exam and office fee you paid for and they are the best source for your cats ideal care. Also ask about diet, exercise and supplements to help avoid future episodes.

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Sandy | 8 years ago
I Just Figured Out Which Of My Cats Was Having Soft Extremely Fowl Smelling Poop…

I just figured out which of my cats was having soft extremely fowl smelling poop. I put some of it into a collecting container
and plan to drop it off tomorrow before noon. If he goes again,
I will get the fresher sample but will the other one work? If so,
should I keep it in the refrigerator. In a bottle and a bag of course.

Sandy Brown

Cat is Dexter who goes to Jarrettsville Veterinary Hospital

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The freshest sample you can get is always the best. Please keep it refrigerated until you can get it to the vet

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Really Want To Help Prevent Animal Abuse And Crulety. I Want To Donate A…

I really want to help prevent animal abuse and crulety. I want to donate a lot of money to a few different animal abuse places does anyone know of where I can donate the money?
Also is going as a vegetarian a good idea? I love animals want I don’t want to have them on my plate
Thank you

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are so many wonderful organizations. I always advise staying local as it allows you to see your assistance at a four pawed and wet nosed level. It also allows oversight and peace of mind.
    I am vegetarian/vegan and I honestly believe it is the most important thing I do for animals every single day.
    best wishes

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Two Rabbits Get Really Jealous When I Pet The Other One. What Can I Do…

My two rabbits get really jealous when i pet the other one.
What can i do to prevent that

1 Response


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Female Netherlands Dwarf Bunny Is Kinda Aggressive Towards Me When I Hold Her…

My Female Netherlands Dwarf bunny is kinda aggressive towards me when i hold her or pet her . She is spayed and she is like a year and a few months old. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions as to why she acts like this or how i can help her?
Thank you so much

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would need a lot more background information about the rabbits and your home to start helping. I would start by making sure everyone is healthy by talking to your vet. We always need to make sure everyone is healthy and normal before we assume this is only a behavioral issue. Start with physical barriers to keep them seperated to keep them from getting upset when they see one another. Then you can start training by using some of their favorite treats to reward the rabbit who is behaving as you want them to. We always ignore bad behavior and reward good. Ignoring the other rabbit (aggressor) is a good start. If you can get them to the point where they arent aggressive you can start inching them closer to each other. A harness is also a good way to help keep a safe distance and encourage exercise and activity.
    Ensure plenty of resources like toys, food, and anything they love, so they don’t feel the need to share.Keep their hutches clean, away from each other and only use them as a positive reward. Never as a punishment.
    i hope this helps

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog Does Not Move His Back Legs Normally, This Afternoon He Ran And Jumped…

My dog does not move his back legs normally, this afternoon he ran and jumped as always , but in the night I want to take him for his walk and I’m notice that his left leg looked strange as numb and walk a bit odd , when I went to check his leg I’m notice that he had the tendons were tight and caused him discomfort when pressing them strong, when the stretch and moved it looked completely normal when he got up again, note that his right leg was like walking a little wobbly too, he is not dragging his legs , He stood on four legs but the back looked shaky as if weakness and alternated his weight from one leg to the other .He seemed to tire, He walk and jump into bed and lay back, he don’t have fever or breathing difficulties, and so far it has made their physiological needs normally. I am very worried, it’s late at night and do not know what I can do and I cannot go to the vet at least not now!? I do

3 Responses


  1. yuly ruiz

    thank so much for the ansewr¡¡ this mornig he was so much better except for a slight limp in his left leg. The veterinary came to look him and said maybe was something whit his hip she said the was rare to happen with small dog and so young but not impossible,she gave him an injection for the pain and massaging and did not find anything unusual.she told us to give him some pills for pain during the course of the week and to give him massages whit one cream to relax the muscles. he look good, he can do his physiologica needs whit normally and he don’t lost his appetite so is pretty good¡¡the next week will take an X-ray just to be sure that there is nothing abnormal

  2. Julie Brader

    Hi I’m so sorry your dog has injured himself. If you cannot get him to an emergency Vet could you possibly cage rest him? He could have seriously damaged something and the less he uses his back legs the better. If he needs to go outside to the toilet you could also support him under his tummy with a large towel to keep the weight off his legs until you can take him to the Vet for a diagnosis. Please do try and take him to an emergency Vet if you possibly can though. I do hope he will be OK and you too…they are such a worry aren’t you they. Good luck!

  3. Sarah

    Hopefully you got him in to see a vet. It may just be a strain or pulled muscle, but I would have a vet diagnose that. Best of luck.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
What Does It Mean If My Cat Excessively Licks Herself?

What does it mean if my cat excessively licks herself?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It can mean allergies, infection or most commonly fleas. I suggest using a flea comb to look really well (even if you don’t think it’s that) I have a great YouTube video on it, search Dr. Magnifico and fleas. Please talk to your vet about this first so you can rule out a medical based issue. Please keep us posted!

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
If On Homemade Diet How Much Calcium For 17lb Dog. Are Human Supp Okay? …

If on homemade diet how much calcium for 17lb dog. Are human supp okay? If mix comm food and homemade still same req? Was on homemade for 11 mnths wthout supplements will this be bad for her? Home diet green beans ground beef pumpkin and cabbage.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are veterinary nutritionists who can help you formulate a diet that is balanced and safe. Without knowing a whole lot more about your dog and your available food resources I am always petrified to recommend a homemade diet. I have seen far too many well intentioned pet parents miss giving key nutritional dietary components to advise homemade diets. Please contact a licensed veterinary nutritionist for specific dietary guidance to insure you are providing all of your dogs dietary needs.
    I hope this helps. And I wish you the best of luck

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Found This Cat A Few Hours Ago In My Garden.(i Named Him Simba). Hes…

I found this cat a few hours ago in my garden.(i named him Simba). Hes actually a kitten, very small, cute and adorable.
Ive put him in a box and gave him some milk. He drank about 150ml of milk. Now he just doesnt move and look very sad. Ive cover him with a napkin in case hes cold. I just feel like hes bored and depressed. What am i doing wrong? Should i feed him something else? Does he need another cat because hes lonely?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    You should call a veterinarian and bring the kitten in to have it checked right away. Depending on how old the vet estimates it is, will let you know what and how to feed it properly, it will allow you and the vet to know what condition the kitten is in and line you up for proper/necessary immunizations. Best of luck!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Kittens should be active eating and playful (age dependent). If they are not it should be considered an emergency and you should seek immediate veterinary assistance. Kittens are very fragile. Do not hesitate or wait I hope he is ok.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
On Friday, My Husband Stepped On Our Male Cat’s Paw And He Let Out A…

On Friday, my husband stepped on our male cat’s paw and he let out a yelp. Our female cat, violently attacked him and we were only able to stop the fight by locking her out of the room. Saturday, the male cat snuck his way into the room she was being held in and she violently attacked again. Today we have been switching them in and out of rooms to keep them apart. She has been sniffing where he has been excessively as if she has never smelled him before. They have been playing ok under the door, but when we cracked it slightly, the minute she saw him she hissed again and lunged trying to get him. They have lived together for over 3 years and this has never happened. What should we do?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    This is certainly bizarre behavior. I’d keep them separated for now. Get your male to the vet to get his foot checked, too, in case he’s injured and she’s sensing that.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Laura. I would be concerned that the male is injured and the female attacked because he smelled, or looked, or even acted differently. Cats (dogs too) will often attack another household pet when they act (smell/look) differently (the classic example is the pet having a seizure that the others then attack). In an effort to protect the male you should separate them. But I would have both cats looked at by your vet.
    I would also ask about trying Feliway, and even something to help her anxiety like an SSRI (prozac). Please dont wait. best wishes.
    please let us know how things go