how can you keep male dogs from peeing on furniture. the dogs have been fixed
Hello, I have a newborn kitten. Its an orphan, and honestly seems to be about 5 days old. I have questions regarding its stool, yesterday the stool was more formed but today its diarrhea I am worried.. its like a yellowish brown diarrhea that seems to be a bit slimy if that makes sense. I have been feeding it KMR.
I have sent a deposit for a akc reg. boxer pup, its 4 weeks old.
the lady sent a pic of it and its underweight only 5 lbs and loss of hair.
Will my puppy be normal weight at adult age ? Will the hair come back?
Anonymous Braise, please read the responses in your first post. Duplicates are not necessary.
Braise Patterson Laura , I deleted my first post it made no sense so I deleted it then wrote another one. I don’t see any responses just yours . q
Braise Patterson No only yours
Anonymous Still visible. The answers provided follow:
Laura M., dog and cat owner, former reptile rescue owner answered …
I would contact your local chapter of the Boxer Club of America and ask them about this breeder. Here is the link to the chapter clubs: Magnifico, DVM, Founder of Pawbly answered …
I don’t know enough about the breeder or the parents to tell you what they are worth. Do you have references on this breeder? Do you know anything about them? -
Braise Patterson No I don’t a Vet office told me to go to and there should be a Boxer breeder there . The puppies are AKC . What happen the boxer mom all of a sudden stop letting the puppies nurse so the lady has been trying to fed them. She said the momma is starting to let them nurse now . She said the weight loss and hair loss was due to the mom not letting them nurse that the puppies are gaining weight. I know lots of breeders ask for more but paying $ 500.00 I should be getting a healthy pup. I’m wondering if this may effect his growth , all other breeders pups are around 9 lbs, mine is 5 lbs. and will the hair grown back like normal. Thank you for the replies , I will contact local chapter.
Anonymous At $500, you’ve not gone to a breeder I’d recommend. Consider this a lesson – avoid crappy breeders. If you only want to spend $500, go through a rescue. The risk of supporting a breeder who will sell you a sickly puppy is too great right now…and when that puppy ends up very ill, that breeder will be nowhere to be found.
As someone who lost a puppy early, trust me when I say this…you WANT that breeder support if you’re going to go through a breeder.
Ask for your deposit back. Ask the nearest chapter about reputable rescues that might have puppies, and get on their waiting list(s).
Braise Patterson Thank you , Then they should not have a page ,. My parents used to breed full blood collies from champion bloodlines when they first married . Just because they didn’t attach a $ 2500.00 price tag didn’t make the Purebred Collie puppies worthless . Today it’s all about money . I also have been told NOT to go to a high priced breeder because it is all about the money and they will breed the same female as many times in the year to get more puppies on the market . Its like youre saying go to the ghetto’s and get puppies no one wanted ,I’m sure some puppies taken to rescue were puppies from these so called great breeders that thought the puppies didnt meet the breeder’s standards or their purebred female got knocked up by a mutt ( Most likely when this happens they put the female down or in rescue . I have seen Breeders that sold puppies for $ 400.00 or $ 500.00 that came from Champion bloodlines. I myself have seen top notch Dalmatian breeder put the puppies down because one ear was black the other puppies had pink noses some had part black nose part pink, Thanks so much for supporting these over priced breeders that some over breed their dogs. ( notice I said some ) I guess thats why you are labeled ” Dog and cat owner, former rescue owner ” . not a licensed vet or professional . I came here mostly concerned about the puppies health and growth process and thought the vet could answer my concerns. I love what you said ” At $500, you’ve not gone to a breeder I’d recommend ” . and ” As someone who lost a puppy early, trust me when I say this…you WANT that breeder support if you’re going to go through a breeder.” . because for a fact the non refundable $ 300.00 to $ 600.00 deposit WILL not be returned if the puppies were sickly . I will not be coming back to this site and will be sure to tell others not to try get a question answered here. merely a poorly ran blog .
Anonymous Braise, I work closely with breeders who health test and title their dogs. They don’t overbreed, they don’t breed sickly dogs (like it sounds like you’ve found). They work heavily in rescue. They produce *maybe* one litter every other year, don’t breed any bitch more than three times, and place puppies very carefully. They stand behind their puppies for the life of those dogs, and will take them back at any point if the owners cannot keep them for any reason.
The sort of breeder you’ve found is what we’d call a “greeder” or a “backyard breeder” – they breed for easy money and neglect genetic health testing. You’re walking into a ticking time bomb of health and temperament.
I’m done here. If you want vet advice, call YOUR vet. We are a community-driven website giving out free advice…and few of us are vets.
Braise Patterson Sure they all came from God go ahead and support only over priced breeders . good bye thanks just because you couldnt answer the question doesnt mean I went to a bad breeder . good luck giving advice
Anonymous God has nothing to do with breeders.
I support breeders whose puppies don’t end up in rescue. I would never in good conscience encourage anyone else to do so. Insulting me for refusing to bend on that does not reflect highly on you, sir.
Braise Patterson backyard greeder thanks my parents raised purebreds they didnt even want to change for the puppies but ask very little for the vet bill etc: $ 1200.00 to $ 2300.00 doesnt make the puppies any better . no matter how many ways you want to say it the price tag doesnt make the puppies any better than another purebred puppy.
Braise Patterson but youre not a vet and the vet couldnt answer so thanks for showing your support for over changing for puppies.
Anonymous It tells me quite a bit about how much they invested in the litter.
Boxer genetic health testing is expensive…and is a very basic part of the prebreeding process.
This is completely ignoring the conformational mess most subpar breeders tend to produce. This is JUST health. What of those tests have your breeder done on their dogs? They should be able to produce documentation.
I have never – NEVER – met a breeder charging such a small amount for puppies that actually did the required health testing on breeding animals. Have you considered why this might be?
PK Dennis Any person in the world can buy a domain address and put up a website. NO ONE you find online selling puppies is a place to spend your money!!! Good breeders have WAITING LISTS for their puppies from folks being referred to them by word-of-mouth from dog clubs, dog shows, people that already own their puppies, friends, neighbors, etc. Don’t expect to get a healthy, well bred puppy from someone advertising on line. And a good, well bred, puppy in this day and age is going to cost well over $1000.00! i say – try and get your money back and then work with rescue to get a healthy puppy of the breed you desire. It may take you up to 6 months, but you will have a puppy that has been health checked and you will know that you saved its life by giving it a home. Don’t encourage this person that is not taking care of the health of their dog and puppies by spending your money there (but it is probably too late to get your money back – anyone so greedy as to take your money sight-unseen is too greedy to give you your money back).
Braise Patterson Not always , there are tons of people who breed purebred puppies that have the puppies vet checked the entire time plus gives the buyer the puppies records since birth , some will give a heath guarantee , and people are on waiting list as well . Sure there are bad breeder’s everywhere . Some people do not believe in over changing some care about animals and making things a little easier for people who can’t afford 1200.00 for a pet . Seriously what will you feel like if you pay $ 1200.00 to $ 2300.00 two months down the road it just dies . Even high priced breeders don’t know if a puppy will drop dead . Just like Izzy that came from a high priced breeder was walking around the pond she walked around everyday dropped dead instantly from Cardiomyopathy. She had a clean bill of health every time she went to the vet. You are taking a chance when you buy a animal
Anonymous PK, you’re wasting your time.
Braise Patterson I still did not get my question answered all you people want to do is yak about breeders , Yes she and you and anyone else can’t make me believe a breeder doesnt have to charge what they do lets say for a boxer , Ive seen price tags for over $ 2000.00 per pup wow that mean out of one litter a breeder will make close to $ 10,000.00 . wow really just under $ 10,000.00 per litter . I told you her puppies were checked out wit clean bill of health from birth until its sold the the new owners responsibility there after. High priced puppies has ended up in rescue as well . You cannot say puppies end up in rescue because of the breeder . I have tried adopting from a rescue , where are any purebred puppies ? some come from puppy mills . I went through ever rescue from Georgia , Alabama , Tennessee , Florida , I did not find a purebred puppy most were aging unwanted boxers and mixed . I tried two times adopting even a 5 year old boxer guess what I was turned down because I did not have a fenced in back yard . We live on 3 acre’s of land no where close to a highway , my boxers are never left alone they do not live and sleep outside . These aging 5 year old and the other two older boxers had plenty of land when I took it out to run and exercise . Let me repeat myself and I am not fibbing they told me because I did not have a fenced in backyard I cannot adopt . I posted on face book Atlanta Boxer rescue after seeing one of the dogs name Jayda photo I posted under her photo. It makes no sense you still have Jayda asking someone to come forward and give Jayda a good home . Why do you ask for people to complete the application , and someone will come out to visit and a person gets turned down due to no fenced in yard then come on face book adverting Boxer needs a home when you do not let people adopt because of no fenced in yard. I am telling you this because Rescue keeps coming up . STOP ! I will say it again why was my questions not answered ?
Anonymous Dr. Magnifico answered your question in your other post. The problem is you’re walking into such an unknown situation with these puppies that NO ONE CAN TELL YOU if this puppy will be healthy. If you’d gone to a breeder who did all the health screening I listed in that link, you’d have a better idea of that puppy’s future.
So yes, you DID get an answer. The answer is a lack of one. Biology is funny like that. If you were willing to listen to what you were told, you’d run away from this person and go elsewhere, but you’re stuck on the price tag.
Braise Patterson You people are brainwashed , I am leaving this website and I would have by now but this b.s keeps popping up in my e mail . I will leave here leaving all of you a legitimate website called Consumer Affairs and there are hgh priced breeders that has quite the reputation with the Better Business Bureau . Before I leave you the link I would like to say if I had said I paid $ 1800.00 for a Boxer puppy you people would have been singing a different tune . It also makes me wonder the ones here that are breeders that charges lets say $ 1500.00 for a boxer puppy must be something wrong with your puppies next to the breeder that charges 2800.00 for the same breed of Boxer . Obviously the breeder charging $ 2800.00 for the very same breed of boxer took way much more care and had the puppies texted by a much better vet . too funny ! This consumer report is complaints about breeders association of america inc — heres the link read the complaints —
This is just a couple of links where breeders have been turned in to the Better Business Bureau . Do your homework people . BBB LINK —-
Heres one that you wont know what to say about your amazing such caring breeders—-
Are These Puppies Worth $500.00 , Will My Puppy Die…
puppy weight loss and hair loss
Are these puppies worth $500.00 , will my puppy die later ?
Anonymous I would contact your local chapter of the Boxer Club of America and ask them about this breeder. Here is the link to the chapter clubs:
Braise Patterson I dont know her a vet let me know she had puppies . She’s always had a good reputation , she only breeds her female 2 times a year , I have not said she was bad , you know how stubborn boxers can be specially being hormonal from having a litter . The mom just walked away and would no nurse , the breeder bottle fed until the female decided to go back nursing. I still havent gotten a answer , If the puppy I am buying lost weight from not being nursed will my puppy have any growth issues or will he keep gaining weight and be at the weight he suppose to be when he reaches adult age? the hair loss due from not being properly nursed will his hair grow back? Funny no one can answer , they are too busy taking up for over pricing animals . I am native american my grandfather said once there is much shame in people selling animals . I know he is old school Sioux , but why can’t people who wants a purebred animal have one even if he can’t hand out 1200.00 for a pet , some people have families to support, Just because he has to support his family doesnt mean he will love his pet any less than someone who paid a high price. My parents was not back yard breeders , they took care of the Dam and the Sire as well as the pregnancy, delivery taking care of the puppies until they were picked up. and a money back guarantee up to I think it was 2 months if no negligence brought on by the buyer. Good night I really wish the blog admin. would delete my profile seems my questions can’t be answered
I’m monitoring the baby and everything seems fine however i’m concerned since he ate some of his bedding, will he be ok?
– His Stool samples look normal and he is still eating normal.
Eric Foster Krista, Thank you for answering and yes it passed thru his system last night.
However we did end up taking him to the Vet because we become over worried parents. They tried a suction system which help dislodge some of the corn cob so between the suction system and watered down formula, it passed thru.
dog relief bubble in center of eye n some discharge
Before this happens her mom faught with her really bad, and now she’s refusing to eat or drink i have to do it myself,
She has had 2 normal worming treatments and 1 stronger one which lasted 3 days and was taken with chicken and rice. We broke her in gently back to puppy biscuits but today has been really bad. She has had 4 runny poos in 1 hour. And 2 contained blood. She seems happy enough but has definitely been more naughty this evening. Biting and running around.
My 14 week old cat have red swollen puss filled eyes and idk what to do
Training, training, training. If they’re marking, keep them on a leash so they can’t get far – they haven’t earned the right to have full roaming privs in the house. The second they start sniffing like they’re going to cock a leg, correct them. Rinse, repeat. Belly bands can help, but I wouldn’t rely on them to be your only training tool.
Also: CRATE when you cannot supervise, and clean the heck out of the furniture with an enzyme cleaner.
Laura is right! You have to limit their access to your home until they prove that they can be trusted. I clean with vinegar – it neutralizes the urine odors – I start with 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water. If they try to mark that area again i use 100% vinegar and clean a wider area (at least 3 feet around the marked area) and deeper (check or replace padding under carpet, make sure you get down to the sub floor under hardwood, behind the baseboard, etc).
And put a belly band on them while you are training – just to be sure.