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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Name Is Ankush Singla From India. I Have My Friend From Turkey. She Has…

My name is Ankush Singla from India. I have my friend from turkey. She has a dog of breed mixture of wolf and Burmese …so we can say he is Burmese wolf . From last 7 days he is not eating. He is around 11 years old. She took him to doctor, he prescribed some medicines and giving some liquids to him through glucose bottles. But after three days of treatment, still hr is not eating…lay whole day and sad too. Before that he was never like that. What should she do ?,please help us because we can not see him in pain.

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Often when a dog decides to stop eating it means that they are going to die.  Eleven is an old dog when it is mixed with wolf.  Since the dog has been seen by  a doctor I would suspect there is not much to be done for this dog save to make him comfortable (manage his pain).

    So sorry to hear of his troubles.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Came In To Take Our 5 Month Old Rat Out Of Cage Yesterday And…

I came in to take our 5 month old rat out of cage yesterday and she has a walnut size lump on her neck.

1 Response


  1. Andrea Cox

    That’s fairly large for a small animal.  I’d say you need a vet and the sooner the better. It could be a insect bite, cyst, infection, tumor,  etc.. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Can’t In To Take Our 5 Month Old Rat Out Of Cage Yesterday And…

I can’t in to take our 5 month old rat out of cage yesterday and she has a walnut size lump on her neck.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My One Month Kitten Has A Large Scab On His Chest

My one month kitten has a large scab on his chest

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Adopted My Dog On July 31,2016 She Got Spayed And Everything Was Going Fine…

I adopted my dog on July 31,2016 She got spayed and everything was going fine except she has being peeing or popping and today we were play with her in the house and when she turned over we noticed the area where the cut was inflated and we don’t know why if you guys can tell me what i should, thank you.

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Call the vet who did the surgery or your local vet and get her seen ASAP!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 8 Month Female Cat Has Been Pooping Almost Anywhere When She Has Been In…

My 8 month female cat has been pooping almost anywhere when she has been in heat. I have not experienced her doing so when she is out of heat. Why would she be doing that?

1 Response


  1. Casey Hoover

    She is getting fixed this Friday. I’m just getting upset because it’s not confined to one area. It’s like she can’t control it. It’s frustrating that it’s all over and upsetting because I don’t want anything to be wrong health wise. It just seems to be mainly when she is in heat. I would have put that she was getting fixed within my question but there was not enough room to fit it all.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chinese Pug Is 8 Yrs Old And Has Difficulty Walking. After Sleeping, His…

My Chinese Pug is 8 yrs old and has difficulty walking. After sleeping, his front legs cannot move well. What it could be? What can he take medically to alleviate it?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Tried Washing It Off But It Starts Getting Wet/oily Again Before Shes Even…

I tried washing it off but it starts getting wet/oily again before shes even fully dried. she shakes her head every once in a while and doesnt like it when i try to examine it. while giving her a bath, i couldnt find any cuts or irritations. She has normal urine and stool and eats and drinks fine too. A couple weeks ago we found her biting her paw to the point where it was almost raw so we had put an ecollar on her. and just about 2 days ago we noticed that the top of her head looked as if someone had spilled a small spoon of oil on her head.

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    I would take her to a vet for evaluation – sounds like she has an allergy or skin condition developing and you will need help to resolve it.

    In the mean time I would remove all grains from her diet, including treats.  Dogs don’t need grains and don’t digest them well.  And while not every dog is allergic to grains the can cause just enough impact on the immune system that other allergies can get a food-hold.  Go to a good pet store (not grocery store, big box store, nor a pet store that sells puppies) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog food area.  Then start reading labels, you want a dog food that has real meat listed as the first 2 (or even better, 3) ingredients.  Real meat is easy to spot, it will say lamb, elk, bison, turkey, salmon meal, whitefish meal, etc.  (meal is the entire animal ground up and dried). 

    Don’t buy any food that lists ‘by products’ in the ingredients – you would be paying premium price for an inferior product.

    Avoid chicken and beef – many dogs are reactive to these sources of protein.

    If the vet recommends Benadryl use Zyrtec instead – I find that it works better for dogs.

    Good luck

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
How Do I Find Out How Old My Puppy Is

How do I find out how old my puppy is

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    You take him/her to a well puppy vet appointment and the vet will be able to give you a good idea based on its teeth.  Here is an article that talks about how the vet makes an educated guess:

    But really – every puppy should see a vet within a few days (3 at most) of arriving at your home.  There are shots the puppy needs to stay healthy, the vet can give you an idea of age, answer questions about diet, tell you if the puppy is healthy or if you have problems brewing.  So set up the appointment now.

    Congratulations on your new family member!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He’s An Indoor Cat, Escaped Few Days Ago And I Believed He Fell In The…

He’s an indoor cat, escaped few days ago and I believed he fell in the drain behind my house because he came back full of dirt. I think he might have hurt his leg jumping out of the drain. He’s not limping, didnt show any sign of hurt at first but when I tried to lift him up he got angry, when I checked his front leg, it didnt feel broken and he got really grumpy when I touch it. He’s still eating/drinking but less than usual. He’s also pretty moody and lethargic, less playful.

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