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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Also Has Been Panting And Having Periods Of Breathing Rapidly Which Tend To Happen…

He also has been panting and having periods of breathing rapidly which tend to happen with him. He is eating and walking and going to the bathroom normally. He suffers from hip dysplacia and arthritis but I cant tell if it is pain related. The concerning thing is the labored breathing.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Is There Anything I Can Give For Kennel Cough Since I Cannot Get To The…

Is there anything I can give for kennel cough since I cannot get to the vet tonight?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 2 Yr Old Pitbull Kesha Is Favoring Her Back Leg And If You Apply…

My 2 yr old Pitbull Kesha is favoring her back leg and if you apply pressure to her elbow she acts like she is going to bite your hand but doesn’t yip. She just started favoring her leg an hour ago as well.

1 Response


  1. Erika Rose

    Thank you Krista she is all better now thanks to your advice, also helped that we encouraged her to walk around instead of laying on it and putting ice packs on her leg

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 1 Year Old Dog Got Spayed A Month Ago And Just Last Week I…

My 1 year old dog got spayed a month ago and just last week I saw two small fluid-filled bumps right on her spay incision. Im pretty sure they are seromas. I have tried restricting her activity for days but she can be a very hyper dog. One of the seromas is leaking clear-ish fluid and Im freaking out as I dont know if it is a big concern or if I should take her to a vet?

Just incase I cant get into my vet – what should I do to treat this? And how do I know if this is infected?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 5 Yr Old Westi. The Lady Who Had Him Lived In An…

I have a 5 yr old westi. The lady who had him lived in an apartment and didnt take him out to potty regularly. He now has a foul odor, doesn’t seem to have much energy, acts like his lower back hurts (when u go to touch his back or pet him down his back he will try to bite you. Which is uncommon he has never bite or been aggressive to anyone) and also I have noticed a few times he has kind of like a runny puss lookING liquid coming from his rear end. Can anyone tell me what it may be.?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    The only way to know for sure what is happening with this dog is to take him to a vet.  

    He is in pain (that is why he wants to bit when you try to touch), and it sounds like he has an infection (the runny puss).  With Westies it is very likely that he had impacted anal glands which burst and now are infected.  This would make his back hurt for sure!!  It would also smell terrible.

    So, get him to a vet as soon as possible and get him the help he so desperately needs!

  2. Andrea Cox

    You are smart to come to this website because you know something is wrong. Now is the time to get off the computer and get this animal to a vet and quickly. I would say if you cannot get an appointment by tomorrow then you need to seek and Emergency vet open 24 hours and go immediately.  The longer you wait the worse things will get and it is suffering. Who knows how long it was ill before you rescued it. Act quickly! Good Luck.

  3. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    This could be many different issues please take him to the vet ASAP!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Our Dog Recently Started Showing Stiffness In Her Rear Right Leg. It Seemed To Happen…

Our Dog recently started showing stiffness in her rear right leg. It seemed to happen after playing but didn’t notice anything out of normal while playing. We have taken her in twice, first time they gave her “vitamins”, glucoseamin. Second time, nonsterodial anitinflamatory and mild pain reliever. It seemed to bother her less but has done nothing for longterm, she is sore after 2-5mins of any exercise (very limited exercise to take it easy but keep mobility). She is a 6yr old Weimaraner. I’m not sure I trust this Vet (banfield) and I know without a full scan hard to answer. Any advice for treating the symptom with an understanding of the breed too would be greatly appreciated. Looking online for answers really has only added more confusion and stress. Either she’s dying or has a strain/sprain, is the scope of possibilities online…so not much help. Thank you for your time.

5 Responses


  1. Christina Chambreau

    Bradd, this is where, when I only had my conventional veterinary training, I would
    often be very frustrated because even expensive tests led me no closer to ways to heal deeply as I had limited options. The holistic
    philosophy has taught me that there is an underlying vibrational imbalance that
    causes most problems and the healing goal is to resolve that imbalance with
    treatments selected for that individual animal. Your dog should be able to walk completely normally for the rest of his life, maybe with some continuing treatments. To better understand this
    perspective, read the first few chapters of Don Hamilton’s Homeopathic Care of
    Cats and Dogs, the few pages in my book, the Healthy Animal’s Journal or Wendy
    Jensen’s Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy: Healing Our Companion
    Animals from the Inside Out,

    While you may be able to help as home, especially If you were trained in different healing modalities (see below – YOU BE THE
    HEALER) by using Reiki,
    T-Touch, HTA, flower essences, acupressure, herbs, essential oils, supplements,
    homeopathy and more. I am giving multiple suggestions because only some may be
    available in your area, and each animal is unique, so what works with one does
    not work with all. This is the joy of holistic approaches – we have dozens of
    things to try, while conventional has merely a few.
    1. Even before you are trained in Reiki, you can ask for this energy healing
    that cannot hurt and may help (See REIKI, below, for web sites to request
    healing). Once you are attuned, offer it daily to the whole house. This will not cure, but may help and will never harm. 
    2. Flower essences are totally safe, so select one or more to try. These
    flower essence companies have combinations for animals :,;; Many other companies like
    Bach with single remedies can help you select essences.  At your local pharmacy (maybe) or health food
    store (for sure) you can buy rescue remedy. This combination of Bach flowers can
    help especially when the pain seems worse, or if there is a healing crisis when working with a holistic vet. Put 4 drops in one ounce of water and
    use it: in the mouth, rubbed on more hairless areas of the skin, on the paws,
    in a bowl of water in a room not near the drinking water. It can be given
    topically or orally as often as it seems to help.
    3. Most importantly, change to a raw (or lightly cooked) meaty bone diet as
    this it is more digestible than any processed foods so builds up the immune
    system allowing her body to self heal.

    I strongly recommend finding an integrative veterinarian with whom to work.
    This is a person trained in many different approaches, including using
    conventional drugs only when absolutely needed. Working with one can increase
    the chance that your cherished companion can live a long and healthy life after
    recovering from this current problem. There are good ones and great ones, and a
    few homeopathic veterinarians will consult by phone or email. You can go to the
    web sites for each type of holistic practice and use their referral list to find
    one near to you. Many practitioners are members of only one or two of the
    organizations, so you do need to go to every site to find who is near you. has all the organizations (chiropractic, homeopathic, acupuncture and chinese herbs, osteopathy, postural work, western herbs) listed. 

    If you are interested in better health in general, please read the following.  I hope you are too overwhelmed by all this information but your Weimaraner is so young (I have ones liveing over 15 years) that I would love to help her recover from this and live a lot longer. 
    1. Know the current level of health. Most health problems are the result of an
    underlying energy imbalance.  As we cure animals of “disease”,
    we find that other things we thought were normal go away, so we can use these
    clues to know that animals are not healthy yet.  Your goal is for your
    animal to have great energy, no doggy odor, no hairball vomiting, little
    shedding, a glowing coat and many more. Below is a complete list of these signs
    (Early Warning Signs of Illness). In young animals, these apparently
    “normal” problems may be the only indications to start exploring new
    options for lifestyle or treatment.  Buy the Healthy Animal’s Journal
    ( so you can see how these early warning symptoms
    and obvious ill symptoms change over time.  

    2. Feed the best. What are the best diets for people or animals — the most
    processed or the freshest, most organic?   The best ingredients should be
    the most consciously raised – local, organic vegetables, free ranging protein
    sources. Dogs and cats have ripping and tearing teeth, bone crunching teeth, no
    digestive juices in the mouth, jaws that do not chew, a stomach full of acid
    where the food sits for 4-12 hours and a very short transit time in the intestines.
    Dogs and cats do not pull out a knife to de-bone their prey and do not pull out
    matches to light a fire to cook their meat and vegetables. Therefore the best
    diet for dogs and cats is raw meat including raw bones, pureed raw and cooked
    vegetables and a few supplements (Calcium if no bones are eaten is critical).
    Grains are not good for most animals, but if there are none of the early
    warning signs (see below) and no illnesses, you can feed some grains,
    preferably the higher protein ones. Start as young kittens and puppies or at
    whatever age you read this (, a cat sanctuary switches 16 years
    old and older cats to raw meat diet and some have lived to 27 and 30, and now
    one to 35). Second best is same quality, but cooked.  Even grocery store
    quality meat and vegetables are much better than most processed foods.
    Processed foods are an effort for the food industry to use up its waste
    products except for a few companies with great motives (and even they sometimes
    get bad or inferior ingredients). Processed foods are also a problem for the
    environment – they are not sustainable. Many dogs and cats need probiotics,
    especially if fed processed, dead foods. My current favorite is Mitomax. I have
    had many animals’ minor health problems clear up while using this. Unlike other
    probiotics, it is very stable and is ok at the low stomach pH. Every animal
    needs and wants a different combination of foods and supplements at different
    times in their lives depending on different stressors and health challenges,
    just as we do. With any food, observe each of your animals for the effect that
    food has on them and change if decreased energy or poor coat or other Early
    Warning Signs. NEVER feed DRY food to cats – even as treats. It causes most
    cats to drink more water resulting in stress to the kidneys and also can
    trigger bladder problems in cats. You can now buy many commercial raw meat
    diets. You must research them as well. Ask where the ingredients are raised?
    Are chemicals used? Are the chickens, beef, pork, etc raised in humane ways,
    out in the sun to get the Vitamin D in the meat, etc? My favorite newest books
    to guide you are: Steve Brown’s Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet; Hofve and
    Yarnall’s the Paleodog; Becker and Taylor’s Dr. Becker’s real food for healthy
    dogs and cats; Taylor and Brown’s See spot Live Longer; and Basko’s Fresh food
    and Ancient Wisdom.

    3. Vaccinate the least. In my opinion, vaccines have caused more harm to
    animals than anything else we have done. Do you get measles and mumps vaccines
    every year of your life? Researchers in conventional veterinary medicine agree
    that we vaccinate too often, in too many combinations, and that this level of
    vaccination, while preventing epidemics, is harmful to the health of
    susceptible animals.  On-going studies show that antibodies are high 10
    and 16 years later for dog and cat distemper and dog Parvo so I recommend just
    a few baby shots and NO more. While Rabies is also a viral disease, you must
    follow the law, which is every 3 years.

    To help prevent damage from the Rabies vaccine, or any others that are
    accidentally given, do the following. First, learn Reiki (see below) and hold
    the vaccine syringe in your hand until the “draw” is gone, then Reiki
    the injection site once you are in the car, then Reiki the whole animal daily
    until they do not “draw”. If you have not yet learned Reiki, use the
    contacts below to have it done for your animal after the vaccine. For two weeks
    before and two weeks after, give the totally safe Vaccine Detox, a flower
    essence from Give triple the dose of calcium (or add
    some calcium) for 3 days before and 5 days after the vaccines. Dr. Peck is
    finding a drop in calcium at vaccination time. Then use the Early Warning
    signs, below, to see if further holistic treatment is needed if any of them
    appear or worsen. A wonderful list serve on vaccines, their harm and
    alternatives is at yahoo groups. To register, go to A great web site is 

    4. Use the fewest chemicals, remembering that there are chemicals in vaccines.
    Each animal is an individual and will respond differently to heartworm, flea
    and tick preventatives. My kindle book, FLEAS BE GONE: a holistic
    veterinarian’s guide to natural flea control will help you avoid these. Some
    are very sensitive to chemicals used in the yard or the house and in vaccines –
    they will become profoundly ill. Others will be triggered by these chemicals to
    just not have full health.  Chemicals in foods can cause allergic type reactions,
    so again feeding a fresh diet from local ingredients will be best. Healthy
    yards have lots of weeds. House cleaners can be made from foods and microfibril
    cloths clean like a charm. Healthy animals never get fleas and ticks

    5. Understand how animals become ill and how they heal. First there is an
    energetic imbalance (they are just not right), then functional (the dog is
    itchy), then inflamed (skin is red, infected, swollen and hot) and finally
    tissue changes (thick, black skin). Results of any treatment can be no change,
    amelioration (current symptoms disappear with no other improvements, then
    return), suppression (current symptoms disappear and they become more ill) or a
    cure (everything about the animal to begins to improve, especially the overall
    energy level.)  
    Keeping a journal is critical to determine what treatments are helping problems
    to become less frequent and less severe. You can stand firm with what you feel
    is working even if your professional disagrees and change approaches when
    needed. You can create your own using a three ring binder, a notebook, a
    calendar. Be sure to have a master symptom list, pages where you list
    treatments you have started or been given, and pages where you make daily or
    frequent entries about every symptom on the master symptom list, especially
    including the overall energy level, emotional state and new changes. Some
    people have found my book makes it easier. is
    a great one to use in print or e-version is available.  

    6. YOU BE THE HEALER.  I strongly recommend getting some training in
    understanding the wide range of approaches to health so you can be in charge of
    what you choose for treatments for your animals. There are so many different
    ways to stimulate healing that you never need to give up trying. From books,
    on-line and in classes you can learn Reiki (which can take the “bad”
    out of vaccines and any needed drugs, or even make food healthier), massage,
    HTA, TTouch, acupressure, flower essence therapy, all of which are 100% safe to
    use for any problems. There are many more approaches you can do to help heal
    your animals with some training since they need to be used more carefully –
    homeopathy, herbal medicine, Chinese herbs, aromatherapy. In addition to
    classes there are many very good list serves filled with people experienced
    with not vaccinating and feeding raw meat diets. Classes are found through your
    health food store, by phone or on-line. As with human health approaches, there
    are many different opinions, so you need to experiment and see what makes your
    animals more or less healthy. 

    7. Select the best healers for each animal’s health team. Most people want a
    veterinarian (preferably integrative) and an energy healer. You decide what
    needs to be tried next for your animal. When you realize the animal is not
    improving – seek different care. Use conventional veterinarians for diagnosis
    and emergency treatment, or if other methods are not working. Again,
    integrative veterinarians (see above) will be able to do both, and have the
    philosophical understanding of the vibrational causes of illness. 

    Learn more and more

    Every Thursday from 1-2 eastern Dr. Jeff Feinman and myself
    host a talk at http://www.BLAB.IM

       If you sign up here
    you will get a weekly reminder – and know when we change the time to help
    people come during lunch.


    Books – I have books with comments listed –

    Classes – I teach many different classes. The best way to
    find them is to subscribe to My RSS feed on my site (click on RSS on any page)
    and the newsletter.

    Email me if you wish to host a class in your town or on the

    Magazines – Animal Wellness Magazine – use ccdvm code when
    you subscribe (and Feline and Equine Wellness, too). 

    Whole Dog Journal and Dogs Naturally Magazine (they have
    webinars on raw feeding that are excellent), too.

    Internet – over 50 shows archived–


    Search online for the many other classes and lectures
    available for the 

    Most skills in classes about health approaches for people
    can be extrapolated to animals. The acupressure points are the same, remedies
    are used the same way, Reiki is good for everything, etc.


    I also do Pet Health Coaching to help you learn about the
    current health issues, what you can do at home to build health and save money,
    and I match you up with the veterinarian we think would be best.


    Good Health for your pet, Dr. Chambreau

    Personally, I think every person who lives with or works with animals must know
    at least Level I Reiki. The practitioner offers this energy and the animal
    comes over to get it (or places her hands upon the animal), or it can be done
    from a distance, even around the world with the intent for healing to occur.
    The energy flows through the healer into the animal. This is based on directly
    applying Chi (energy) to rebalance the energy field so it no longer needs to
    produce the physical symptoms. It is a very good adjunct to any healing
    modality, especially to relieve pain and inflammation. I have seen cats who
    began to eat again when their food was treated with Reiki. It also “takes
    the bad out of” things. By doing Reiki on smelly water in restaurants I
    have been able to drink sweet tasting and smelling water. Use Reiki anytime
    that you must give injections, vaccines, drugs, flea or heartworm drugs, or
    other substances with potential toxicity. Reiki is great to calm animals,
    relieve discomfort, and can deeply heal some problems in some animals.  

    1. Great information on Reiki –
    2. Kathleen Prasad is a wonderful teacher and works with my favorite sanctuary
    and holistic education center, BrightHaven Kathleen leads
    a free monthly telechat for anyone trained in Reiki and using it with animals.

    3. If you cannot find a Reiki Class near you (same class for people and animals
    as it connects you through an “attunement” to the healing energy of
    the universe, making you a channel of healing), the following groups offer long
    distance, free, attunements. 

    c. Christine at, To receive
    free distance Reiki send her your first name only, city and state, and whether
    or not you have had any Reiki training.  She invites you to include your
    pets as well.  She uses a teddy bear and does a full body Reiki distance
    treatment for one hour each Sunday evening from 9 p.m. until 10 p.m. EST. 
    d. And a team of over 100 healers will send free healing energy until you say
    not to. Email Barbara at with your healing request, name of
    animal, species, color & age. In the subject say request through Dr.

    4. for a fee:

    Excellent recommendation in 2015 – offers many types of energy healing
    classes- search a bit to find the reiki ones or email them. Long distance
    healing and training is at 
    5. Get a free treatment for yourself at

    Another wonderful healer, Deena Spears works long distance with Sound Tuning. I have seen many animals and the people in a home be
    healed by her work.

    From the folks that brought us Jstsayno2vaccs is a new site for raw feeding –
    excellent –  Here
    is what they say, “Lastly, we saw a need for a beginner’s raw feeding group.
    Many of the raw feeding groups have grown very large and often new people are lost
    in the shuffle. In addition, some raw feeding groups are specialized to one
    type of feeding only. We believe that feeding raw is the first step in whole
    health and have tried to create an environment of learning and support where
    there are no dumb questions and everyone gets individual attention. With that
    in mind Kathleen recently instituted a mentoring program where mentor’s sign up
    to help individuals, and new folks can opt into the program and receive private
    help in their journey. It has been a huge success. –
    the above groups breeding web site. Excellent.


    1. Is your companion really healthy?
    2. Can you tell if the treatment you selected is deeply curing?
    3. Can your companion be healthier than you realize?
    YES – read on and evaluate your animal for true health.

    Most health problems are the result of an underlying energy imbalance, made
    worse from poor diet and vaccination.  They are rarely acute diseases
    (except injuries). Therefore, you may find that the problem does not clear up
    as you expect or it recurs. If so, you are dealing with an underlying
    predisposition to illness, and these clues to underlying ill health will help
    you select a remedy and monitor the results.  As we cure animals of
    “disease”, we find that certain other “NORMAL” things go
    away, too.  Do not be satisfied until most of the following symptoms are
    gone.  In young, apparently healthy animals, these apparently
    “normal” problems may be the only indications to start treatment.
    This is only the beginning of a list – as more animals are cured we will find
    new levels of health. Tracking these is easy when you use the Healthy Animal’s
    Journal by Dr. Christina Chambreau (
    SKIN: doggy smell; attracts fleas a lot; dry, oily, lack-luster coat;
    excessive shedding; not grooming,    ear problems – waxy, oily,
    itchy, recurrent mites; eye discharge, tearing, or matter in corner of eyes;
    raised third eyelid; spots appearing on iris; “freckles” appearing on
    face; whiskers falling out; fragile, thickened, distorted claws that are
    painful or sensitive to trim.
    BEHAVIOR: Fears(of loud noises, thunder, wind, people, animals, life); too
    timid; too rough or aggressive (even at play); too hard to train; barks too
    much and too long; suspicious nature; biting    when petted too
    long; hysteria when restrained; clumsy; indolent; licking or sucking things or
    people too much; not using litter box or not covering stool.
    DIGESTIVE: Bad breath; tarter accumulation; loss of teeth; poor appetite;
    craving weird things(rubber    bands, plastic, dirt, cat litter,
    paper, dogs eating dog or cat stools, rocks, sticks…); sensitivity to milk;
       thirst – a super healthy cat on non dry food will drink at
    most once a week; red gum line; vomiting often, even hairballs more than a few
    times a year; mucous on stools; tendency to diarrhea with least    change
    of diet; obesity;  anal gland problems; recurrent parasites.
    STIFFNESS when getting up, early hip dysplasia; tires easily in hot or cold
    weather; can no longer jump up on counters, or go up or down steps.
    TEMPERATURE: Low grade fevers – Normal for healthy cats and dogs is
    AGE & REPRODUCTION: Should live a long life (Shepards 17 years, Danes 12,
    cats 24). should be able    conceive easily, deliver normally,
    and not pass on “genetic breed” problems.


  2. PK Dennis

    Bradd,  I think you should seek a second opinion, and it would be best to find an orthopedic specialist.  It can make a world of difference to find the doctor that sees this type of thing every day compared to one that has only read about what might be wrong (or sees these problems only once-in-a-while).  

    There are a lot of bad reviews out there about Banfield – and I had a bad experience at a Banfield facility myself (they advertised that they had a holistic vet, and I called and set up an appointment to see that vet, but once I was in the exam room I discovered that they had switched doctors and that the holistic vet hadn’t been working there for over a year.  Can you say bait and switch!)

    There are other options that you should explore – T Touch, Acupressure, Acupuncture, massage, etc.  

    And how about an MRI instead of an X-ray?  Soft tissue injuries often show better in an MRI, but they do cost more.

    Good luck.  

  3. Bradd Bosley

    Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. Our dog is a family member like most of us here I I’m assuming. It can be frustrating and not knowing professionally how to help her is even more frustrating. I really appreciate your advice. I agree with seems band-aiding a problem is there go to option first. If they don’t know what’s wrong they just give anitinflamatory and pain killers. Tough to see a young active dog all drugged up with no positive results. I was able to get an appointment with a veterinarian physical and mobility therapist. Hopefully we will have some better answers tomorrow. Thank you again

  4. Bradd Bosley

    Thank you so much for all this great info. I am a culinary nutritionist and can’t agree more on healing humans and makes sense with animals through proper nutrition and the right vitamins and minerals. I really like the idea of taking a natural approach and I will most certainly read up on more homeopathic ways to help our little pooch. Again, I appreciate the time you put into supplying all this great info. I did have good luck and got an appointment with a physical and mobility therapist here locally that came highly recommended. I hope we will have some answers tomorrow. Thank you again,


  5. Bradd Bosley

    Thank you for responding to my question, I really appreciate the great advise. I did take X-rays but to your point maybe we try something more if we still can’t get answers. We were able to get her an appointment tomorrow with a physical and mobility therapist, so my figures are crossed. She’s too young and too happy to have any kind of mobility issues. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Was Due On Friday And It’s Her First Litter

She was due on Friday and it’s her first litter

1 Response


  1. Cheryl Mccaig

    It’s fine now she was in labour had a lovely litter of puppies

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 9 Mo Chiweenie Has No Accidents When In The Bathroom For 8-10 Hours Consistently…

My 9 mo chiweenie has no accidents when in the bathroom for 8-10 hours consistently. When in the living room for up to 5-7 hours, she uses a pee pad about 95% of the time. When we’re home, she’ll have accidents 50% of the time. Why is this?

7 Responses


  1. Andrea Cox

    You lock your dog in the bathroom for 8 – 10 hours? If that’s what your saying I object completely!! It sounds like your dog isn’t getting enough human interaction and it is probably nervous around you making it pee when excited. You need to seriously really think if your able to own a dog if you lock it up 8- 10 hours a day in a bathroom. That’s almost cruel in my opinion.  If this is true then this dog is young enough to be re-homed with a family that has the time to love and care and interact and play. This is 9 month old is still in puppy stages and it needs to release energy and play.  You make need a vet to determine if it has any issues but the real issue is being locked in a bathroom!

  2. Amy Johnson

    The dog is in the bathroom with enough room to walk around while we are at work from 7:30am-3pm. Are there no other pet owners that go to work and leave their pets at home during this time? Do you suggest a doggy day care at $25 a day?! This is a ridiculous comment and has offered no useful advice. My other dog, who is older, has the same routine and has absolutely no accidents after being transitioned to having free roam of the house while we are not here. I don’t agree with crating because of the ridiculously small space, but a small bathroom allows the dog to not want to potty in this small space but still have room to walk around and play with toys. Next time, please ask questions before spouting out such offensive accusatory comments!

  3. Andrea Cox

    Being at home all day and being locked in a small confined space with little to no noise at all is not the same thing.   Would you lock a child in the bathroom all day just because it can move around? And  possibly the reason he is peeing everywhere when you take him out is because he is so excited to be out he can’t control himself. Yes a doggy daycare would be much better! This is the reason people dont get dogs as pets because they require more attention and care and people that aren’t home all day should think twice about being dog owners.   It’s my opinion and my opinion only as a animal lover and caring mother that people should not have animals if they have to be confined for over 8 hours a day. Hopefully when it gets older and you come to your senses you can let him roam free in the house. Im sure your a kind person but selfish at that. Since we cannot agree and I dont expect you to do so.. I think you should really understand he is still in puppy age and possibly the peeing everywhere is from sheer excitement and joy that he cannot control himself.  Hopefully someone else will chime in here and offer you better advice.

  4. Amy Johnson

    I am seeking the advice of a dog owner, not a “cat owner” as your tag says. Your comments accuse the majority of the population of dog owners here, as most people work a full workday and still own dogs. Just Google it and you’ll find plenty of information on crate training and the like. It’s something that dog owners are pretty informed about. You obviously don’t understand the basic training of puppies so maybe you’ll come to your senses after doing some research. Here is some information on this from the Humane Society website- “Generally speaking, a puppy can control his bladder one hour for every month of age.” My puppy never stayed in the bathroom more than a few hours at a time starting at the age of 3 months, then it increased in time according to her age, which is almost 10 months now. Through transition, she freely roams the house most days with our other dog, hence my original post and question about her accidents that occur while being out in the house with us throughout the entire day (not from excitement from being let out). At this point, I’m done wasting my time explaining commonly known dog training techniques with someone who needs education in raising dogs in the first place.

  5. Andrea Cox

    I am currently a cat owner but have owned many dogs for many many years. I choose not to have one at this time because of my work schedule. I am not a selfish being.  I’m sorry you couldn’t get the sugar coated answer you were looking for. You think this animal is here to appease you for the mere 5 hours a night you are able to be in its presence.  That’s ridiculous.  You came to a public forum and you don’t like what you hear my dear. The facts remain the same. You leave this animal in a bathroom for 10 hours a day and wonder why it’s pissing all over your precious home. I have gave you the answer now pull out the cotton balls and hear me. You are neglecting this dog by leaving it in a bathroom without any contact for 10 hours a day. If you want a better answer then pull out your wallet and take it to a vet and tell him exactly what you said here. Not all dogs are the same. Just because one was able to cope with your situation doesn’t mean this one will. I work with a couple of people that happen to leave their dogs at doggy day care. And another couple that have an entire room devoted to the dog with animal videos playing all day and they also go home at lunch and play and interact with their dogs for 1 hour mid day. Don’t be upset because you refuse to hear the reasoning. Argue all you want. Keep cleaning up pee of that’s what suits you. 

  6. Amy Johnson

    Very well written and impressive. I’m sure you’re right on all accounts! I’m going to reflect on your comments each and every day and pray I can become the wonderful pet owner you are. Thanks for not sugar coating things, I honestly think it’s brought me to me senses!!! Ooops, I have to go clean up more pee now! 😉

  7. PK Dennis

    I have to agree with Angela here – you are not meeting the social needs of this dog – and you don’t have to be a dog person to see that. This dog sees the bathroom as its den and so pees in the rest of the house, which is a normal response. Adjust your life to interact with this dog more often or find it a home where it can have its social needs met.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Almost Ate The Pit Of A Peach, He Didn’t Eat The Actual Pit…

My dog almost ate the pit of a peach, he didn’t eat the actual pit but he was trying to bite it and got a tiny piece of the outer shell, will he be okay should I watch his reaction?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Good Day! My Dog Doesn’t Eat, Her Tooth Was Broked And Her Gums…

Good day! My dog doesn’t eat, her tooth was broked and her gums becomes pale in color she’s only drink water. Because she always scratching her teeth in the wall. What can i do? Please help me

4 Responses


  1. Jana

    Bon, pale gums is an emergency. It means something isn’t right with the blood or blood flow. Please see a vet now. 

  2. Bon Jeaven

    It cost too much if im getting her in clinic?

  3. Jana

    If you don’t it might cost you her life. Pale gums is a serious matter. At least call them and ask. At least have physical exam done and you can then discuss what else needs to be done.

  4. Bon Jeaven

    Thank you so much for your help