3 year old female cat with megacolon.
I watched the video about Beerus and manual palpation was mentioned. How can I find out how to do this? She is already on Lactulose, cisapride and Restoralax, so hoping to help things along so the megacolon doesn’t get worse.
Medications for the conservative route for IVDD. We were in the process of acquiring a new vet for our dog when he developed IVDD. The emergency vet gave him Gabapentin, trazadone, and carprofen. Would Prednisone be better than carpeofen or is it a matter of preference of the vet? It’s been less than 48 hours and my dog just seems to be having a hard time still. It’s stressful for him and for me because I feel helpless as well.
I came across your video of how to pickup a dog with IVDD and paralysis, is there one for dogs with the issue in their hind legs vs neck? Unfortunately, surgery is not in our budget and I’m really struggling to make sure he’s comfortable when taking him to use the bathroom/rotate him. So just looking for how to support him and keep him as comfortable as possible.
I just read your blog on UOs in cats. Thank you for your passion on this and all fronts. You mentioned dry, low quality cat food as primary cause. What about dogs? Do you see this frequently with them? I feed a high-quality, all-dry diet to my dogs, and I’m just wondering if you recommend against it.
My 8 yr old male cat is an indoor only cat. He has never had ear mites. He is HIV+ since birth, although he was never tested for it (he appeared on my doorstep during a blizzard, still nursing from his mother who is HIV+). A week ago, I noticed the inside of his ear a light swelling. Now it is quite noticable. I believe it to be an aural hematoma. Would it be safe to drain it by puncturing it with the one of the injection needles I use to test my blood sugar? I really can’t afford spending a thousand dollars for the vet.
My mom got a 3 month old kitten from the shelter this week and they did the spay surgery. They noticed that she had an umbilical hernia and they did a second surgery. That was on Tuesday 12/19 and today is 12/23. This is the picture of her stomach as of today. Is this okay after this surgery? Or is this a sign that she has a hernia again? She has been really active and is a crazy 3 month old with loads of energy and we can’t keep her calm. Hoping to get an opinion but in the next few days if it’s still like this we will likely go back to the vet in case. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
I am going through a medical emergency with my cat Kilo. Been very stressful had to take to the emergency vet. He had UTI blockage. Then a few days later I find out that he has tear in his urethra and it just got worse a few days later. I reached out to a vet in my city that could perform a surgery that would fix his blockage problem. Then I get a call back from the Emergency Clinic saying something wrong with one of his kidneys. He’s a good cat and doesn’t deserve this. I just can’t believe how expensive things can get. I am looking for any information or leads in regard to facilities that are reasonable and are willing to help folks who are low income. I live in the South Bay if anyone has any information on the matter.
Dr. Magnifico, Our beloved cat, Dexter (male, 13yo) was diagnosed with Megacolon a little over three months ago. We continue to go downhill. We’ve tried everything, Cisapride, Lactulose, Miralax ,an appetite stimulant, weekly enemas, been seen in ER three times, and multiple times at two separate vet clinics. Now he’s not pooping at all and urinating little. Being told our only options are surgery or putting him down. With a cat of this age, do you think surgery is advisable? He seems pretty worn out and definitely tired of all these doctor visits and enemas, some of which he’s been sedated. Now these two separate vets will not sedate during an enemy for manual evacuation because they say they don’t think he’ll make it through sedation. Thanks in advance for your time, response and your caring heart. Just watched your video about the black cat with megacolon. That was posted two years ago. Hope he’s continuing to do well. Thank you again. Krista in AL
This post is specifically for Dr. Krista Magnifico, however anyone is welcome to chime in if you feel you can contribute.
On the evening of Monday, 11/20, our strictly indoor 8yo cat Louie had an accident at home. We aren’t entirely sure what happened, but we observed him jump down from the couch and race across the room, knocking his water bowl over in the process in a way that suggested he was spooked or startled, possibly by an outside noise.
That night he loafed a bit more than usual, but we didn’t think anything of it.
The next day (Tuesday) we noticed he had a noticeable limp in one of his hind legs. He had a slight sprain about six months prior in one of his front legs, and all he was prescribed was rest, so we figured this required the same since he bounced back from that sprain in under a week.
By Tuesday night it was noticeably worse and now both legs were effected, and he was extremely lethargic and kept hiding. We made sure he was comfortable and made plans to take him to a vet the following morning. The next day he was MUCH worse, now dragging his entire body by his front legs with hardly any rear leg movement, and his tail was partially limp as well. Both still had movement, but something was clearly very wrong.
We found a vet who did a quick half assed exam and wouldn’t take x-rays even though we asked for them. She did labwork and prescribed pain meds and said it was likely just a bad fall and he just needed to rest. She told us to follow up with her when we felt it was necessary.
By the next day, Thursday, his rear legs and tail showed absolutely no movement, and he was completely dragging himself with his front legs. And since it was Thanksgiving, everyone was closed, and we don’t have the means to pay for a 24hr emergency facility.
We called the vet back as soon as they opened Friday morning and scheduled the follow-up the same day. We waited in a small room while they took him into another room for a second exam, and when she came back she said his blood work was fine but she recommended putting him down asap because he had developed some sort of neurological issue, likely a slipped disc with his spine. I inquired about treatment options but apparently I didn’t look rich enough, because she just dismissed it as “probably too expensive” and suggested taking him home for some goodbye time, followed by making arrangements.
On Wednesday it was “probably a sprain, just let him rest” and 48 hours later she’s telling us to kill him. Economic Euthanasia in action. Are there treatments? Yes. Can you afford them? No. So fuck you and fuck your cat.
I immediately reached out to another facility for a second opinion. The prognosis was poor, but I was told that there was a chance he could recover with enough rest, attention, love and patience. As long as his appetite remained and he still wanted water, I could let him rest, do physical therapy, pursue acupuncture, etc….and just give him time. He said it could be 50/50 but gave no guarantees. What mattered was he didn’t take away our hope. We were told he wasn’t necessarily in pain, so it wasn’t inhumane to give him a fighting chance. So that’s what we did. The biggest problem was the paralysis meant he couldn’t use his box, so he had to be manually expressed for all his bathroom needs. I could NOT get the hang of it and was incredibly worried about a rupture or blockage. But he had developed incontinence, so even though I wasn’t able to remove his waste myself, it would come out on its own over time. I had to clean a lot of messes as well as clean his backside often, but at least it was coming out one way or another.
Still, he wasn’t examined to my satisfaction, and I wanted to find a vet who took his case more seriously and could actually provide some sort of treatment. After a little research I found one, and they did a FULL neurological exam, asked for his whole story, listened, didn’t rush, and told me how to proceed and what to expect. The did a complimentary ultrasound, two full x-ray sessions and only charged me for one because they did the second just to rule something out, and all in all were angels on earth. They said red light / laser therapy might help, but again couldn’t offer any guarantees. They unit they had on hand was a “Class IV” which is apparently really powerful and efficient, so we began treatment with that immediately, twice weekly.
That was two weeks ago, and as of today it’s now the start of week four. It’s been three full weeks since this all started. Over the last couple weeks, he started showing signs of movement in his right leg. Then his left. Bit by bit. As of today, HE CAN WALK, but only on his “hocks”. His front paws / legs are still fine, and he’s capable of making his way around the house on his own. However he’s still incontinent, and he still isn’t using his box. I’ve been doing my best to clean up after him with warm water and wet wipes (for cats), but he’s starting to develop sores by his anus due to constant over grooming. Apparently I haven’t been doing a well enough job keeping him clean.
We were prescribed a medication called Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium on 12/11 which we were told to give twice daily, 12 hours apart. So we gave him his first dose that night, and twice the next day. He didn’t take well to it and developed horrible diarrhea and vomited a few times as well. Despite this, he still has his appetite and he’s still drinking water. He’s not hiding or showing signs of pain or distress. He still purrs and wants attention, and even wants to play. He just walks on his hocks and can’t use his box. He was also prescribed another medication for nerve pain which was mixed with (I believe) Almond Oil? But he immediately began drooling profusely and had an incredibly adverse reaction to it, and he hated me for the next two days and even became fearful, which was difficult to deal with. Apparently there’s a similar option available in pill / powder form, but our vet won’t prescribe it because apparently it’s too strong for his size.
What all can we do from here on out to help him regain his independence on the bathroom front? What treatments / medications / additional measures would you recommend?
We were told if he were to make a recovery it would take anywhere from 4, 8, or even 12 weeks or more. It’s been three full weeks and he IS walking again (on his hocks), but the bathroom issue is our biggest concern. We’ve laid towels down everywhere but we can’t live like this forever….but at the same time we don’t consider this issue alone to be sufficient reason to end his life. We love him, and he’s family. We’re in it for the long haul.
We were told an MRI to pinpoint the exact spot of his injury would be upwards of 4k and corrective surgery, if it’s a slipped disc, would be 8k – 11k.
We can’t fucking afford any of that, and its safe to say MOST people can’t. What an absolutely predatory situation to be in.
Any advice on how best to proceed from here would be sincerely appreciated. We’re open to anything which has ever shown proven results. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Being concise isn’t among my strong suites.
Our cat has what we believed to be an abscess on his cheek. Initially he was struggling with scabs and itching under the skin, some sort of a skin condition, so we switched him to prescription food. Hasn’t changed anything. He had a scab on his cheek and kept scratching it, until it started to bleed. A lot. We took him to the vet, he was put on steroids and antibiotics to see if it would help…it did slightly, but the wound from picking at his scab started to get bigger. He is relentless with trying to scratch it. So now he’s been wearing a cone..the wound site has turned into a ball. It’s a bald spot and it slowly got bigger over time. It’s warm to the touch. We took him to a different vet. Says it’s too hard to determine what it could be and referred us to a dermatologist. Derm says likely could be cancer and it’s a mass…..even though we have explained how it all started. He is quoting us $5k to remove the mass and test for cancer. We are thinking it’s just an infection that is stuck under the skin….last vet tried poking it and draining it, but there was no puss, only blood. What could this be? We are worried but stil have a feeling it could just be an infection. Maybe he wasn’t on antibiotics long enough? Do we just proceed with this surgery?
Go to kmdvm.blogspot.com. Search ivdd. There are numerous posts about this.