Sorry if this seems to ramble. I just have a lot on my mind.
He has already broken and melted my heart. I am a teacher and will actually be off work for the next 6 weeks to train, play, and “mother” the little guy. I think I have convinced my mother to watch him for the first couple of months when school starts to help him settle in because he is so young. Our best guess is that he is a lab mix. He will probably be medium to large in size.
I know that socialization is so important for a pup of this age. What can I do to help him?
I keep crying and my anxiety about the next 6 months is very high. My worries make it hard to sleep even when the little guy is sleeping. I’m so sad for him and I just want to make sure that he is a happy, healthy puppy. The shelters around here are overwhelmed and I refuse to leave the little guy. Euthanasia rates are pretty high.
He will eventually be an indoor/outdoor dog. I won’t be comfortable with this, though, until he is older. That is why I’m going to pay my mom to watch him. I will be gone from 7-3:30 and my man works from 7:30-5. On days with inclement weather, my fella would be able to come home and let him in or out. We have a large fenced in back yard with plenty of shady areas. I live in a rural area with very kind neighbors so I am not worried about anyone messing with him. I live in East Tennessee where there is rarely an extreme temperature; however, I’m also looking into adding a doggie door, too.
Here is what I have done so far:
(1) He has a lifestyle crate (with the partition to make it smaller for now) that is attached to a large playpen in our kitchen. He sleeps in this crate at night. I’ve been sleeping on a couch next to it at night to take him out when he wakes. This is generally every 2 hrs.
(2) I’ve taken him to the vet. They dewormed him and gave him a flea treatment that is appropriate for a little guy under 5Lbs.
(3) I take him out to potty every time he wakes up from sleeping. He has only had 3 accidents in 3.5 days. I clean up his mess well so as not to leave a smell and take him out anyway. I DO NOT scold such a young pup but rather just take him out and set him in the grass each time.
What can I do to ensure this little guy has a great adolescence? Especially considering he is off to a rough start?
I’m trying to figure out what breed my dog is?I’ve been told he is a pitsky but I’m not sure, any information may help thank you
Dawn Ferara, DVM He does kind of have a bully-type head. But I am really not good at guessing breeds.
Anonymous Looks like a mix to me. Does he talk a lot? Is he stubborn? Is he totally devoted to you, or is he aloof?
PK Dennis For $70 you may be able to get a better answer than we can provide looking at a photo. Mars Wisdom Panel is a DNA test that I have found to give very good information on my own dogs, and dogs I have fostered. But, the more mix your dog is, the less satisfying the results of the test. I get mine from Amazon – look for the 2.5 or 3.0 version, they are the newest and give more info than earlier versions.
I have tested 5 dogs so far, and have been delighted with the results.
I Have A 3 Week Old Kitten Whos Mother Died So She Has Been…
Please help!
I have a 3 week old kitten whos mother died so she has been bottle fed , she recently starting drinking out of a bowl and when she ran out of milk i went to get more, she normally has raw goats milk but i couldnt find any anywhere so i went to pets at home and got some kitten milk instead , whilst i was there the vet suggested trying to get her to start eating food, so i got some wet food and put a small amount in her bowl and mixed it with milk, she loved it! But now she has horrible diorreha. I have taken the food away and just left the kitten milk , but im worried 🙁
I’m worried about the risks around children if my dog killed two helpless kittens dat cud bearly move as I have a son
Anonymous This is prey drive, and likely will not affect your son in the least.
If you haven’t yet, I would invest in a crate. Train the dog to accept the crate, and crate the dog when you cannot supervise. Had the dog been tested around cats prior to moving him to your home?
zara lee Kenny That’s good to know thank u Laura see believe it or not dog was never with cats before my sister had a cat but the never really had any interaction but with my cat the dog and her get on like a house on fire no problems at all this wud have been the last thing I would expect my dog to do considering she’s as gentle as they come I just didn’t know how to approach the situation with the dog
Anonymous So if the dog really doesn’t know any better, you cannot expect her to know how to behave.
YOU have to teach her. As I said, this means crating when you can’t supervise. When she isn’t crated, she should either be leashed to you or dragging a leash attached to her collar so you can INSTANTLY correct and redirect her, and don’t let her roam to another room unless she’s supervised by an adult. EVERYONE in the household has to be on board with this.
How is her general obedience? Does she respond instantly when you give her a command? If not, get in a class with a good, balanced trainer (ask your vet for a referral). This will help build a relationship between you and the dog, and the trainer may have more ideas for you.
Do the cats have a cat-safe room WITH a solid gate on the door? If not, set that up NOW. Make sure everything they need is in that room so you can shut the door if need be. I would also keep the kittens (and the queen, for now) in a dog crate when you can’t supervise them.
My dog constantly itches his ear and sometimes it sounds like liquid is in there. When you look in his ear there is like dark brown sorta waxy like stuff ,a qtip and cottonball can wipe it out but it seems to hurt him deep down in there 🙁
Anonymous Litterbox training a dog means they’ll use your house as a toilet. Is there a reason you’re unwilling to walk the dog or let it out into a yard?
Bostons can be stubborn and very opinionated. What is your experience with dog ownership?
PK Dennis Litter box training… Once you teach a dog to poop/pee in your house you can expect a life time of cleaning up “accidents” all over your house. It doesn’t matter if it is pee pads at the door, or a litter box some where else in the house. Once you teach a dog it is okay to soil his home all bets are off. I once had a dog that was taught to relieve himself in the bathtub. He grew up in a 5 story walk-up in NYC, so I assume they did this so they didn’t have to make the 5 story trek to the great outdoors. I lived in the country with 5 acres of fenced yard. That dog was with me for 6 years and if I did not walk him outside every morning and after dinner he would pee and poop in the bathroom – any bathroom, and as he got older he didn’t bother to get into the tub, he went on the floor just outside of the tub.
Dogs need to walk, no matter what size the dog. Smaller lap dogs can live with shorter walks, but they still need to walk every day to be happy, well adjusted canine companions. So teach your dog to poop and pee on command outside while you are walking that dog.And as for the breed – each breed tends to have certain personalities, and I can understand liking the look of a dog, but just because a dog is a certain breed does not mean it will be good with children. So I encourage you to find a breed specific rescue, and work with them to find you the perfect dog for your family. Keep in mind that many rescue organizations will not allow a home with young children to adopt their dogs. For example several rescues I know only allow adoption if the kids are over 7 years old.But, the rescue foster parents know each dogs’ personality best, and the organization can match you to the personality that will work best for your family. And these organizations do get puppies from time to time, so it may take a longer wait, but it is well worth the work and wait to find the ‘perfect’ match.Adopt – don’t shop!
hello, which brands for cat food do you recommend ?İn Turkey the best known brands are pro plan,royal canin , Hills science plan … but i m not sure , what do you say?thanks in advance….
She seemed pretty happy earlier and there’s no blood but I don’t know how much of the pain medication I was given for her (Meloxicam) she actually ingested. I was given a syringe but it was very hard to get her to take any. Without knowing how much she’s had I don’t want to risk giving too much. Its now about three hours since I gave it and she seems more visibly in pain. She’s grinding teeth (not chattering) and her eyes have been bulging. She’s also licking the wound a lot which she wasn’t doing earlier. I’m worried for her, because of both the open wound and the thought she’s in pain! Any help?
Alex Holding Thanks a million, its just horrible seeing her hurting! As for the Meloxicam, I had seen a lot of stuff online saying that it’s been discovered that rats should be on much higher doses due to differences in metabolism and the fact that it’s not technically (off label) for rats. As a result vets tend to dose for equivalent body weight in dogs and they may not be getting enough. Is there possibly any accuracy to that? I have no medical background and so am absolutely not going to start adjusting prescriptions but if that’s the case I think a different painkiller would definitely be an idea. I hadn’t seen anything similar about the other medications so she may get more relief.
Alex Holding Ok, no worries. I hadn’t seen that you were a vet when I posted, so I hope you took that in the spirit it was intended! I’m just very aware that vets probably see a huge amount of dogs and cats for every one rat they see. It seemed plausible and didn’t exactly ease my worrying about her! Really appreciate you taking the time to help!
I put First Shield Trio on my cat and tried to remove it after I saw it wasn’t ment for cats my cat is still itching what should I do
My dog was throwing up liquid foamy stuff. She threw up 6 times and she isn’t eating or drinking anything what could possibly be wrong with her?
It will probably take a little while to potty train him because he is so young. To socialize him you can take him on walks and play with him and get him toys to play with. Puppies are resiliant so even though he has had a rough start just give him a loving home and play with him and make sure he is happy and he will be fine into adolescence. I hope you and your new puppy the best!
Don’t worry about what happened to him. Think about how lucky he is to have a caring human now who is taking great care of him. Socialization is important. Make sure to introduce him to lots of people when he is old enough to go on nice walks. Also dog parks or other dogs that you know, should be a great way to introduce him to other dogs. Your vet should have a ton of info to share with you. Best of luck!!
Thanks for the encouragement! I had a torturous few day where I didn’t know if I should keep him or take him to the shelter. Many people on the internet acted like it was inhumane to have a dog if you couldn’t keep him indoors 24/7 and be with him most of the time; however, the lady at the shelter showed me all the cute pups there and told me that many don’t make it out. I refuse to give up on him! I’m not rich and I don’t have the resources to put him in a daycare every day but I do have a very comfortable and large home with a privacy fence. I have lots of love in my heart and no children, as well.
I plan to use the next 6 weeks to get him into the routine of our household. My mother won’t be able to help out because she takes care of my grandmother but my man is gonna arrange to drive 40 minutes here and 40 minutes back on his lunch to check on little man.
We are looking at collar activated doggie doors currently but he will be too young for that at first. I found a really cool solar paneled fan that can attach to a doghouse and “heated flooring” options for winter. I can’t believe this stuff exists! Who knew a dog could have a climate controlled doghouse?!?
Again, I really appreciate the supportive comments while I was panicking about what to do. 🙂