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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Found This Kitten About 3 Days Ago Lying In The Middle Of The Road…

I found this kitten about 3 days ago lying in the middle of the road. I brought her home and bathed her and fed her. she has no problem eating. she is a cuddle bug. from my research I would say shes around 4-6 weeks. she has been sneezing and has had this gooey eye problem since I brought her home, although it has gotten a little better since then. unfortunately I cant afford to take her to the vet at the moment so I’m just looking for home remedies or a medication I could possibly buy at the store.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
When We Arrived Home From Work, There Was A Grease Can In The Living Room…

When we arrived home from work, there was a grease can in the living room he had gotten into. Unless it is a major coincidence, we believe that he ingested who knows how much. Are these symptoms normal for grease ingestion in a small dog? He has had no diarrhea at all, and only vomited one time. The other times he is dry heaving it kind of sounds like he is wheezing

1 Response


  1. navjot Sidhu

    i am not an expert, but i think you should take him to vet immediately

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Chews Plastic And Grinds Her Teeth A Lot As Well.

She chews plastic and grinds her teeth a lot as well.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is 8 Years Old And Does Not Go Outside Except To Use The Bathroom…

She is 8 years old and does not go outside except to use the bathroom. She is now at the point where she has just little squirts when she goes. The problem is she is sqirting all over my house and on my bed last night. She can’t seem to be able to control it. What could be the matter, and what should I do to help her?

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    At this point I am concerned she is dehydrated and think she needs to see a vet immediately!  There are many reasons for diarrhea and the cause could be anything from ingesting something she shouldn’t to something infectious and really everything in between.  

    She really needs to see a vet, please get her into see one ASAP!

    Good Luck

    Dr D

  2. Marena Jade

    There is a chance that is Addison’s disease look it up your dog has many symptoms I would think your dog needs a vet to diagnose

  3. Marena Jade

    My dog has Addison’s and he had the same starting symptoms. Is she a white coat? If so white dog shaker syndrome is also a possibility at this point.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pet Behavior Change Looks Like Something Bother On His Ear I Check But I…

My pet behavior change looks like something bother on his ear i check but i havent seen anything. could be a tick inside the ear whats bother him..?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    If he has a bothersome ear, it COULD be a foreign body inside the ear but it could also be an ear infection.  Please get him to the vet.

  2. Alfredo Estrella

    Thank you very much for your help i will take him to the vet.. infection can happen in one moment to another i mean he was fine and 20 min lameanhe came to me i saw him shaking but he doesn’t complain or cry but he doesn’t let me grab his ear at all.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
How Do I Know Is My Rabbit Is Stressed And How Can I Help And…

How do I know is my rabbit is stressed and how can I help and prevent it.

1 Response


  1. Marshmallow The Rabbit

    To find out if your rabbit is stressed, count his/her breathing. He/she should breathe 30-60 times a minute. If he/she is stressed try physical therapy. Just pet your rabbit and talk to it gently.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Injured Himself :(

> Small Breed

He injured himself 🙁

> small breed

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Because we aren’t the vet who prescribed this to your dog, we cannot answer.  Please ask your vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He’s Chubby And I Don’t Notice Any Weight Loss. He Still Eats As Usual. He…

He’s chubby and I don’t notice any weight loss. He still eats as usual. He does drink a lot of water. They said to listen to his heart to see if it sounds “like a washing machine”. I have no idea! Sometimes it does but sometimes it doesn’t. I can’t see the vet until monday. Am I freaking out over nothing? I need to know how serious this is.

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    There really is no point in worrying yourself to death until Monday!  I mean remember the Internet can be wrong too!!

  2. Zainab Imbabi

    I just can’t even sleep. I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old. He’s still just a baby. I’d do anything to make sure he was ok.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Cannot Afford To Go To The Vet

I cannot afford to go to the vet

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Yikes! What kind of glass? How large? How sharp? How many pieces? I would do my very best to find a way to see a vet. If you don’t know, you might have to later anyway with an emergency on your hands! At least call them.

    I’ve seen couple times a vet feed cotton (I think it was) but all that has so many dangerous variables I would not risk it ever.

  2. Alexander Goodner

    Thank you for the financial advice that’s not the question I asked now when I got the puppy I was financially sound until I lost my job a few days ago but that’s not why I’m here I’m here to do what I can to help him but thank you for not answering anything at all your a crappy Vet

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chewawa Has A Puffed Up Face Like Swelling A Human Would Have When They…

My chewawa has a puffed up face like swelling a human would have when they have a severe tooth ache. Unknown if she had a run in with another animal. Should I attempt to treat her face with ice. So far she does not react violently.

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Sounds like an infected tooth to me – she needs to be seen by a vet.  She will most likely be placed on antibiotics to fight the infection so the swelling can go down, then she may need a root canal to prevent a more serious problem from developing.

    It might be an insect bite, or an animal bite.

    Please get her to a vet as soon as possible so you can get to the root of the problem.