Betty has always been what I call a scaredy cat but hasn’t always sprayed it seems to be after we moved house. I don’t think it was the house move but around me are a lot of cats and this makes her nervous she is constantly sat at a window.
She loves the baby and I feel like she is spraying as a way of claiming and protecting the home but obviously it’s not good for the baby! I’ve wondered if she has behavioural issues but am worried to take her to the vet with high costs if that’s not the issue. I’ve tried plug ins also. Basically I need advice. O find out what a vet would do to determine if she needs treatment and what kind of treatment it would be! Thank you
My dog is a chocolate Labrador, he hasn’t been able to walk on his back right leg & now all his genatals and inside thigh is seriously bruised coming up in a black and dark red bruises,we have taken him to the vets twice what could this be?
Emma Wootton Please someone help!!
Emma Wootton Yeah I think we need too, the bruising has only just come up recently, he’s panting really heavily, not being able to go to the toilet not wanting to eat or drink, we have to though.. We give him tablets from the vets but their not helping him. He hasn’t had sleep for ages, us thinking it’s his hips, but not this bruising has come up
My cat is really really possessive over this one plant in the yard. Is there any way to get him to play nice with the other cats around this thing?
My hamster is shuffling around in its belly and can’t lift up his head. He moves a little bit then stops and goes to sleep. He isn’t making any noise and he is a healthy weight. What is wrong with him?
I just found a tiny lump behind the right shoulder of my 3.5 month kitten. How worried should I be?
My yellow lab keeps coughing and ultimately retching. Foam and spit come up.
This was one month ago. Dog got put back on pain meds. He is 10. Forgot to ask if that bone chip was something to consider removing. Vet never discussed the option. Just need to know bc the healing is taking time. Every other day pain med admin. He seems to reinjure or as soon as meds roll off he’s back to pain. But with the meds he acts fine. Is it something else?
I Changed My Bettas Water Two Days Ago And This Morning He Would Not…
I changed my bettas water two days ago and this morning he would not dance for me and I noticed his gills have a red tinge to them. He is active other than not dancing for breakfast and doesn’t seem to have difficulty breathing. All my reaserch come up with Ammonia burns but that doesn’t make sense with it happening after a water change instead of in dirty water.
He lives in a 3 gallon bowl that I do a 75%water change on weekly. I put aquarium salt in the water as well as conditioner and let it sit in the same room as his bowl for 2 days. I am very worried about him and need to know how to help him as I am leaving today for the weekend and have to give my mom instructions on how to medicate and care for him.
Please Help!
she sneezes, eye fluid discharge, nasal discharge
Thank you! She uses her litter tray though still so I have no problem in that! It’s only when I seem to have my window open she does it, I’m presuming due to all the other cats in the area! I love her but with him starting to move around I need to get it sorted for both of their sakes! X