My perfectly healthy 13 yo boxer just out of nowhere his back legs fall out from under him and he can’t stand or walk. He doesn’t seem bothered when you touch his back or legs and then stared vomiting
My cat has been waking me up very early and I end up sleeping in my recliner. I believe when my husband gets up to use the bathroom, Leo is waking up and I guess thinks it’s time for me to get up. I would love to sleep in my bed again but I don’t want to close the door to the cat or my husband. I have asked my husband to cut back on liquids after dinner but he won’t. I could use suggestions.
I don’t give him treats when he wakes me up. I bring him downstairs with me and he’s fine. If I sleep all night in the recliner or another room, he sleeps all night.
Dou, my female mixed-breed dog, was spayed a while ago. She weighs around 38 kg, which is too heavy for her, making it hard for her to walk because her joints struggle to support her weight. She’s been on joint supplements (as attached below) for a year, and that’s helped her move better. Recently, though, she’s been vomiting a lot, especially after eating or drinking, and the vomit is yellow. She’s also lost her appetite. I took her to a local vet and followed their treatment, but she’s not getting better. I’d like some online advice to help her feel better.
I just had my 3 year old Goldens eyes checked by an opthalmologist. She has GA in her right eye. I tried researching GA but PRA keeps coming up. What kind of care do I need to do for my dog?
Hello vets
I hope I can get some help please.
Looking for funding options or a vet that works with people on financial aid (location Ontario toronto). My dog dewclaw came off exposing the inside. I am doing my best to keep it clean from infection. Do I need to take him to see a vet?
I attached a photo also I got some Betadine but want to ensure the proper use. I was told to dilute as it’s strong it’s 10% advice would be great
My dog is not bleeding, no signs of serious discomfort. Able to run and walk still. Keeping an eye for infection
Happend on January 30th I live in Toronto west end
Any advice for the mean time would be super appreciated. I have been using dog bandage, gauze, cleaning with mild soap and water. I used peroxide the day it broke then after a walk because dirt got in the wound. I have now discontinued using it. I used ointment photo attached below. But I needed somthing to prevent infection. So I got Betadine and was told to dilute my dog is about 20 pounds. I also let it air out in between bangade changed he wear cone so can’t lick the wound. Theb 1 hour in morning morning before bed I let air out.
I have a poor feral cat out back who got an abscess. I did not know what was going on about 8 days ago when I noticed her face or side of its head swelling. The cat seemed to be disoriented. In retrospect, I think the cat was febrile and suffering.
The next day the abscess popped. It was a big open sore for 2-3 days. Now it is healing, and the cat seems more comfortable. The cat is moving, and eating food & water in a couple of different locations. It has also slept in two different shelter spaces. (I replace the bedding in those.)
The wound on the side of its face appears to be healing. Given that the cat is feral, I did not want to try to administer antibiotics topically or orally. I considered putting the cat in a cage, and taking it to the vet. However, given its bad physical health, I almost sure the vet would rightfully put the cat down. Also, the trauma and stress of trapping the animal would be counterproductive.
The sore is very large – but as I said healing. I am afraid of secondary infections or chronic, growing infections. Are there any signs I can look for to determine whether or not the cat has a good chance of recovery, or is going downhill?
Is Skout’s Honor Probiotic Lavender Dog Deodorizer or any commercial dog deodorizing spray safe for dog with skin allergies?
Hi, my 3 yr. old Springer sleeps with me very happily. Lately though she is on the bed, off the bed etc which is disturbing my sleep. Any ideas please. Her bed is at the side of the bed but she is not really interested.
I have a 12 year old golden retriever that has developed a red bump on her skin under her fur. The lump is not painful to touch and she does not seem to notice it, but it has grown quite a bit in the last few weeks and I can see little blood vessels inside of it. She has a vet appointment in 10 days, but I am really hoping someone can tell me if they recognize this bump in the photo and tell me what it could be. I have putting castor oil on it which is why it has goop around it. She is also panting a lot, regardless of the room temperature.
My 13 yr old feline, DLH with multiple teeth cleanings and extractions started sneezing Fall 2023. My vet recommended Lyseine, which has helped. She had another teeth cleaning and single extraction Nov 2024. This weekend she began sneezing multiple times a day and now has runny eyes. I would also swear her lips are inflamed around her whiskers. I contacted the vet and we will try an antibiotic. What else should I do to assist? I am getting a humidifier and will keep her in my bathroom when I shower each day. Should I change her litter type? They both currently use Dr. Elyse Attract Long Hair. Obviously if the antibiotic doesnt work I will take her back in for further examination, Thank You!
The answer to why this might be happening lies in an examination with your veterinarian. I worry about heart disease in boxers. I also worry about hemoabdomen. Gum color, abdominal palpitation, heart and lungs need to listened to and an orthopedic and neurological examination are needed. This has the potential of being an emergency.
Thank you I am at the emergency vet now as he started seizing as well.