I have an almost 14 yr. old female American Eskimo who hasn’t eaten much in almost a month. Blood work came back normal. She will pick at people food, will not eat “dog” food. Sleeps alot as well. Help.
there are no clear wounds and he doesn’t scream when you feel along his body and legs, just at random times maybe when he’s moved or especially when picked up.
Being in such a rural area the owner (cambodian) does not seem to understand that his pet could be really hurt on the inside etc
Dawn Ferara, DVM The only thing you can do is try to convince the owner to take him for help. Also, you can see if there is an agency similar to Humane Society or SPCA who can get the dog looked at
Bonnie Lowe Yeah I’m hoping I can do that
Bonnie Lowe I have also sent the vet in the area (found one online) a message to see if he can give me advice
PK Dennis It could be a spinal injury which is VERY painful, and it will need pain medication and rest to recover.
My dog will be 6 months old when he first brought her home he was trained to go on the puppy pads and to go outside here recently she wants to go outside as soon as you get her outside she runs for the door we don’t understand why.
Sarah Branham I know when our dogs were puppies, sometimes they just were to distracted with wanting to play they didn’t want to be “bothered” to use the bathroom. We would stay outside with them for a little while and continue to give them a “potty” command, we used “Go use the bathroom” and we would just repeat it over and over and then when they went we would make a big deal about it and immediately give them a treat to reinforce the good behavior.
If she is home alone a lot, it could just be needing more attention. Remember, puppies have A LOT of energy. 🙂
Good luck!
Dawn Freeman Thank you so much I will give it a try.?
My pet rat front paws or feet are a bit scraped up and were bleeding but Isn’t anymore, plus one side of he’s face is puffy and swollen, what do I do?
No changes in behavior or appetite. Have given Pedialyte & mixed rice water with a little bit of her food (Eukanuba for mature small breeds)
Megan Hensler Angel,
Several things can cause diarrhea in dogs. I would collect a fresh fecal sample and see your veterinarian. They can test for intestinal parasites which could be the cause and treat accordingly. They can also determine if your pet is dehydrated. Any time I have a pet that is having fluid loss from either end (ie. vomiting or diarrhea) I worry about them becoming dehydrated. Furthermore your veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam and gain adequate history to try and narrow down the cause of the diarrhea and thus which treatment route to pursue. A bland diet for the next few days is never a bad idea either. Some examples of this would be hamburger and rice, chicken and rice, or Hills i/d.
Best of luck with your pup! Hope she is feeling better soon!!
1.5 year old pitbull. Ate dinner this evening. He is sleeping now, but stomach keeps gurgling.
Belle Chabot What colour is the vomit?
Erica Bailey Light brown.
Anonymous i would be worried about the location of the rest of the stuffed animal. please go to the vet. the vomit color doesn’t matter, here – your dog obviously ingested something he shouldn’t, and there may be more remaining inside.
Erica Bailey Thanks everyone. I got him into our regular vet first thing this morning. She didn’t see anything definitive on the X-ray, but was still a little concerned about fabric not showing up. We are taking to him the emergency vet for an ultrasound.
Anonymous thank you SO MUCH for getting on this quickly. i hope he’s alright.
Erica Bailey He ended up having emergency surgery for an obstruction in his small intestines. He has a ventricular arrhythmia so surgery was risky, but he made it. He was discharged on Friday. When he came home, he had a little diarrhea. He’s been eating chicken and rice, but hasn’t had another bowel movement since Friday afternoon. His discharge paperwork said it may take time to return to normal, but how long before it becomes concerning?
Anonymous Thanks for the update and I’m so glad he came out of surgery ok! I can’t help with the vet question but I really am glad he’s on the mend. Did they say what the obstruction was?
My puppy got ahold of out chewing spray and now he is puking and won’t eat. What should i do???
Belle Chabot Probably should give him a bunch of water and normal food to get it out of his system faster. If it gets worse take him to the vet
Britany Medina Should i give him his normal puppy food?
Belle Chabot Yeah
Britany Medina Ok Thank you so much!!
Anonymous honestly, if this is a PUPPY, i wouldn’t wait. i’d at least call the vet first thing this morning when they open.
Dawn Ferara, DVM Call the vet or pet poison control
My pug / boston terrier mix occasionally chuffs and huffs like a horse with the heaves. What could be the cause of this? My old Yellow Lab used to do the same thing. Could it be heartworms? He’s 5 yr. old not neutered male in good health
Hi my car is sick, I went to the vet and they prescribed lysine and an antibiotic, I forgot to ask if I can administer both treatments at the same time or do I wait a couple hours between them? Do let me know
My friend gave me her puppy and she doesn’t have her shots, she has worms and she’s 3 months I’m really scared !! Help !!
Anonymous there’s no reason to be scared UNLESS your puppy is horribly, horribly ill. don’t panic! we’re here to help you. 🙂
first things first: get that puppy to a vet today or tomorrow (ideally today). get started on a vaccination schedule. take a fresh poop sample in a ziplock baggie – it should be very fresh, like the last poop before you go.
secondly, invest in a crate. crates are immensely useful tools that help with housebreaking…and trust me, if you have never had a dog before it’ll be a LIFESAVER.
I would says she needs a 2nd opinion from another vet!
thank you