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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Overweight Calico Cat, Her Name Is Raja, Has Some Kind Of Sickly-sweet Smelling Dark…

My overweight calico cat, her name is Raja, has some kind of sickly-sweet smelling dark discharge coming out of her butt, i can’t tell if it’s her anus or vagina. The skin around the base of the tail and lower back is also super sensitive. She has just today started showing signs of pain but the discharge has been there for weeks. What’s going on?

3 Responses


  1. Briana Precord

    She is spayed, about 6 years ago. She is 7. I know I need to bring her to a vet, I just haven’t had the money, but ill have enough soon. I just wanted to know what it might be and if there’s anything I can do in the meantime. I’ve tried to see where it’s coming from but it’s very hard to tell and she is finicky when I try to look. If I had to guess though I would say her anus.

  2. Briana Precord

    She is spayed, about 6 years ago. She is 7. I know I need to bring her to a vet, I just haven’t had the money, but ill have enough soon. I just wanted to know what it might be and if there’s anything I can do in the meantime. I’ve tried to see where it’s coming from but it’s very hard to tell and she is finicky when I try to look. If I had to guess though I would say her anus.

  3. Briana Precord

    I was thinking along the lines of anal sacs issues too, but nothing I looked up described what’s going on. Ill just have to wait until our vet sees her. But anyways, thank you for helping me out, I appreciate it!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Last Week My Dog Had Gotten Into My Deep Fryer Oil And Now Her Fur…

Last week my dog had gotten into my deep fryer oil and now her fur is now falling out and it looks itchy and irritated

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I really can’t see how the deep fryer oil could have caused this skin problem.  However, I think she has a significant skin problem and needs to see a vet before it gets worse.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I’ve Been Crate Training My New Dog, She’s A Year Old, And She’s Been Doing…

I’ve been crate training my new dog, she’s a year old, and she’s been doing well. I took the crate apart to clean it and as soon as her blanket was put in it she got in and went to sleep. I had to put it together around her. My question is a matter of consistency. My schedule is pretty consistent as a student, but I have a lab once a week right in the middle of the day. Should I only crate her when I’m gone for those two hours or should I do it every day at that time?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    agreed – consistency is important during the training process.  once she’s used to it and goes in willingly, i’d say feel free to scale back, but for now keep things to a daily practice.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi, My Dog Was Spade In December But She Won’t Stop Trying To Hump Our…

Hi, my dog was spade in December but she won’t stop trying to hump our legs, every single day she try’s and if you push her off she gets nasty and I’m worried she will bite one of us

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    this is a training issue, rather than a hormone issue.  i would work on obedience training with her.  rigid boundaries and expectations should help with this issue.

    if you feel this is beyond your abilities, please consult a good balanced trainer.  you should be able to get a referral from your vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi My German Shepherd Dogs Penis Is Soft Towards It’s Tip During And Erection Which…

Hi my German shepherd dogs penis is soft towards it’s tip during and erection which has made him unable to breed please help me out of problems

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    please neuter him.  that’s the answer to your problem – neuter him.  he doesn’t need to breed, and if he is UNABLE to breed, then he should be neutered to ensure he has a happy life.

  2. debra yuhasz

    Since he’s unable to breed you might as well get him neutered. He will be a much less frustrated dog. An intact dog smells a female in heat and if he can’t get to her or is unsuccessful in his attempts it causes anxiety and frustration. It’s cruel for him to spend his whole life that way. I don’t believe there is a solution to his problem, so neutering is the kindest thing you can do for him.

  3. PK Dennis

    Debra and Laura are correct, a dog with conditions such as this should NOT be bred.  This dog obviously has underlying conditions that are undesirable in future generations!  Have him neutered and enjoy his companionship.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Recently Adopted A Dog, She’s A Year Old Basenji/Lab Mix (two Very Contradicting Breeds…

I recently adopted a dog, she’s a year old Basenji/Lab mix (two very contradicting breeds in terms of behavior). I’m having the worst time trying to potty train her. I’ve tried so many different methods but she refuses to go potty outside. She literally has no warning signs. She already paces and sniffs like its her calling in life. She squats after she already starts going. I have no idea when she needs to go. She will not go potty outside. She acts like grass is her personal enemy and will lay on the sidewalk instead. I’ve tried taking her in and out, I’ve tried waiting her out. We walked in the park in hot weather for five hours and she peed on the floor when we came back inside. Training her to go outside is becoming a hassle that’s frustrating and depressing both of us, should I just give up and house train her to use pee pads or litter instead? We just have a hard time getting outside fast enough with her aversion to stairs and the elevator and there’s a power struggle once we’re outside. How do I react to bad behavior without making her scared of me?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    so, you should avoid punishing for toilet behavior in the house.  it sounds like she really just doesn’t know the rules yet.  

    these two links are pretty similar and i’d read both.  they should help.

    remember, be consistent.  good luck.  housebreaking is the biggest pain in the butt regardless of the age of the dog.

  2. Anonymous

    oh, one thing…make sure you’re feeding meals rather than just leaving food out for her. meals will help you to better schedule her toilet runs. try to feed a high quality food, as well.

  3. Brittany Herrera

    Thank you so much! Those help a lot!

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JoAnn Sevey | 9 years ago
She’s Also Started Drinking Lots Of Water. Can Anyone Tell Me What This Could Be…

She’s also started drinking lots of water. Can anyone tell me what this could be & what causes it..? The dog is between 8 – 10 yrs old im not sure.

4 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    My first thought is diabetes!  I would recommend a vet visit for an exam and bloodwork.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

  2. JoAnn Sevey Post author

    Thank you very much for your answer…. Im just curious can you tell me what causes diabetes in a dog..?

  3. debra yuhasz

    I believe it can be the same as with humans. Sometimes advancing age. A pancreatic problem. She must see a vet to try to narrow down the cause as well as to get started on insulin. As with humans a dog can have a long and happy life as long as the diabetes is under control.

  4. JoAnn Sevey Post author

    Thank you for your reply Debra… We spent this afternoon with the dog at the vets office, hopefully my friend will have the answers soon and be on her way to helping her dog feel better.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A German Shepherd And Her Hind Legs Are Swollen And She Can’t Walk…

I have a German shepherd and her hind legs are swollen and she can’t walk much. She is 6. Any way to help relieve the pain before I can get her to a bet tomorrow? Ice? Heat? Anything?

2 Responses


  1. Ashley Williams

    Thank you. I will get her there first thing tomorrow morning

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have Four 1 Week Old Kittens. None Of Their Eyes Are Open But On…

I have four 1 week old kittens. None of their eyes are open but on one of them I noticed a little light yellow crusty in the crack of the closed eye area, should I be concerned?

0 Responses
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Haley Buckell | 9 years ago
The Vomit Is Usually A Yellowish Colour But A Few Days Ago It Had…

The vomit is usually a yellowish colour but a few days ago it had black in it… She has stopped eating, but recently my mom bought canned dog food and she will eat that. She doesn’t bark anymore when we come home and doesn’t even lift her head to my parents. We did, recently get a new puppy. She is obviously jealous and I give her all the attention I can. But she seems sick, not just sad or depressed.. Please, help.

1 Response


  1. Haley Buckell Post author

    Okay, thank you. My mom is taking her in tomorrow morning. I will let you know what they say.
    P.S. My mom thinks its a tumor in her abdomen… 🙁