I just learned from Dr Magnifico that little white dogs love their bladder stones.
I have a little white dog. She does not have bladder stones as far as I can tell and I’d like to keep it that way. She’s a maltese, about five or six years old, a puppy mill rescue I adopted about seven months ago. I also have a 13-year-old dorkie and a vet I’ve been seeing for almost 25 years.
I’m lazy and don’t count on myself to brush my dogs’ teeth so I’ve always fed my dogs Hills Science Diet t/d (large size kibble). They also get rawhide chews sold by my vet. The maltese’s stool is very dry compared to the dorkie’s.
Is there anything I should be doing to reduce the risk of bladder stones? Half wet food half kibble, maybe? Flavour their water?
Thank you!
hello! i would like to ask if home made wet food is good for cats who had FLUTD? skinless chicken breast, chicken liver, carrots, and pumpkin mixed and blended all together. the vet suggested urinary s/o but i cannot afford it for now
also, is it normal for him to drool after him co-amoxiclav antibiotics?
my cat Gabe just got out of vet today, the vet just removed his catheter and IV fluids even though his vet suggested for him to stay for another day or two but i cannot afford it anymore so i took him home and bought some oral medicine. he can pee on his own now
I’m from the Philippines, My cat named Gabe wasn’t eating and drinking water for 1 day already and i saw him struggling to pee or poop, but a day before that he was fine and pee and poop so much.
So I took him to the vet and said he needs to have catheter because his bladder was full and blocked, so they did insert a catheter and IV fluid on him and saw some blood coming out too. They said he’s a bit dehydrated as well since he didn’t eat and drink for a day. Unfortunately I can’t afford to admit him to the vet for another day because the admission per day is way too expensive, I only admitted him just for today and I will take him home tomorrow because i have no other choice.
is it okay for me to take him home after cathetherized for 1 day? his vet suggested at least 3 days for him to stay but i cannot afford it, only 1 day but they removed the blockage already.. what can i do after taking him home after catheter? can i take him home with iv fluids just in case he wont eat?
My cat Coco (female three years old) has blood in Urine. After bringing her to the vet and having a Urine analysis done, the vet decided to give her antibiotics. He mentioned that they could see a bacterial infection and thought it was coming from the liver. After treating her with a round of antibiotics for 15 days, the quantity of blood in Urine was lower but unfortunately still there. He switches the antibiotics to amoxicillin and treats her for 7 days. It went a lot better but still blood in the urine and Coco was developing a fever at this time. Blood analysis came back alright with no specific sign except an infection showing. So the vet changed the antibiotic and used on for the kidney this time. He mentioned that if nothing gets better then, it might be a pancreas infection and as our cat is obese (very tall cat 16.7 pounds), the kidneys are suffering and gorging or are inflamed from the pancreas and it might be why she is bleeding. We were giving kibble to my cat and for now a full month, she is eating only one can of food a day (a small can of Nulo). He told us to continue the third antibiotic (Baytril)and if at the end of the 10 days, she still bleeds, we should treat the pancreas with some other tablets and do eventually an ultrasound to see where we are staying at. I am getting worried for my cat as she is developing a fever, starting to sleep more, and searching for comfort, pee still blood, and even more as when we brought her the first time! She is not dehydrated, she drinks normally and pees a lot, with no blockage. She is going to her litter multiple times (too often for sure) and does not seem to be in pain. She strangely loves to go into our bath tub now and lays there. My worries and my question is how long can a cat keeps going on like that with rounds of different antibiotic and not getting better? Should I consult another vet for a double opinion?
Your email said you were sending me info about Hills to Home Treats and adult canned and dry food….have not received. Please send. She is doing well with the hamburger and rice but I want to transition to regular dog food. I will be stopping by for the canned I/D. How long before I can start transitioning over to the Royal Canin.
My dog just had puppies today. She seems like she is warm because she is panting. She has had water and food and the puppies are nursing. I don’t want the puppies to get cold but how can I make it more comfortable for her? I have a heat pad on low with several layers of a towel on top of it. Maybe I should remove that?
Last summer my healthy, energetic 6 year old cat stopped eating, became lethargic. A trip to the vet turned into a trip to emergency where he spent a day and a half. The dx was hepatic lipidosis – or at least that’s what was happening to him due to something else. He got better. Didn’t return to previous weight (which was okay – he was a couple pounds overweight at the time) but he was back to his happy self.
A couple of months ago, he dropped a bunch of weight, but was still eating. Off to the vet for a blood draw. Low RBC. A trip to the emergency, where he got a transfusion, an ultrasound, and a huge variety of in-depth blood tests to find out what was happening. My vet thought cancer, but the results weren’t showing cancer. The results weren’t showing much of anything. I had no diagnosis. He was placed on prenisolone and an antibiotic. He went for weekly bloodwork. No significant change – and then it was going down again (RBC). Off the antibiotic since it wasn’t doing anything.
We were going to start him on B12 (cobalquin) and then he took a turn for the worse. Hiding away, no eating, no moving. I used a syringe to feed him and still gave him his steroid. He hid in his cat condo, peed in there but wouldn’t move. I set up a temp litter box and feeding area by the condo, and slept on the floor with him. I didn’t expect him to live through the night. In the middle of the night he came out and sat on me. The next day he moved more. And then – he got better. Moving, eating, jumping. Except for being too thin, he was acting just like his normal self.
That was about a month ago and I have been working to give him calories to have him gain weight. A week ago – we’re slowing down again. Sleeping a lot, not eating at the food bowl. So, I have begun using syringe feeding with kitten food (for higher calories) and a calorie/vitamin supplement. He gets B12 and the prednisolone daily. I’m assuming he’s going through the lipidosis issue again, but now that I recognize it I can catch it early and get feedings going.
My questions – how often should I be syringe feeding? I know my cat will only tolerate so much before he gets irritated and walks away, but I can get 10-20 ml in him at one time. I understand a feeding tube would probably be easier, but this cat has been through a lot and I’m trying to make him comfortable and happy and relaxed.
What could be causing this? My vet has been great at trying to find solutions, the specialist/internist didn’t really have any other suggestions, and I’ve been trying to find anything online about illnesses that could cause this drop in health so quickly. (This is an indoor cat, and my other cat is fine.)
Thanks for any help!
7 year old female beagle with a history of allergic reactions (bee stings, environmental/pollen/poison Ivy)- started to exhibit serious scratching and head shaking. I have a cone at home so I used that to deter the scratching and head shaking. I also tried these “allergy aid” treats (picture attached), and /or Benadryl to try and calm down the allergic response.
She was starting to get small hives on her head and one of her ears was swelling . She’s had the ear hematomas before in both ears, and the hives before in her head and back.
I was worried it may be fleas or ticks with the smaller hives, so I did the topical flea &tick K9 Advantix with no improvement.
I also gave her a bath two days ago with her mild oatmeal shampoo, and gave her a good scrub just in case there were any mites or critters.
My other half said she threw up yesterday when I was out and had some anal leakage? And now she is not eating- she didn’t poop today when I took her out, instead she peed, did her usual walk around and then just sat down like she was uncomfortable. So I am wondering if she’s constipated and that is why she’s not eating.
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to provide you with an update regarding my kitten’s condition and share the findings from another veterinaries opinion I sought.
As previously discussed, I took my kitten to two different veterinarians for examination and attached their report for your reference. They provided their own insights and suggestions for potential treatment.
Additionally, the second veterinarian suggested exploring the possibility of physical therapy (PT) as a potential avenue for helping my kitten. He mentioned that PT has shown positive outcomes in some cases of mobility issues in animals. I wanted to seek your professional opinion on this matter and discuss the feasibility and potential benefits of PT for my kitten’s condition.
I greatly value your expertise and I am seeking your guidance in determining the best course of action for my kitten’s well-being.
If you could kindly review the attached report and provide your thoughts I will be appreciated.
My cat has hematoma in one ear.it has been drained several times but keeps filling up and gets puffy.he had Lazer done a few times also.it is puffy again can it just go away on its own or do I need to get drained again
The best ways that I know to avoid bladder stones is a good diet. Leaving fresh clean water available at all times and checking a urine every 6-12 months. Also on some little dogs I can palpitate rhe bladder for clues about its contents. If you want to be super pro active an X-ray or ultrasound is the best diagnostic tool for looking inside the bladder.
Good luck! Thanks for the question
Thank you! I will follow up with regular palpation and urine testing.
Could my dogs’ diet be better in the context of bladder stones?