Me and my husband rescued Grizz from the local SPCA on Friday, November 27, 2015. The next day, he began to have diarrhea which cleared up by early Sunday morning. As Sunday progressed he became extremely lethargic and would not eat. We took him to the local vet, a VCA, on Monday Nov 30 and he was diagnosed with a yeast infection in both ears and GI parasites (roundworms and hookworms). Was given Panacur to deworm and drops for his ears. The following day, Tuesday, his lethargy continued and worsened to the point in which he would not move his head. We took him to the hospital at the VCA and found out he had a 104.9 fever. During the time of examination, his face and lymph nodes instantly began to swell and there was purulent discharge from his mouth. He was admitted for IV fluids and antibiotics. After no improvements and an onset of swollen painful joins on Wednesday, the Vets suspected Grizz had juvenile lymphadenitis. On December 3, he started on steroids, dexamethasone, but he only slightly improved. On Friday, Dec 4, we decided to care for Grizz at home and was given Clavamox (1ml/2xday) Enrofloxacin (0.8ml/day), Metronidazole (0.3 ml/2xday), Predisone (10mg/day), and Bupreorphine (0.1 ml as needed 3x a day) to administer to him. By the next day his fever had broken and each day he was becoming stronger where he was able to stand and eventually walk and play. The swelling had just about fully gone down by Tuesday Dec 8. After an initial check up on Monday, Dec 7, we were told to begin to taper the Predisone by 2.5 mg weekly beginning Dec 11. He was responding well to the initial taper dose until yesterday, Thursday Dec 17. Upon waking up Thursday morning we noticed he did not want to put pressure on his front left paw and was shaking. We took him to the VCA at 10am and he remained in hospital to be monitored and was administered his antibiotics, and an additional 5 mg of Prednisone (had already received his 7.5mg dose at 8am) and IV fluids. During his stay his fever reached as high as 104 but began to decrease upon us taking him home at 6:30pm. Throughout last night his fever increased again to 103.9 (temp taken by me by his rear leg pit). His continues to favor his front left paw and his shaking has persisted. Through his entire experience his appetite as remained strong and continues to do so. The most recent treatment plan is to increase Predinisone again back to 10 mg/day for 7 days where another visit will take place on Dec 24.
My dog has his eye swollen and red what could i do?
Anonymous i would go to the vet pronto.
PK Dennis Take him to a vet! You don’t want to mess with it and chance he loses his sight in that eye. I also would try a wet wash cloth soaking it (use salt water — add salt to hot water until the water tastes like the ocean, don’t use water hot enough to scald you or the dog!) to help clean and flush the eye until you can get him to that vet.
Nancy Lanza depending on the breed, it could be cherry eye to a simple infection, I had this situation with a cocker spaniel; vet is the best move.
front of the trailor and our room is in the back by the back door. The dogs are constantly pooping and peeing in the hallway and right in front of my bedroom door. The owner puts puppy pads down in th hallway but they seldom use them it is either beside, on the walls, or right in front of my door, What can I do to get them to stop? ( there is a doggy door that they have 24/7 access to that goes into a huge fenced in back door)
Anonymous if the dogs are using the house as a toilet, they aren’t housetrained. there’s only so much you can do to fix this…you can work on training and you can clean the carpets/walls with an enzymatic cleaner, but EVERYONE in the house needs to be on board.
this situation sucks, and i’m sorry you’re dealing with it. 🙁
PK Dennis I agree with Laura, lots of owners of small dogs think it is okay to let them use pee pads in the house — and of course the dogs get out of the habit of using the pads and end up going where ever they please after a few years. I figure they put up with this since small dog turds are small and easy to pick up.
Unfortunately unless everyone agrees to comply with a new regiment it is unlikely you will have much success house training these pooches. To house train a dog requires a crate and a strict schedule. Managing four dogs at the same time is more than I would want to take on and I own 4 dogs, and foster 1 or 2 more most of the time! But, I only allow 1 or 2 unhouse-trained dogs at a time. Really that is the limit of what I can pay attention to!
You could try reducing the amount of pee in the house with belly bands and sugar britches (diapers for dogs – find them at or google for them). They hold a sanitary napkin inside that keeps the pee contained — but since the dogs can go in and out the doggie door this will not teach them to pee outside. It would just reduce the amount of pee in the house.
As for the poop – dogs often poop at a regular time. Twenty mins or so after eating is normal, and some poop in the morning after a bit of walking. If you force the dogs outside at these times (or when you notice a time they seem to poop most often) and lock/block the doggie dog you force them to poop outside, and after a while they may get the message and do their bowel movements outside.
You also need to clean where they have been doing their business. Use white vinegar mixed with water (50/50), add a drop of dish washing liquid (Dawn). Put this mix in a squirt bottle and wash the walls, baseboard and floor. Use this mix every time them soil in the house, especially around your doorway. At the very least they will not like the smell and may move their marking farther down the hall!
This mix works as well as an expensive enzyme cleaner so don’t waste your money on that. WalMart often carries “washing vinegar” or cleaning vinegar, it is a little more acid and costs the same as regular white vinegar. Buy it by the gallon and use it generously.
Good luck!
My small terrier breed dog was wheezing and his stomach swelled up like a balloon and a few months ago he pucked all over himself and his bed? Please help I’m worried enough to take him to the vet
My maltese(2yr-M) is puking yellow bile and vomit, and is lacking appetite. He hasn’t eaten at all today and we have a flight tomorrow at 4AM that is two hours long.. Help?
My dog has been lactating for 24 hours but she cannot reach to lick her bits, how can i help her as i do not want to lose her and/or the puppies.
My boy has been tearing up my girl when they play. She has a few cuts on her chest and one on her leg. I really don’t want to declaw them, but I’m not sure what else to do. I have tried the caps on the claws and he tears them off within a day or two. Any advise?
1 yr old pup spayed 1 wk ago. tonight had check up at the vet and she said she has developed a seroma. unless it gets bigger or her behaviour changes, shouldnt need to be drained. do i wait it out and if so what do i do while we wait?
I gave my 10 yr old cat vectra two weeks ago and she is still itching a lot. she is right around 9lbs and i originally gave her the dose for cats and kittens, instead of the dose for cats over 9 lbs, and i think this may have been the problem. i have revolution in the correct dose for her which i could give her but i dont know how long to wait.
Now this morning I found two very small Simi hard spots on each of what I would call her groin. Now this morning I found two very small Simi hard spots on each of what I would call her groin.
take him to another vet and get a second opinion. increase of predisone to 10mg is not good
Why is that not good? That is what he started with before the initial taper and significantly improved. From my research it is 2mg of Pred per every 1 kg of weight. He currently weighs over 9 lbs which would put him at just above 8 mg of Pred and so 10 mg of Pred isn’t that far off, espeically since he is currently in his first relapse after the initial taper dose. What is your experience with Pred?.
just as in cortisone in humans you retain fluid so also animals.keep an eye and if anything give you doubt before 24 th dec get a second opinion
Update: grizz’s fever broke by Saturday and has remained normal. He stopped shivering by Saturday completely. He is putting pressure on his front paw and no longer favoring or lifting it, despite the swollen weist joint that became inflammed on Friday and has not decreased since. I cancelled his vet appointment due his signs of improvement and will reschedule in another week or so incase the wrist joint does not change or decrease in swelling.
Note: it also looks like one back leg joint is also swollen. He did have swollen painful joints during his first hospital visit so I’m thinking this is just a flare up from the relapse? He doesn’t seem to be in pain at all