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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Need A 2nd Opinion For My Cat. He’s An 8y/o Orange Boy Who…

I need a 2nd opinion for my cat. He’s an 8y/o orange boy who is under vet care for vomiting and loosing wt. He eats, digest then later vomits bile. vet though he had pancreatitis last time gave antiemetic. blood came back elevated WBC

1 Response


  1. alexandra schwartz

    his bloodworm came back elevated 2300 wbc, and increase folic i believe. Liver enzymes and pancreatic levels normal, as well as kidneys. she sent him home with flagyl and amoxicillin, let me tell you thats not a joy to give him. He is miserable with the meds. and looks a little withdrawn. She wanted to do an exploratory lap prior to returning the blood-work. But decided to give meds to see how he does. we haven’t done a catscan yet. I just don’t want to get raked over the coals with vet bills.. But i want to help my poor little man. What would be the best course of action with the info i gave so far. Please let me know.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Rescued A Dog That Needed A Leg Amputated. After Amputation He Had A Drain…

I rescued a dog that needed a leg amputated. After amputation he had a drain in that was removed today, however, yesterday evening he fell and started bleeding from the drain site. The vet looked this morning and said it looked fine but I don’t think he got to see how much it is actually bleeding. The drain was removed and I bandaged him at home at around noon to catch the blood. It is now 8am and he has bled enough for me to need to change the bandage and I can see it is actively dripping blood. Before he fell he just dripped serum whereas now I believe it is more blood than serum. I’m not sure if this is normal and will heal on its own or if he should be seen again either by the emergency vet tonight or my regular vet in the morning?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I think if you are that concerned you need to contact your vet and if you feel the bleeding is excessive you need to have him seen by an emergency vet this evening.  This definitely needs to be seen by vet to be sure any drainage from the surgery site is normal.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Received A Prednisone Shot Due To Licking Of Hair On Chest. Behavior…

My cat received a prednisone shot due to licking of hair on chest. Behavior has changed within the week. Eats only wet food and is sleeping on the stairs and rug in the basement. Seems very depressed. She won’t eat snacks or dry food.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Species: Dog

Age: 4

Sex/Neuter Status: Not Neutered

Breed: Weimaraner

Body Weight: 66lbs

History: He Started Showing Sings Of…

Species: Dog

Age: 4

Sex/Neuter status: Not neutered

Breed: Weimaraner

Body weight: 66lbs

History: He started showing sings of what appeared to be the mange at 3 y-o. Before this he was completely healthy and hadn’t had any sorts of trouble or illnesses. He was taken to 4-5 different vets and he had some studies done where they determined he had staphylococcus aureus on his skin. Most of them agreed that it was mange and suggested the following treatments (at different times, to no avail):

* Inyected clindamycin
* Ciprofloxacin tablets
* Cephalosporin (don’t know if tablets or capsules)
* Omega 3 and 6
* B complex and casein shots
* Shampoo with amitraz
* Florfenicol .6% spray
* Aluspray
* Antisebhorreic shampoo

And he is currently on an hypoallergenic salmon diet with special food.

Clinical signs:

* Weight loss
* Very swollen paws and skin in general
* Hair loss
* Loss of appetite
* Ulcers
* Lethargic
* Some fever here and there
* Redness in his eyes

Here are some pictures of him

This is him a couple of months after it started a year ago

Duration: 1 year

Your general location: Mexico city

What could this be? What can we do for him? We’ve tried everything and it seems like nothing works and we’re scared to death. We want him to get better.

2 Responses


  1. Alejandra Torres

    He already had bloodwork and nothing showed up, in the skin scrape they just detected bacteria and in the skin biopsy they caught the staphyloccocus aureus. No fungi in any of those.

    He was also seen at a vet teaching hospital by both students and doctors and most of them agreed on mange and one has been studying his case closely to no avail.

  2. Alejandra Torres

    They are not in the US and not anywhere close to a border city at all. We are desperate which is why I’ve come here to ask online since we’ve taken it to plenty different vets on the city and outside the city and spent amounts on the thousands to get him better, which is not a problem because we love him but we are truly worried and aside from the staphyloccocus aureus on his studies, nothing else has shown.

    They’ve urged their vet and themselves which is why they’ve gone to so many different providers and have tried all the treatments as prescribed to no avail.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Tooky Dog To Vet Hospital On Friday Night And They Said He Was Constipated…

I tooky dog to vet hospital on Friday night and they said he was constipated. They gave him stool softer and he has pooped 3 times and he’s still in a lot of pain. Can someone tell me what to do please?

2 Responses


  1. Brandy Perkins

    I haven’t had him long, my mother in law died and we inherited him. He has pooped 3 times. Once it was quite a bit, but he is still in a lot of pain. I spent the only money I could do to take him to vet hospital and now I’m over drawn.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Think My Dog Has An Ear Infection. Is There Any Home Remedy That I…

I think my dog has an ear infection. Is there any home remedy that I can do for her until we see a vet?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
To Get The Stitches Removed? Anything I Can Do To Get Rid Of Her Fluid…

To get the stitches removed? Anything I can do to get rid of her fluid build up? I can’t afford another 500$ to get the tube put back in, vet said that it didn’t seem to have bacteria

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Boston Terrier Just Broke Her Dew Claws. It Is Still Attached But Is…

My Boston Terrier just broke her dew claws. It is still attached but is bleeding. How do I need to take care of it?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Suddenly Acting Very Strange. He Went To His Regular Day Care While…

My dog is suddenly acting very strange. He went to his regular day care while my family and I were working. Whens he came and dropped him off to our place of business, he was very hesitant to come inside.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Girlfriend And I Were Planning To Get A Pair Of Dogs Very Soon…

My girlfriend and I were planning to get a pair of dogs very soon. We have narrowed down our list to a few breeds, and we were wondering which two would have the best chemistry.
The breeds we have in mind are:
Siberian Husky
Golden Retriever (Red)
Australian Shepherd
German Shepherd
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Shikoku (Hard to get I know).

I know this may seem like kind of a dumb question, but I know that getting something like a yorkie and a high prey drive big dog isn’t a good idea. I know none of these dogs would kill each other, but I just want to have the most compatibility as possible.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    if i would you, i’d do a LOT of research.  you’re all over the place with those breeds and i wonder what has drawn you to this list, specifically?  what are you looking for?  what’s your daily routine?  do you have a fence?  are you active people?  have you ever had dogs in the past, let alone high energy dogs?