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Pawbly | 9 years ago
How Can I Get My House Cat To Accept The Kittens. I Would Like To…

How can I get my house cat to accept the kittens. I would like to bring them in the house from time to time.

1 Response


  1. Cheryl Dietrich

    Thank you for your answer. I agree, it will take time, but I think our cat will enjoy the company of the kittens in time.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
The First 2 Days Started With A Large Amount Of Vomit Early In The A.m…

The first 2 days started with a large amount of vomit early in the a.m. not normal fur ball vomit but a watered down milk consistency with fur in it. Day 3 brought on vomiting throughout the day and refusal to eat. Also stopped using the bathroom. Day 4 vomit is yellow in color now still with fur, still refusing to eat, still hasn’t used the bathroom. Just sleeps and vomits. What can I do?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Vet time.  Could be an impacted hairball, could be something else, but your vet really needs to see your cat TODAY.  4 days is a LONG time without food, and cats really can’t go without for too long without serious health problems as a result.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Just Licked/ate A Quarter Of 140z Of Aquarphor…is This Dangerous? Or Just Going…

My dog just licked/ate a quarter of 140z of aquarphor…is this dangerous? Or just going to be uncomfortable for her belly?

1 Response


  1. Kimberly-ann Gilbert

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 5 Month Old Puppy Has A Decreased Appeitite For The Last 5 Days And…

My 5 month old puppy has a decreased appeitite for the last 5 days and had stopped eating since last night and only drinks a little water and vomits clear liquid. Please help.

3 Responses


  1. Jamie Rutherford

    I’ve lost a dog to parvo, and this is exactly what happened with her.
    Actually, we lost 5 dogs on my block because of it.
    Please get your pup some medical attention asap!
    If you can’t this very minute, offer him pedialite to keep him hydrated until you can(still get him in ASAP!)
    Praying for the lil guy/girl ?

  2. Cassandra Leitch

    Thank you for your prayers for my baby, but sadly he passed this morning

  3. Cassandra Leitch

    Thank you for your advice, but sadly my baby passed this morning

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
So I Thought He Was Making Himself Throw Up To Eat Again. Because He…

So I thought he was making himself throw up to eat again. Because he doesn’t really cry or seem in pain. But I switched his food to see if that would help. But lately he’s been throwing up way more, and it’s mostly just clear and a small amount of white foam, and sometimes some food mixed in. He still doesn’t seem in pain and doesn’t cry. Sometimes he gags to get it out, other times he will literally just be walking and a small amount will come out. He’s also been drinking quite a bit of water lately. And urinating quite a bit when he goes outside. But other than these symptoms, he seems completely fine.

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Dogs don’t make themselves throw up in order to get it to eat it again. Throwing up for extended period of time, particularly after a meal is a concern.

    If stomach content comes out “on its own” without any heaving, it’s called regurgitation. That can have its own set of causes, such as megaesophagus, which is pretty serious stuff. Is he losing any weight? Reasons for vomiting can range from issues in the digestive system itself to systemic problems such as kidneys or liver.

    With your set of symptoms, please do take him to a vet and have this diagnosed so you can treat it accordingly.  

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cats Gave Birth To 3 Kittens 48hrs Ago, One Died.
I Go Into The Room…

My cats gave birth to 3 kittens 48hrs ago, one died.
I go into the room to change her water and give her more food, and she gave birth to two more kittens.. One of them also died, and a hour later she gave birth to another which also died, and had no tail? I can’t take her to the vet because its too late and nothings open.. I also felt by her genietal area. And I feel a tube like thing that’s hard. Is it another kitten? What should I do till the morning? I’m very worried 🙁 and yes I’ll be speying her in 8-9 weeks time.

1 Response


  1. Cocotipio Linbayn

    Did you figure everything out?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Am A Cat Foster Mom. I Currently Have A Little 8 Week Old…

I am a cat foster mom. I currently have a little 8 week old calico kitten that has URI. It was real bad when I first got her and had to hand feed her. She is now eating and drinking fine but her breathing is horrible. She is gasping alot and it has me worried. She is currently on Amoxicillin and I am using a humidifier to try to help her breathing.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is 4yrs Old And Is A Small Breed Dog

She is 4yrs old and is a small breed dog

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Wheezing A Lot And Not Sleeping Her Eyes Are Open, And Her Nose…

she is wheezing a lot and not sleeping her eyes are open, and her nose is dry, sometimes when i come by she wags her tail, she vomitted about 30min after we arrived home, she will not eat or drink. Is this normal for post surgery day?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    the not drinking would worry me, so i’d take her to your vet – every new pet should be seen by your vet within 3 days of coming home, anyway.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Recently Took In A Stray Dog On Friday. He Was Very Malnourished But…

I recently took in a stray dog on Friday. He was very malnourished but other than his big belly he seemed perfectly fine. He was playful and didn’t act sick. On Saturday night he began to throw up his dog food. (Purina One). I started feeding him only liquid foods. I gave him Tomato soup mixed with chicken broth and pepto. On Sunday I started to notice blood in his poop so I believe he has Parvovirus. I don’t have enough money to bring him to the vet and I am afraid of him dying. I am trying to keep him hydrated by giving him Gatorade raw eggs and a pepto pill dissolved in water. Is there any other home remedies that will get him well?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    he needs a vet, Bria.  please find a way to take him in, even if you have to get Care Credit or surrender him.

    you have to think about HIS needs first, here…and not taking him to the vet when he’s obviously very sick is willful neglect.