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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Female Boxador Who Weighs About 40lbs. She Has Eaten About A Half A…

I have a female boxador who weighs about 40lbs.
She has eaten about a half a slice of dark chocolate pie.
will she be okay?
We live in remote Alaska, with no immediate access to a clinic. What do you believe is the best course of action?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    If it has been within 3 hours I would recommend making her vomit to get the pie back out of her stomach.  Additionally, I would contact animal poison control and discuss this problem with them.  Likely she will be okay with just some gastrointestinal upset but poison control can give you better information.

    Good Luck, I hope she is fine.

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 3 Yr Old White German Sheperd Has Suddenly Become Itchy, Mostly Around His Hind…

my 3 yr old white german sheperd has suddenly become itchy, mostly around his hind quarters. no known alergies. no evidence of fleas. no dietary changes. what could cause the sudden nusiance itchiness?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Even if you have no known allergies this sudden itchiness could be the result of allergies.  I would recommend a visit to your vet before your dog does some damage to his skin by itching.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Attacked By Another Dog And Has Bite Wounds. I Treated The Wounds…

My dog was attacked by another dog and has bite wounds. I treated the wounds with Blu Kote but what can I give her for pain that I would have in my medicine cabinet?

1 Response


  1. Kasia R

    Sorry to hear about your dog. Please take her to the vets, she might need antibiotics in case of an infection..and I don’t know of anything you can give her for pain that is in your medicine cabinet…NO ibuprofen, that is dangerous. Call an emergency vet in your area and ask them, do not medicate the dog yourself, could harm  her. I am sure a vet could tell you on the phone if there is something, but if she is in pain and has bite marks I’d really get her to the vets asap. Dogs have a lot of bacterial in their mouths, wouldn’t want an infection to set in. Hope she is ok.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Has A Hurt Leg That Needs To Be Examined And He Most Likely Has…

He has a hurt leg that needs to be examined and he most likely has a blockage of somesort in his urethra. This is a life or death situation. I’ve called every vet available and they won’t even look at him without the money. He’s only 9-12 months please help me save his life.

1 Response


  1. dakoda peterson

    Thank you 🙂 I’m trying.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, I Have A 9 Month Old Valley Bulldog/boxer Mix Puppy, Recently In The Last Couple…

I have a 9 month old valley bulldog/boxer mix puppy, recently in the last couple weeks his black nose has started turning brown… I have never experienced this before and just wondering if I should be worried or not. Thanks

3 Responses


  1. Olivia Lance

    I’m no vet so I’m not sure if that means anything. However, I have a 2 year old boxer and sometimes her nose seems to be black one day than brown. Sometimes maybe it is just from dirt, but I think as long as its wet and they seem fine it’s good. Cute puppy! Hope that helps..

  2. Ashley Thibault

    Thank you 🙂 he’s definitely a sweetheart. I know its not dirt I’ve tried washing it lol its the actual pigment. He seems happy and healthy other wise! It might not be anything to worry about but I still can’t help it lol

  3. Ashley Thibault

    Thank you very much 🙂 no PitBull in him though, he is 3/4 valley bulldog and 1/4 boxer 🙂 but yeah I’m just not sure about it, it maybe time to take him in for a check up

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
A Few Months Ago, We Booked Him Into A Piggy Farm, Where He Had To…

A few months ago, we booked him into a piggy farm, where he had to learn to behave, and not to be aggressive, when he came back after 3 weeks he was calm and showed no aggression. That only lasted for about 4 months. He shows a lot of aggression towards my other female pot belly pig, and my family members.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Folks I Need Some Help My Puppy Is Sick I Need Advise Fast Is Was Vomiting…

folks i need some help my puppy is sick i need advise fast
is was vomiting and now he is lethargic and not moving at all
his mouth and toung are white i need something fast please

2 Responses


  1. Ashley Thibault

    You need to get that poor dog to the vet now! Something like that you don’t stop to ask questions online, you just load him in the car and go!!!

  2. Olivia Lance

    Seriously, if a dog is acting like that, don’t look online go to the vet immediately!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Sebastian Has Blood In His Urine And I’m Unsure What The Cause Could Be. He’s…

Sebastian has blood in his urine and I’m unsure what the cause could be. He’s about 9-12 months old and he’s never had blood in his urine before. Some of it had this grainy sand like stuff in it. He is NOT showing signs of straining when he pews inside or outside. He’s still a happy cat as far as I can tell but I have no idea what could cause this. We don’t have any money so we can’t take him to the vet but I will give her a call tomorrow. I’m extremely worried because we have two other cats. And blood is always a sign. Please give me advise.

1 Response


  1. dakoda peterson

    Thank you that is very helpful. I will call my vet hospital and describe what’s going on and mention his diet and how to get some medications. We buy friskies for him as wet food and we feed all the cats a mix of everpet dry and new mix origional

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Baby Chinese Water Dragon Has A Broken Forearm, But Its Still Using It Just…

My baby Chinese water dragon has a broken forearm, but its still using it just fine. It looks noticeably broken but doesn’t seem to bother it. Should I try to re break it out just leave it alone?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    No. Please take this BABY to a vet. DO NOT try to fix this yourself!! Your lizard is most likely in a lot of pain and needs veterinary care!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Bonnie Is 3 Years Old
Clyde Is 4 Years Old

They Were Neglected By Previous Owner But…

Bonnie is 3 years old
Clyde is 4 years old

They were neglected by previous owner but seem to be looking better and improving.

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It sounds like they could both use a trip to an exotics vet for an exam, and if the one’s anus is prolapsed this visit should be asap!