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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Kitten That Just Recently Started Limping. It’s Been Going On Since Yesterday…

I have a kitten that just recently started limping. It’s been going on since yesterday. He’s been shaking every now and then and his fur looks different like kind of scruffy. He also meows like he’s in Pain every so often. He just been sleeping all day too.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i would absolutely take your kitten to the vet – pain is an indicator that something is wrong!  your vet should be able to tell you why your kitten is in pain.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

Update: My Cat Was Drooling Clear Liquid Then It Turned To Brown And Then Bleeding…

Update: My cat was drooling clear liquid then it turned to brown and then bleeding in approximately a week. Then she was rescued and taken to the Vet. She got treatment and was better with no vomiting, bleeding etc. but she was not eating. For day she passed loose stools. She was cured but then she ran away for a day. She was again rescued and fed milk and glucose water. her ears were warm at this time. She had three seizures followed by this.

She was taken tothe hospital and given an injection (Lori umm am not sure) after which she slept for like a day and then she was a little relaxed…she again had a seizure which was less severe after 27 hours…then treated… no injection for seizure this time no fever……… she became restless and wanted to be out of the basket…we released her…she started biting…had more seizures in the next 12 hours…at this point she wanted to eat and ate a little bit idk because of anger or hunger

we calmed her down and sent her to the hospital. all this happened over a period of 13 14 days…please tell me what this was…doctor tried to draw blood but it would not come out…no test could be done…is it RABIES?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 8 Week Old Chocolate Lab Twitches Her Eye And Bring Up Her Left Side…

My 8 week old chocolate lab twitches her eye and bring up her left side of her mouth. Was just wondering if that a weak muscle because that what a vet said or what?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Female Guinea Pig That Is Pregnant And Is In And Out Of…

i have a female guinea pig that is pregnant and is in and out of labor is this normal or should i be worried

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Anyone Else Have An Extremely Hyper Active Standard Poodle?

Anyone else have an extremely hyper active standard poodle?

8 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    my neighbor does.  he walks his boy 4 miles a day, plays fetch with him, then sends him to my yard to play with my doberman.

    what’s your question?

  2. Ashley Labelle

    Just need to know I’m not alone lol

  3. Anonymous

    they can certainly be a challenge, but if you work his brain, he’ll be quite a bit more manageable. 🙂 what sort of training do you do with him?

  4. Ashley Labelle

    Not much lately but I could run her for 10 hours and she still goes she doesn’t stop and she’s close to psychotic and I mean jumps 2 feet in the air every 5 seconds lol.

  5. Anonymous

    yeah…work on training. just a half hour of training will wear her out…i’m serious! 🙂 plus, poods are SO smart that she could pick up something useful. what does she know beyond basic obedience? have you considered something like nosework or lure coursing?

  6. Ashley Labelle

    I don’t do much really and if I knew what that was I would try it! I have 4 dogs and it’s a full time job lol I was trying to find a trainer in my area but there’s no one 🙁

  7. Anonymous

    well, fortunately, you can train nosework at home! you can also train basic obedience at home. a good source for training courses would be Denise Fenzi’s online sport dog training:

    nosework is scent detection, and it REALLY wears their brains out!

    good luck. i know how tough dogs can be – we just have our doberdork, because i honestly would NOT be able to handle trying to train two dogs, let alone 4!

  8. Ashley Labelle

    Our other dogs are older and pretty good and calm. She’s young and just out of control! Thanks for the link 🙂

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Chocolate Lab That Is 15 Years Old She Sometimes Has A Hard…

i have a chocolate lab that is 15 years old she sometimes has a hard time getting up with her age,i have just started a new product called ANTINOL by vetz petz,which is an all natural question is: prior to giving her ANTINOL,for years i have been giving her 650mg(4 pills a day)of glucosamine,a daily vitamin(consists of multi-vitamin a,b,e two pills aday) and 4 pills a day of brewers yeast for skin and coat,with her now taking ANTINOL,Can she still take the other pills safely with ANTINOL,OR SHOULD I DISCONTINUE the other pills.i would appreciate a veterinarian answering my question!!!! thank you very much!

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Dale,
    I’m not a vet, just lifelong experience with a variety of animals, but until a vet see’s your post I’ll chime in. . Prior to giving your dog any supplements or other pills you should consult your vet to determine if the supplement is needed or not. Sometimes an underlying condition could be the cause of your pets problem. At 15yrs old, that’s pretty senior for a lab and I’d be thinking at this point your pet may need a heavier type of medication to help with the stiffness and pain involved with getting up.
    Looking forward to what vet’s reply.
    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Gave Her A Flea Bath, Did The Frontline Treatment And Then Cleaned The Entire…

I gave her a flea bath, did the frontline treatment and then cleaned the entire house with a flea powder that you vacuum up after. I still found some on her, what should I do next?

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Frontline is not an immediate kill type of product.  Is there any flea dirt (small black pieces of flea feces) on your dog?  It is possible she picked up a couple of fleas when she went out to urinate/defecate. Also, the makers of Frontline suggest treating the animals (all animals in the house) for 3 consecutive months in order to eliminate a flea problem.

    If you notice flea dirt on her then I would suggest contacting your vet about a product like trifexis, comfortis or nexgard.

  2. Crystal Plumb

    Yes she does have the little black flakes! Can I give her another flea bath? I bought some spray to put on the furniture and floors again and will be doing that again.

  3. Matthew Kelcourse

    Also – Frontline is now an OTC flea preventative that fleas are developing resistance to; so I am seeing a lot of patients with fleas and flea dirt that are using Frontline… just not very effective.

    Dr K

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Yorkshire Terrier 10 Years Old

Yorkshire terrier 10 years old

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
VitaHound Is Continually Evaluating And Searching For Highly Dependable Dog Care Resources. Over…

VitaHound is continually evaluating and searching for highly dependable dog care resources. Over the past 20 years we have assembled a directory of the top organizations to reference for canine care issues by category. We are currently evaluating our selection of Pet Poison help lines and or Websites. Our current recommendation is, our staff would truly appreciate the opinion of pet owners on this source and suggestions on other sources. This site currently is for profit and a current survey of pet owners indicates the fees involved in any pet care service creates a real barrier to access.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Just bumping this into the answer section….

    from Dr. Magnifico, founder of : Would love to talk to you all about this..

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
First I Would Like To Mention That We Took Our Dog To See The Vet…

First I would like to mention that we took our dog to see the vet here but he didn’t know what to do to help.
We have have a Daschund. She is quite old – 11 years. And recently was diagnosed with diabetis. She has been shivering and weak since yesterday. What could be the problem?

1 Response


  1. Matthew Kelcourse

    Hello Annija.

    Shivering and weakness can be common symptoms of unregulated diabetes and so many other conditions. Because unregulated diabetes can become life-threatening if left unmanaged, you need to seek proper medical care for her; either at your regular veterinarian or request a referral to a specialist.

    With the proper care, 11 year olds can lead many more years of a good life.

    Dr K