My dog ate a wooden skewer. I was just wondering if there as anything I could do to help the pieces pass easier?
My 10 year old lab just started licking everything in sight and eating grass and whining non stop. Not how she acts at all. All she wants to do is eat grass
My cat has a wound on his tail. We don’t know where the wound came from, but it looks like a scratch, it’s not very big, and we suspect it came from a mean neighborhood cat.
However, it has a weird strand of something coming out of it that has me worried. It’s thin, about 2.5 inches / 6 cm long, roughly tan colored except in a few places where it’s dark and more red, and about halfway down its length it becomes very thin, kind of like a hair. It does seem to be affixed to his tail, though I’m not sure if it’s actually coming out of the wound.
Here’s an album with a few pictures of it:
Touching it is obviously uncomfortable for my cat. Occasionally he’ll lick it, and I’ve seen him chewing at it a few times as though he’s trying to get rid of it. Other than that, I see no change in his behavior. His tail still has its full range of movement.
What is this thing? Is it serious enough that we should take him to a vet?
i have treated my cats fleas but it seem i might have fleas in my house i have tale floors
can mop in dog flea shampoo that is what have on hand or what do you thank i should do
i thank have fleas in my house i have two cat but i have flea shampoo for dogs can i use that
Dawn Ferara, DVM I would not use dog shampoo because depending on the active ingredient it could be toxic to the cats body. Instead of taking chances I would just not use it unless it’s labeled for cats.
Actually, your vet is going to have the best options for treating cats with fleas. Make sure what ever product you use you need to treat the house and yard.Good luckDr Dawn
What if my dog at too many milk bone brushing chews because they got into box.
What do you watch for
julie brader Hi Ashley, your dog got into the biscuits did he!
Depending on how many hes eaten look out for him throwing up, loose runny stools and obvious stomach bloating and pain.
If he gets these 3 symptoms you need to take him to a Vet. Hopefully he will be alright but go easy on feeding him especially today and tomorrow. It takes up to 48 hours for food to go through a dogs system and it would be wise to let all these biscuits pass through before you give him more food on top.
Hope hes ok!
Ashley Steinhagen Luckly my dogs were okay. I have 3 dogs at my house all littermates… Thanks for the reply.
We didn’t give any dental bones for a week after that.
Ashley Steinhagen Nothing happen and they still acted like themselves
Is there anything i can do to get him used to men? My neighbor put his hand down for him to snif,he snarled and barked! I love this dog,have had him 3 days! He will let me do anything! Please help!
Rein N PadgettHege It takes time for a new dog to get used to his new people and surroundings. They all do it at their own pace. I strongly urge you to consult a behavioral trainer so that you introduce him and socialize him the best way possible especially since he’s an older dog that can easily have a lot of baggage. Meanwhile, just love him, give him time to trust you. As your relationship grows and he sees you as his leader, protector and family he will be more likely to trust others and situations that he is placed in with you. All these wonderful things that we share with our pets take time and a lot of patience. I just adopted a 2.5 year old Great Dane, we love him dearly. He wasn’t socialized well, if at all, and he can be a lot to handle, he’s having to “learn” how to play in an acceptable manner with our other dogs and even with us just throwing a ball. Just remember that coming to your home, even with all your love, is a huge adjustment to him. It takes the average dog about 6 weeks to acclimate to their new surroundings and begin to feel calm and secure in their new home with their new people. Trainers with behavioral expertise can give you tons of advice, to-dos, not to-dos and offer you a world of information. I can promise you that a consultation with one will help you to understand things we never thought about with adopted dogs – you will learn so much and it will help you bond even faster. I can tell you that time will change things and that you can never have a more devoted dog than one who has been rescued. Wishing you much luck and love with your new baby.
evelyn zier Paul,tk u for advice! I aprec. It! Evelyn
13 Year Old Neutered Male
threw up fresh blood in a clear flem like fluid
13 year old neutered male
It is perfectly round and symmetrical, appears to be under the skin (hair is intact), fairly firm, 2 inches in diameter and doesn’t seem to be bothering my dog when touched. He was also licking his nose very frequently when it showed up along with increased sneezing. I’m wondering, What this is caused by? Should he see a vet? Could this be caused by an allergy?
She has been really itchy lately and when I was bathing her with oatmeal bath i noticed this lump on her tail. Any idea what it is?
If you actually saw him eat the object and you believe it can pass strongly recommend getting in contact with a vet, especially if it was large or there could have been more he ate. Call an emergency hospital near you. It is much easier to remove objects, if that’s what needs to be done, without a full GI system from these “bulking” diets. So there are risks to them you need to understand. Feeding soft bread and wet dog food can help in some circumstances.
The lind again with out the “I” after it. 🙂 I hope that helps.
Hi Anissa, I can’t help but be concerned about how sharp the peices of wood will be. If one or more hit your dogs intestines at the wrong angle they could perforate easily.
Perhaps you should consult a Vet about this and see what he says. I’m not convinced feeding bread will be enough to protect his stomach.
Hope hes ok.