How to keep two dogs from being jealous of its owner?
My dog is 3 years old and half Chihuahua half fox terrier
PK Dennis Have you taken her to see a vet? It could be allergies, it could be mange, or it could be related to other conditions. Sarcoptic mange is more prevalent this time of year as the fox move around and look for new territories (if you are in the country). It makes the dogs very itchy but is easy to cure with the advice of your vet and Revolution (the vet has to help you get the timing of the applications right).
Allergies are harder to deal with because it take much more effort to figure out what she is reacting to, and to heal her skin. The first step is to get her on a grain-free diet — and that includes all treats! Grains in her diet will slow down the process of dealing with allergies.
The only way to figure out what is going on with her is to see the vet.
To help with the itching try rinsing her with 1/3 vinegar & 2/3 water. Be sure it gets into her skin, and then allow it to dry. You can try witchhazel with aloe on the raw patches — pat it on with cotton and allow to dry.
And last of all, use the generic form of Zyrtec (not Benadryl) to help get her through a few days of itchiness.
I have an 8 1/2 month old, 6 pound, miniature dachshund. About 8 days ago, I noticed her nipples were slightly bigger than normal. I was planning on taking her to the vet to see if she was ready to be fixed (my vet recommended waiting until she was 8 months old to give all her baby teeth time to fall out) but the night before I was to take her, I noticed her vulva was swollen and protruding. I wiped her and a brownish color appeared. I was still not 100% she was in heat due to the color.
The next morning I checked her again – her vulva was even more swollen and the discharge had now changed to bright red blood. It has now been 3 days since I first noticed the swelling and discharge/blood.
I did a lot of research online but have gotten conflicting information about almost everything that has to do with a dog in heat, including how many stages there are in the heat cycle, what happens in each cycle, what color the discharge/blood changes and when, when she would be most fertile, etc. I read that one way to know for sure she was in heat was to scratch the top of her butt right before her tail and if she moves her tail to the side she is definitely in heat. THEN I read that means she is already in the 2nd stage of the heat cycle. I’ve also read conflicting timelines of cycle from 2 weeks to 4.
I’m so lost and confused and hesitant to go to the vet. I don’t know if it is safe to take her because of the possibility of the presence of male dogs. I don’t want to be the idiot first time pet parent who will just get told ‘all dogs are different. there’s no way to know anything’.
Dawn Ferara, DVM Ashley,
I would recommend calling your vet to see if they will spay a dog in heat. It is riskier to spay a dog in heat because of the excess blood in the uterus during this period of time and the fact the tissues can be more fragile.
In answer to your question, dogs cycles last about 6 months. This time period can vary from dog to dog and in different breeds. However of the 4 phases, the 1st 3 phases are the ones that are going to concern you the most. The 1st stage last 7-9 days, during this period the vulva is swollen and the discharge tends to be bloody. During this phase the female will not allow the male to mount her. After this phase, starting around day 8-10 and lasting for about 2 weeks is actually standing heat. At this point she will allow the male to mount her and she can become pregnant. The 3rd phase can last up to 60 days. During this time the female will slowly begin to return to normal or if bred the puppies will grow. All dogs go through a false pregnancy during this phase.
I’m trying to not get to involved in the phases so that you understand but aren’t overwhelmed by the information.
I hope this answers your questions and you get your baby spayed before you have any unwanted puppies.
I have a two year old male cat fixed happy loveable and seems completely healthy eating fine drinking fine but is urinating blood in my bathroom sink i am on social security with no cash at this time what could it be and what can I do.
Anonymous unfortunately, urinating blood means he may have crystals or a blockage and this can be life threatening. can you contact your vet and work out a payment plan, or maybe look into Care Credit? this is something that needs to be resolved immediately, with no delays.
Cheryl Cornell He is urinating a real good amount to. I live in Rhode Island do you know of any organizations or vets that might be able to help?
Anonymous well, i would call YOUR vet first and discuss the problem. they’re the ones who have a working knowledge of your cat (they DO see your cat annually, right?) and are the best place to start.
Cheryl Cornell I have his vet in Warwick but they well not see him on an IOU
Anonymous ask them for suggestions on where else you can go, or organizations that can help with cost deferral…and seriously, investigate Care Credit. it’s basically a credit card, and the first year is interest-free.
Cheryl Cornell Will do thank you
Cheryl Cornell So I just went online and applied for care credit and contacted the aspca waiting to be contacted hope they call soon don’t want anything bad happening to my baby
Anonymous good luck, Cheryl. i hope you can get him help.
Cheryl Cornell Ty
Cheryl Cornell He was diagnosed with a UTI and given amoxicillin and luckily he didn’t have any blockage they said he was pretty empty that he was urinating enough but that if he isn’t better soon they would like to do blood work its a shame how much money vets want just to walk in the door.
Anonymous i’m so glad you took him in, and i’m so glad you got a diagnosis!
Is tail trauma in cats instant or does it take days to notice?
Ripley has a lick sore with broken skin on her rear leg. She already has a routine vet visit scheduled for Friday, and we would like to avoid moving that up if possible. Wondering what I can do in the interim to prevent her from chewing on it more. It is not bleeding at the moment.
I have bitter apple on hand but with the broken skin I’m afraid of irritating it further.
Emily Herbel I’m not a vet, but have you tried putting a cone on her? You can get one at any pet supply store and they are pretty inexpensive. It will make it harder for her to get her mouth to her leg.
PK Dennis Laura,
Have you gotten all the grain out of her diet? Including treats? In the long run being grain-free will help her system while it tries to heal itself.
The three things I do to help a dog that is itching (other than treating them for whatever caused the itch in the first place) are:
1. Rinsing the area or the entire dog with cider vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water – I like organic vinegar. If the dog is white you may want to use a white vinegar cause the cider can stain the coat). Do not rinse this out, let it dry in the coat and make sure the mix gets all the way to the skin.
2. On raw hot spots I use witch hazel with aloe. You can find this in any drug store. Just pat it on with a cotton pad and allow to dry.
3. Use a generic form of Zyrtec instead of the Benadryl — it seems to work better for most dogs.
Good luck!
My lab is 9 years old and weighs approximately 82 pounds.
1- She Only Took Cows…
I got this 1.5 months old persian female kitten yesterday.
1- She only took cows milk for the first time during day and did vomit at night.
2- Today she took nothing, except water (only small quantity) and did not go to litter box whole day.
3- She is very slow and almost sleeping whole day.
4- I tried to force feed her milk and cat food, she immediately did vomit.
What should i do now? Its public holiday next 3 days no vet is open.
Lilly Bounds I hate to be the one to tell you this, but cow’s milk is REALLY BAD for cats of all ages. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and I’d say the same for your kitten. Don’t try to force feed her, take her to the vet ASAP. I really hope she feels better, though.
julie brader You need to take her to an emergency Vet without delay, your kitten sounds to be very ill. Cows milk is not good for kittens of this age she needs kitten milk. Shes also too young at 1.5 months to be away from her mum. Please stop force feeding her cows milk and food it may be that causing her to be ill….take her to an emergency Vet.
My cat threw up a small amount of white foam and then had some kind of seizure and fell over. Then started twitching. What could be wrong with him?
My ten year old English Golden Retriever has developed open holes by her front knee area and they weap and nothing seems to help heal them up.
Can anyone give me help with this?
I have 3 Labs and 2 are young and all get very jealous when I pay the other one special attention. What I do is have my own special one on one time with one and then with the other one. One of my dogs love playing frisbee so I play that with that one by himself and the other one loves playing hide and go seek with treats so I play that with him. It’s just and idea but I hope it helps ?