I have a golden retriever 11 years male a chow lab mix 15 female and pit bull mix 6 female they all get along without any issues but the pit bull doesn’t get along with any dogs outside of the house so I would like someone opinion about my rescue dog pit bull 2 female friendly keeping her in her own room with access to side back yard area walking her daily and socializing with other dogs be ok ?
She has her parvo shots but her sister passed away from an unknown illness and I’m just worried that she might have got It. she has been really stressed recently and she’s been staying at numerous peoples house until we get the area disinfected at her home and she has been eating a multitude of different dog food she is used to Alpo and blue diamond but at other peoples house she has been eating kibbles and bits could be what’s wrong with her and what do I need to do to help her get rid of the diarrhea is an online that before at night tell me that I needed to keep her away from food and water for 12 hours. This seems kind of confusing to me thing as whenever someone has diarrhea they need to keep fluids to stay from dehydrating I’m very confused as to what to do.
julie brader Hi Angel, you need to take her to the Vet urgently!
Never mind starve her, keep her away from water….this is a 3 month old puppy who has just lost her sibling from an unknown illness. Plus shes been here there and everywhere, fed different foods (why didn’t you get her food to send with her?) and could have picked up any infection going. …now shes got diahrrea and is vomiting?
Why aren’t you at the Vet already?!
Angel Medlock The puppy that my friend was talking about on this post is not mine she doesn’t think that there’s anything stomach t
messed up I was just trying to let if she kept her away from water with her being as little as she is that she could get dehydrated really fast as much as she’s been passing diarrhea -
julie brader Oh I see…..apologies to you Angel, you should have made it clear this wasn’t your puppy. Well I hope your friend takes her to the Vet urgently or she could easily lose her like her sibling.
Angel Medlock I’m sorry my keyboard is messed up what I meant to say I was just trying to let my friend know that keeping her away from water wasn’t going to do anything but dehydrate hurt and hurt her even more she asked 2 online vets and I told her to keep her away from food and water for 12 hours I did not believe that she should do this I was just trying to get confirmation from people that I know would give us the right information.
Angel Medlock The vet told them not to feed her anything or to give her any water what you
julie brader As our Vet Krista said…keeping water away from a puppy this young is dangerous! Shes just 3 months old…..dehydration can set in very easily at thaf age and she could die from it….shes already vomiting and has diarrhea..and already losing fluid. There is no messing about with puppies….this one needs a Vet now. I hope your friend realises that.
julie brader I don’t want to speak out of turn here Angel…but doesn’t your friend realise how serious this is? This pup could still have Parvo even though shes had her shots. Her sibling died…..this puppy is very ill and needs to see a Vet urgently. I don’t understand why people get dogs and then risk their lives…it astounds me
Molly Bitch Hey it’s my fucking dog and if you don’t like the way I’m doing shit the GET THE FUCK OFF THE POST THIS IS FOR SERIOUS HEARTFELT ANSWERS ONLY. If you have the money to send me to take my dog to the vet then by all means send it to me and I will take her because I had 4 dogs, my MEDICAL dog my husbands hunting dog, a dog that has been with me for 3-4 years, and this new puppy that was a rescue now then you don’t know the WHOLE STORY SO BACK THE FUCK OFF BECAUSE MY MEDICAL DOG WAS POISONED AND MY DOG THAT I HAVE HAD FOR 3-4 YEARS HAD TORN OFF HIS TOE NAIL AND SO I TOOK THE HUNTING DOG AND HIM TO THE FUCKING VET TO GET THEM TREATED AND SAFE THEN I GOT MY PUPPY AND NOW SHE IS DOING THIS SO BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DON’T JUDGE BECAUSE YOU CAN’T SAY SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING!!!
julie brader No need for the abuse. You asked for advice on here. You got it.
Angel Medlock Very rudely I might add. Also you were the one who called her out on what you seemed to believe was wrong. We asked for sincere heartfelt advice and your first comment was very sarcastic and rude.
Molly Bitch EXACTLY I don’t see how people like you are allowed around animals at all. My dogs would all bite you if they met someone so rude and judgemental
Angel Medlock What you have to understand is there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye. People are trying to poison our dogs my beagle lab mix as well. You made it sound as if we aren’t doing anything at all Molly has taken her dogs to the vet several times her vet I’ll as of this moment is incredibly steep. She loves her fur babies and treats them like her children. I can attest to this because her puppies visit me everyday. You almost make it sound like she doesn’t take care of them, but you’re seriously mistaken.
Angel Medlock And Cleopatra has been to the vet test came back negative for canine distemper, adenovovirus type two, parainfluenza, and the parvovirus that is why we tried searching online to see what could be wrong. Before you assume we don’t take care of our animals.
Angel Medlock That and we wouldn’t be searching online for help if we didn’t care.
Molly Bitch Hmm i’m blocked really this lady shouldn’t have stuck her nose into my business nice try though you wanna block somebody then block the one that wants to start the attitudes and sarcasm crap BY THE WAY MY DOG IS FINE SO DON’T RUN YOUR MOUTH WHERE IT AIN’T WANTED PEACE OUT
He walks great the further away he is from the house and is amazing on leash. But I can’t always be carrying him or dragging him for that first little bit. I have searched everywhere but most things are on leash pulling and getting a puppy used to a leash. I could really use some help.
Catherine Pepe I agree, it takes time for a little pup to build confidence! He is tiny and just spending time with him in the yard working with his basic commands and puppy treats will get him confident. Soon he will be dragging you everywhere! I started carrying small tidbits of treats in my pocket and after pottying I would treat him. Then walking around the house with the leash attached to me as he gets older taught him to watch me and when he had that connection I would begun to walk side by side him outside and keep eye contact when I switched direction and he had to switch with me. I would give him the command to sit occasionally and then treat him. Soon I said his name…then pointed to my nose then a treat when he had eye contact. It takes time and patience to teach them to connect with you and time will build his or her confidence.
She had a vet appointment in June and was fine.
Brenda Patacca Hello, thanks for the response. Both are female and both are fixed. There have been no changes, but Maya has had to have surgery due to the last two fights they were in. I have had them separated more lately, and monitored when they are together because Nala (the three year old) just goes to Maya (my 11 year old) Tower over her then attacks.
Brenda Patacca Any recommendations would so greatly be appreciated. I love these dogs so much, but can’t risk another surgery to my 11 year old.
PK Dennis You need the help of a behaviorist. Someone that comes into your home that can see what triggers the terrier to attack the larger dog, etc. They will cost a lot less than more surgery! There is not much we can offer in this situation with not being able to see what is going on. When terriers feel that their leader is not in control they can become very aggressive and try to take control themselves. I suspect this is what is happening. The larger dog is aging, you are not in control, and a vacuum has been created in the leadership role – which the terrier is trying to fill. Get professional help in learning how to be the leader of your small pack so that the terrier can relax and feel secure.
Good luck!
My yorkie hasn’t eaten probably in 3 days all she seems to do is want to sleep and she finding it hard to walk up an downstairs,also she not as lively as she usually is
julie brader Hi Dawn, there is obviously something wrong with your Yorkie. All the symptoms you describe point to it….she could have anything from a spinal problem to stomach problem or both.
You need to take her to your Vet and tell him whats going on and take her today.
Its really not wise to let small breeds go up and down stairs or jump on sofas ect. It puts undue pressure on their spine and can cause all sorts of problems. I would honestly carry her up and down stairs, and lift her on and off the sofa.
Hope she recovers soon.
Robin Laybolt Its not good for any kind of animals not to eat for even one day, three days is really not good for them. When animals don’t eat it will lead to alot of unwanted problems, it is really unhealthy so you need to get you baby to a vet asap. The reason she isn’t as active is because she hasn’t been eating. Good luck and I hope you get your dog the help that your dog needs.
Kasey Litt Is she drinking water? Sometimes I’m not so concerned when my pets don’t eat especially if they are still hydrating themselves. The listlessness and physical issues though worry me and as mentioned by my other colleagues, please take to the vet as soon as possible.
My mom wants to put him down. But there must be something we can do
julie brader Hello Annie, just a note on top of what Krista has said, having had a dog with this condition myself. She was younger than your boy too.
I’m afraid your only option here is expensive surgery. If you decide to go down that route find a Specialist to do the Surgery. In the UK we have to be referred by our own Vet for Specialist treatment but I don’t know about Canada.
There is an aid you could look at that would enable him to walk with your help. Perhaps this would help short term until you decide what to do. At least he could go outside.
The aid is called The Walkabout Back Harness and you will find the company online.
I wish you good luck.
We have a WONDERFUL cat, who is destroying our furniture more, and more. Would someone please share some possible solutions to curb her scratching the furniture before we have no furniture left?
Kelly Furgason Hi Sarah,
There are lots of things you can do to help your cat. First, here is a great link about it :http://www.vet.cornell.edu/fhc/health_information/brochure_destructive.cfm
Make sure to provide lots of other options for her, scratching posts are great, or the rigid cardboard scratcher boxes–you sprinkle some cat nip on them to lure them and encourage her to scratch.
Clip her nails as short as possible. If you are not comfortable doing this, take her to a groomer or your vet. It’s important to do this every 4 weeks so they don’t get too long. This will help a great deal.
Make sure she has a lot of things to keep her busy,,cat tree, interactive toys, etc..that should help too.
Finally, if you catch her in the act. You can try sound as a deterrent. Take a metal can–like a soup or coffee can, fill it with a few pennies and seal it. When you see her start to try to scratch, loudly shake the can and say NO in a firm voice. After a few times of doing this , you may see her not trying to go near the furniture.
Good Luck! Make sure to check out the link I put in at the top of this, lots of good advice there.
Cathy Woodward Someone I know trained his cat to not scratch furniture by putting double sided tape on it
Hello, I just adopted a kitten and I had a few inquires about her and her health. Unfortunately, the previous owner did not know her age, therefore I do not either. The kitten is a Persian breed, at glance I’d say she’s about 5 or 6 weeks old. Please would you tell me what type of food to give her? Prior to my understanding of what cats eat, I have fed her cheese as meals for an entire day; I stopped upon finding out it is not good for them. I have then fed her boiled chicken, though she ate it she did not seem to enjoy it. I plan on buying cat food today however I do not know what brand to get; and since she was getting hungry I fed her smoked turkey rashers and I’m wondering if that would harm her?
David Bent Hi Zain
As she is a kitten – she needs building up like any new animal- get kitten milk -it is called that- NOT normal milk -at the supermarket- this is a food supplement- any good commercial “wet” canned food and you can get biscuits for different age cats
Also the local vet can give you advice – a lot of commercial biscuits are very salty- ask the vet
regards David
Is cat acne usually painful for the cat? Do they scratch at it?
Can I put on frontline plus early? I put it on my cat three weeks ago.
Hello Eddie, I don’t quite understand the question….but I think you mean separate your pitbull from the other dogs in your house? Give her her own room with outside access to the yard?
This would be ok but I think you might run the risk of upsetting the harmony between the 3 of them. Your pitbull may end up jealous and feeling left out. She could turn on the other two maybe. She would certainly miss them. All you could do is give it a try and see.
I don’t know if your pitbull would ever be able to socialise and be friendly with other dogs at 6 years old, she could be too set in her ways now. Maybe you could muzzle her and see how that goes too…..the last thing you want is another dog bitten…..
You sound a very responsible owner and I hope it all works out for you. Good luck.
I met the new dog 2 year old might not get along with the 6 year old I would keep the 6 year old Pitt with the golden and lab chow mix they get along fine but she probably wouldn’t get along with the new dog so I was going to keep the new dog by it self
Oh I see lol….yes that would be fine I’m sure. Be careful your pitbull doesn’t come face to face with your new dog though ….but I’m already sure you won’t ?
Good luck with the new dog!
I think you will get tired of this arrangement very quickly. After a few day if one or two of the dogs think they need to get to the other dog(s) you will have a dangerous situation. One second of not paying attention. One visiting friend that doesn’t understand the consequences of opening a door and you will have an out-of-control situation.
And these are all BIG dogs. You won’t be able to just pick up one of the dogs to end the fight.
I have fostered dogs that wanted to kill smaller dogs (one of my own dogs!). Every precaution was taken — two doors/gates between the dogs. The aggressive dog was harnessed and had to always drag a leash for me to step on (these were terriers that I could pick up to help end any aggression). The aggressive dog was never allowed into the yard with the smaller dogs unless there were 2 handlers that were working with the aggressive dog (1 to work with the aggressive dog, and 1 to make sure the smaller dogs did not approach the aggressive dog).
I finally got the aggressive dog to accept that MY small dog was not something for him to kill and they got to the point that they could all be in the kennel all day together. BUT he was still willing to attack unknown small dogs on sight.
In the 6 months he was with me, even being as careful as I could be, this dog attacked small dogs four times. Visitors opened a door that someone else left unlocked, the aggressive dog pushed down a baby gate that we thought was secure enough to hold him, he got over a fence that we thought was too high for him to climb, etc. Each of the small dogs attacked were bitten and bloody — and they suffered PTS. It was pure luck that determined dog never got just the right hold on the other dogs so that he could break their necks. Cause that is what he was trying to do!
So, ask yourself how dangerous is the situation. How sure are you that you can keep your dog(s) safe from the aggressor. I have fostered over 30 dogs, several of which came to me as very aggressive dogs so I had experience. And it was still very overwhelming for me at times.
I commend you for wanting to rescue another dog — just be sure you don’t endanger the new dog, or your own dog(s) in the process.
Good luck.