My dog is 3 years old and has hip dysplasia and he can’t stand up on his hind legs. What should we do. We took him to the vet 2 weeks ago and put him on medications. Surgery is to much money
Hi! I recently became foster mom for a very young rescued kitten. He is living in my garage until his first vet appointment. He goes anywhere he wants on the concrete floor. Is there a way to encourage him to use the box? Thanks!
julie brader Hi….you don’t say how young he is….but very young animals, like babies have no control over their bladder and bowels.
Give him some time, lots of patience and he’ll get the hang of it as he gets a bit older.
Alicia Proulx You can try and put him in the box, then take one of his paws and move it in the litter box. If you do it often he should understand it
Carrie Melka Yesterday he came in the house to have playtime. After, my daughter sat him in the litter box and he urinated! Thanks so much!
Adult spayed female dog, brownish discharge smelling like vinegar …? Twice in two weeks; first time it wasn’t clear where it came from. No other signs or symptoms.
My cat has a abscess above his tooth, tooth appears clean and white, but abscess started to bleed I would like to know what antibiotic should be used at this time
Anonymous your cat needs a vet to determine your next step. don’t give an antibiotic without veterinary direction.
Bob Minion If I could afford the 180 dollar office call he would if already been in, I got hurt and have been unable to work, money is limited but I love my cat don’t want him to be in pain
julie brader Hes already in pain with an absess in his mouth. Please do as Laura said and take him to a Vet this won’t get better without the correct treatment. If the poison from the absess goes into his bloodstream it will get a lot worse.
Phone Vets see if you can pay the bill off, borrow the money, anything… but you have to take him.
its been having seizures all night and day and i have to watch it all the time. It gets worse by the minute, when i call him, he starts to shake. He even tries to walk to me but falls down and its heartbreaking 3.
Kate McKelvie Get to a vet ASAP. If you have Valium for this follow the instructions, administer rectally so you don’t get accidentally bitten.
Brandon Marshall I had to call the dogpound, they said it was distemper, and that it was too late to save him. I had to put him to sleep, this was the hardest day ever 3 :(,
julie brader I’m so sorry to hear this, what an awful day for you. I guess your dog didn’t have any innoculations to protect him from Distemper ect. If and when you get another dog please make sure he has all his innoculations and this won’t happen again. I’m very sad you’ve lost your dog.
Brandon Marshall i thought they had gave the dog shots when i purchased it, but from what happend today, they didnt. I will make sure to give all my dogs shots and if i get a new one. Thank you <3 at least he isnt suffering anymore
Kate McKelvie So very sad.
Hello! My Gerbil (3 – 6 moths), Pregnant, and female, seems to be having some slight problems. She is bleeding in her anus (butt – hole), and a dark red blob (small) seems to be stuck in her anus, and is not budging. She is acting normal, eating normally, and all that. Does this have something to do with her pregnancy? Will she be okay? Someone please tell me… I don’t want to lose her and her babies 🙁 🙁
Anonymous she needs a VET.
Kayla-lynn Doherty Take her to the vet sweetie! No matter if it’s an animal or person, bleeding from the butt isn’t good.. It could be many things, but with her being pregnant, you need to get her to the vet ASAP.
Sending healing vibes, and prayers your way.
Hope everything works out, and that she has her babies, and everything is perfect!❤️
She was sick about three weeks ago with a fever and slightly elevated numbers in her pancreas. After several days on antibiotics she started eating again. Then she sprained her toe 11 days ago while running in the park, and is now walking without a limp. Now this purple lump on her stomach just popped up out of nowhere. It doesn’t look like a bite. It’s in between nipples, so it doesn’t have to do with that. She was fixed at three months old, so it shouldn’t have anything to do with mammary glands. Does this look familiar to anyone? I’ve shelled out about $350 in vet bills over the past three weeks and I’d like to avoid another trip if this is something that could just go away on it’s own.
Thank you for so much for your help.
Brent Wolfson UPDATE: It’s only been a few hours since my post, but the thing ruptured. It’s gone from the dark purple to a clear ring with slight red around it. I’m guessing it was just a large pimple or blister of some kind. I’ve cleaned and disinfected it. I’ll keep an eye on it, but I’m guessing she’s going to be just fine.
agatha tori Keep it clean probably and infected pimple like bump. I use peroxide on my dogs.
My dog got hit by a car and I don’t know if it has a concussion it tries to get up and move around but it falls back down it squeals in pain and I have been giving it tylenol but I don’t know what I should do
Thank you so much but is there any way to find a vet near me (Burlington Ontario) that is very inexpensive?