-Very Happy And Outgoing Dog, Never Known To Be Afraid…
-Six year old bichon-shih tzu
-Very happy and outgoing dog, never known to be afraid of anything.
Hello, my kitten is about to become 1 year old now, she has had several health issues that stopped recently and last was a gastro anteritis ( kept vomiting and got dehydrated) that started just around the time I changed her food from Burns to Orijen kitten (about 2 weeks later). I have her on Burns again now as recommended by my vet until she’s 1yo and am considering changing for a grain free food however I am not sure which one to chose. I do consider trying Orijen again however the protein level in that food is much higher than the level she is on right now. My cat is an exotic shorthair neutered female. Here are my 3 choices for the new food:
Would you be able to give me some advise or personal opinion?
my dog anit had a poo in two days what can I do to make him go
My cat has not eaten in over 8 hours. It has been a hot weekend here. Could that be the cause of my cats loss of appetite
Kelly Furgason Hi Jen,
There could be lots going on. Certainly the heat could be a reason. Is your cat an outside cat? If it’s an inside cat be sure that your cat has access to fresh water too. Try a different type of food–like stinky canned cat food or can tuna to see if you can get your cat to eat. Make sure you have a fan to circulate air if it’s inside to help with the heat.
If you cat continues to not eat and isn’t drinking or peeing or pooping, please contact your vet.
good luck!
~kelly -
Lauren-Emma de Lancey Keep your cat cool and hydrated , fresh water and a fan would be good .
My dog has a place on her side it the size of one of her tits but looks like it is filled with blood and every once in a while it will bleed a little bit what is it.
I was told to remove the bandages 3-4 days unless swelling occurs than remove the bandages in 1 day but since they fell off the day after surgery than im not sure on what I should do.
julie brader Could you possibly get the bandages back on yourself? If the Vet has said 3/4 days its too soon for them to be off the wounds. If you can’t get them on then you need to phone your Vet and ask advice.
Kelly Furgason Most vets will just let you come back in and they can help you put them back on. Give a call to your vet and ask to come back in.
I had though it was maybe feline distemper but now I’m not so sure.
my cats tower is brand new, & very light colored that i can actually see adult fleas burrowing into the fabric. Iv been constantly vacuuming it too.
Sebastian is not fix and he’s having an issue with not usingvthe cat box. He was a wild cat and I was wondering how I can get him to use the cat box. He’s used it twice before but not since. Can someone give me some insight
Hello Bree, It sounds like something is really bothering him. I think a visit to the vet would be best so they can check him all over to try and determine the reason for his recent change in behavior. I hope he feels better soon – keep us posted!