I think my cat has been hit by a car and now she can’t move her tail and have bathroom issues
my dog cannot get her shake out. she shakes her head a little but cannot pass it down her body and needs this to refresh herself. this has been for about a week now and she is getting wobbly on her feet and very week, she is 16yrs old lahsa-rapso
my dog cannot get her shake out. she shakes her head a little but cannot pass it down her body and needs this to refresh herself. this has been for about a week now and she is getting wobbly on her feet and very week, she is 16yrs old lahsa-rapso
After that his behavior has changed from being an energetic dog (running a lot, jumping on me, etc.) and after that not so energetic. He sometimes just keeps standing. He eats well but now eats slower unlike before the haircut when he ate very fast.
Front paws. When I try to get it he snaps at me. How can I remove it
My 7 year old pitbull recently went about 4 days (maybe 5) without defecating and eating minimally (no dog food, just occasionally would sneak some people foood) and escessively thirsty and peeing excessively . I made a vet appointment, and the day prior to the appointment she defecated, and began to eat (not much for the most part, juat a few bites here and there and was back to being herself in regards to personality. To be safe I took her to the vet anyway as an appointment had already been made. The vet diagnosed it as pancreatitis, noting that she seemed to have pulled through the worst of it on her own he said and put her on a course of meds (antibiotic and what I understood to be a probiotic) After the first day of meds she again became lethargic, and again won’t eat, not eating is putting it lightly, she has an aversion to it, regardless of what food it is she tends to get up and move elsewhere to avoid it. She is still urinating and defecating infrequently despite diminished food and liquid intake
My cat has hematoma is his ear. I don’t have hundreds of dollars to pay a vet. Are there any alternatives?
my cross terrier has lost weight. he had the runs about 1 1/2 weeks ago. took him to vets but meds not working. only drank small amount since and wont eat at all. vets gave antibiotics and pro kolin. what is wrong with him??
some one said we uses in indoor wood floor and she seems to be not burdening her so use it for deck…
Sandra Sellers My puppy wanted to chew everything in site. I tried to offer her a lot of different play toys to stimulate her interest and I found that bully sticks were wonderful for her to chew; monitored so they do not choke. Not all dogs take to nylabones but some do and kong products are great especially if you put something like cheese or peanutbutter inside and then they concentrate on licking instead of chewing. If she’s out on the deck by herself for a long period of time she’s probably bored and lonely. If she does it even when you are outside with her it’s probably because she likes to chew. Just re-direct her interest into something else so she will forget about it. If you stay consistent she should learn not to do it. I try to keep all cleaning products and chemicals away from my pets.
Hi is there any type of pain killer I can buy for my dog without having to afford vets fees for the present time
Sue Bona You really shouldn’t give them anything without seeing the vet. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are toxic to dogs. It is my understanding that one pill can kill them. I would at least call your vet. Maybe he can prescribe something over the phone.
Margrit Simons Should you not try to find out what is causing the pain? Pain is often an indication of an underlying problem!
Hi Bob. I am not sure what your question is.