Need help how to get him better ..he is sore to touch an has no hair were spots are an thay is little bumps ….its dry an flakey ..was leaking when first saw it out the bumps ??
Holly is 7 and a little overweight because she is on tablets for her itching.
My 10yo rat terrier (have had since 6months old) is ppl and dog aggressive. He bit my 10 month old son twice this summer, no blood but snaps every chance he’s near baby.he has bitten people in the past. He has severe anxiety & is afraid of everything. he’s always been this way. His fur is falling out, he has hard black patches all over, and soft pink skin showing I’m other places. After biting my son’s face, hubby is talking about euthanasia. Is this the right choice?
She is a 10yr old Bichon Frise female and does have some arthritis. To the best of our knowledge there was no significant moment that this all started happening, she just started showing signs of pain Wednesday morning. She has passed normal bowel movements, urinated, ate at least once, and is still drinking water but has not slept since Wednesday. She can go down stairs but not up them and is extremely sensitive to touch at all.
I just got a newborn puppy that was separated from his mother. I don’t know how many weeks he is but he’s pretty tiny. I’m so anxious since I don’t know how to care for him. I’m feeding him puppy formula. How often should I feed him? How should I clean him? I’m also trying not to hold him as much. Please provide me with details on how I should care for him.
Melissa Thoreson Get some milk replacer at a pet store and get a baby bottle and feed him as much as he’ll twice a day no more than that and make sure to keep him warm so he doesn’t get to cold and die
Erika Medina Thank you. I just saw how he threw up a little milk. I last fed him about 2 hours ago. Is this something I should worry about?
My puppy has this spot on his belly. He tries to lick it when i look at it. Does anyone think they know what this is? ): Thanks
My puppy has some sort of dark brownish ring on his belly. When I try to look at it, he tries to lick it. I have pictures .. Help ):
My dog ate the stalk/stem of a lettuce plant out of my garden. Is this toxic to dogs? Will he be ok?
Sue Bona Lettuce is generally pretty safe for animals to consume I would be more concerned about any possible fertilizer exposure.
Taylor Altendorf Most lettuce is safe for dogs. Like she said, your concern is the fertilizer, if you’ve used it.
Alex Bibler Thank you. No fertilizer used 🙂 I knew lettuce was ok. I was just concerned he ate the stalk part of the plant, not the actual lettuce. Didnt know if different parts of a plant could be toxic to dogs.
He has two spots he has lost fure on an bumps has poped up throue out the place an he is sore to the touch ..thay were leakeing when i first saw it now it is just dry an flakey ..he had a scrach when it first Happend on his back…an he would not let me pet him were the place was i bath him an doc him up ..idk if it is some tipe of mange ..or ring worm…or if my little girl or my famely can catch it if it is to spread ??