Our 5 month old male kitten has severe obstipation. After xray he was admitted to Vet Hospital on Mon Nov 7th. Treatment has been sub cutaneous fulids ( no IV’s) several saline enemas with sedation, oral miralax, and recent start of lactulose. No stool results as confirmed by xray. My question is 1) can a mineral oil enemas soften the hardened stool and 2) is there a way to aspirate the stool with a small suction catheter. I have limited finances and cannot keep him in the hospital much longer. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.
Please help my rescue kitty with a polyp in his pharynx!
I recently took in a rescue kitty. He was treated for upper respiratory infection. However, it keeps returning and he always sounds like he is snoring. The vet he was seeing suspects a polyp. However, he isn’t able to remove it. I can’t afford to take him to specialist. Please help! I will travel to you to have him seen.
I think my 2 month old foster kitten may have a nasal polyp. I’m working with a vet who doesn’t think she has a polyp because he says she’s too young to have one. We’ve tried a couple of antibiotics and nothing has worked yet. Her breathing is getting louder and she breathes with her mouth open while holding her head up when she sleeps. I had 2 other kittens last year that had polyps with the same symptoms. After 5 months of trying to treat the congestion with antibiotics, during spay surgery, both were found to have very large polyps. I don’t want to wait that long with this little one.
Do you think it is possible for a 2 month old kitten to have a polyp? If so, what is the earliest age for exploratory/removal of the polyp? Thank you!
Hello my cat is 15 1/2 years old and has a heart condition and the herpes virus. He has a nose polyp. It was extracted twice from his left nostril. Now he is not eating . I have been putting a ointment in his ear so he will eat. He does eat but only purée foods. He wants to eat his dry cat food but it seems like he can’t. I brought him to the vet they sent me to a specialist who wants a lot of money to find the polyp and remove.
I watch the YouTube video of you removing a polyp from a cat and the cost and that is so much more reasonable. Do you know anyone in the ny area that would perform the same procedure at close to what you charged? Where are you located? Would you do it?
I just want so much to help my cat.
Thank you,
I have two dogs who made “friends” with a skunk about a week ago. I have bathed them in hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, dawn dish soap. Also had the bathed at the groomer and then bathed them again at home with Skunk Out shampoo. The still smell but not too badly. What seems to really stink is when they open their mouths. I use Fresh Dental in their water with limited success. Any other suggestions?
My cat will not leave my bed. He lives on my bed. What’s going on and what can I do about?
Can my dog take gabapentin and proxicam together?
(Nasopharyngeal Polyp)
I have a young cat I recently rescued a few weeks ago. I took him to a local wellness center vet as he seemed to have some upper respiratory issues. He was given treatment for an upper respiratory infection. However, I recently took him back for a follow up as I didn’t see consistent improvement. The wellness vet suspects that he has a polyp in his pharynx that needs to be removed. I came across Dr. Magnifico’s videos on YouTube about polyp removals and so I am reaching out! I can’t find a many vets near me that are willing to remove it and the ones that I do find (are specialists) , I can’t afford the prices. Please help! I’m willing to travel to your office to get him the help he needs!
I have a 2yr old orange Tabby cat who got out and was gone for over a month. When he finally came home he was covered in fleas and seriously underweight and underfed and dehydrated, but seemed okay. He was eating fine and drinking at first. However the past week or so he hasn’t been wanting to eat or drink and has lost even more weight. I took him to the vet today and they said he needs a blood transfusion bc he’s anemic and he’s jaundiced and needs iv fluids but they couldn’t do it bc they have no one there on the weekends and the vet wasn’t willing to go in. I’ve called every vet I can Google and everyone said the same thing and wouldn’t take him except the trauma vet but they quoted me an outrageous price and I don’t qualify for care credit so they said i should just euthanize him. He’s my baby and idk what to do but I do know he deserves a chance. Is there any way for me to treat those things at home? Please HELP
I recently found a stray kitten, approximately 13 weeks old. He appears to have an avulsion of his lower lip which exposes his mandible. Are there any concerns, complications, or fixes for this ?
In cases like this it is imperative to figure out who this is happening. No amount of removing the feces is helpful if you cannot resolve why it is occurring. Fluids, warm water enemas and even manual extraction are all options (you cannot suction it out as it is too hard to do so). Diet change and exercise are the best places to start if (big IF) this is resolvable. If your cat has an underlying problem that has to be addressed. Call and ask for help from every rescue and shelter and put out a social media plea for help.