I took my cat to the vet on Saturday and he had a urinary blockage. They unblocked him and placed a catheter and sent us home with the catheter in place. On Monday morning they removed the catheter and told me just to monitor him and feel his bladder. They sent me home with Prazosin Hydrochloride, Metacam, and Buprenorphine. For the past 3 days he has been urinating on the floor, table, and bed. His urine is still bloody. He is urinating but only a small amount every time. He is also licking his genitals often. I hope he gets back to normal soon.
Hello I am from I India I stay in a village where no veterinary near me if I need vet I need to travel with the cat so please help.My cat has a lump on his right side of his jaw as I saw the YouTube video of yours on that cat .So can u advice some home remedies to take care of it.Can you help me please?
Please answer fast I lost too many cats and he is last one I need to save him.
My 7 month old retriver puppy has real behavior issues I cant seem to break. I cant afford a dog trainer since everyone I’ve contacted wants atleast $500 for 5 hours of basic training. The problems: she pulls on the leash…hard. she is constantly chewing on stuff. Anything in the floor. As soon as i turn my back shes into something… the trash, litter box, cat food, chasing the cats… she knows it wrong because when she sees me she looks down in shame. I have a prong collar for walking her, a shock collar for teaching her no. She’s smart and knows how to come, sit, lay, catch, drop it… However now she refuses to drop something she really wants. I cant give her chew bones or long lasting treats because she’s started growling and snaps at my kids when they come near her with it. I have a crate, that I put her in when she being bad. She refuses to calm down at all when there is something interesting like new people or another dog. I spend my entire day scolding her for doing bad things… so much to where I really dont want to be around her anymore. My kids hate her, and my husband is trying so hard to like her. Im at a complete loss as to how to train her to calm down and stop doing things she knows she isn’t supposed to do. I have a severe back injury and it is really hard for me to contain her when she’s acting a fool. Ive also tried having turkey in a treat pouch and only giving it to her when she’s being good. Which she will do till I run out then she’s right back at it. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
My 15 year old lemon hound pees four to five times more than normal and has been for over a year. Been tested many times for bladder infections, kidney issues, and other normal things. The pee is as clear as water and can have strong ammonia smell at times. She drinks a lot but vets have told us to make sure she has water available at all times. Other that aches and pains from arthritis, she seems not to have any other issues. Any ideas of rare conditions that may be causing to peeing trouble?
he was neutered two weeks ago cuz prostate is enlarged. is there something he can take besides the laxative. is there something to help reduce the prostate faster. and something for the inflammation??
I am searching for a vet to help me with my dog Hazels tooth extractions (right molar). She is in much pain and does not want to eat. If she eats, she eats very slowly. Any information on pricing, veterinary clinics, and scheduling will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Hi, while looking for information about my 15 yo beagle’s combination of symptoms, I came across IVDD and a youtube video about Hank by Dr. Krista Magnifico. Several years ago, my beagle started having short tremors that would last a few seconds. Those are fairly common now, occurring multiple times an hour. Last year, she became incontinent at night, and leaked sometimes during the day. She is on Proin for that, and it has mostly stopped that issue. And in the last few months, her legs have started giving out from time to time. She doesn’t seem to act like she’s in pain, though she pants a lot, but always has, especially in the evenings. I have some short videos showing the tremors and her legs giving out, and I can provide you a link to Google photos if Dr. Magnifico would view them and let us know if it looks like IVDD or not. Thanks!
Hi Dr Magnifico . . . . first, thank you for catching our pony that got loose earlier this summer. I still can’t believe she ended up 4 miles away! But she has stayed put since. I am writing because your front desk told me to reach out to you on here. We are going to be changing vets. Our current small animal vet is just too pushy with trying to sell me everything under the sun, but mainly I have concerns with our one dog going there. He is a 5 yo pitbull. I took him to PennVet Behavioral vet about a year and a half ago upon recommendation of our vet. They diagnosed him with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and prescribed him gabapentin. Our primary vet later changed to fluoxetine and he does really well on that. However, he gets nasty when he’s scared . . . especially at the vet. I muzzle him and feed him peanut butter through the muzzle to try to show him it’s all okay (all recommended by Penn Vet). I give him composure pro prior to the appointment. He is just very scared there and as a result growls and snarls, etc. The current vet is so scared of him she doesn’t even touch his stomach, look in his ears or eyes, etc. I am looking for a vet who can remain calm/reassuring for the dog and show him he has nothing to be nervous about and doesn’t mind completing a thorough exam on him, with his muzzle on of course. Please let me know if you feel your facility would be a good fit for him and which vet we should schedule with. He needs his fluoxetine refilled soon and I hope we can find the right fit before then. Thank you!
our vet just said he cant get a cath in. possible scar tissue. this cat has always had a strong stream and just started having issues 3 weeks ago. vet gave me antibiotics and prazosin. no help there. since he is in hospital they were able to get a stream but it diminished overnight. what can I do? they cant cath him.
Princess, one of my cats was seen Sunday for having her days and nights mixed up and a lump on her belly. Up through last Thursday she would do anything she could to get me up from knocking things over to stepping on the alarm clock and my CPAP machine.
She was seen Sunday and overall visit looked good.
However, starting Friday night she has only meowed one time. Unknown to me at the time of the visit was that she had thrown up a strip of soft plastic that covers the sticky side if envelopes. My husband saw it and cleaned it up. He said it was folded similar to an accordion. This probably happened during the last night that she was talking all night and into the morning.
She is eating okay but is sleeping most of the day or night. She also is either sneezing or coughing at times. I don’t know which one but she stretches her neck out and makes this repetitive noise.
Is it possible that the plastic may have scratched her throat and that is why she will not meow? I have an appointment for today that I made before bringing her to the clinic on Sunday. I am debating as to whether I should bring her back to be checked.
Hi there- so you have another follow up scheduled? Have you phoned your vet to let them know what is happening? That is where I would start. I will say that years ago we had a cat who had surgery to remove a blockage and we were advised to confine him in a small area during recovery (a few days) because of likely accidents. I would call the vet and ask their opinion and see if he needs to come in.