My 5 month old kitten Has become sick. Not eating but still drinking and very tired is there anything I can do
My neighbor’s outdoor cat that she claims as hers because it hangs out at her home and she feeds is wildly neglected. the poor cats left side canine teeth have fused together with plaque and she can’t open her mouth to eat properly or drink water as her tongue sticks out on the right side of her mouth. She seems dehydrated and flea infested-I gave her half dose of Bravecto since she feels like she’s 4-5 pounds and is about 6-8 years old. The neighbor doesn’t seem to see this and believes that cat is fine since she’s trying to eat…… She has an indoor cat that she takes care of really well. Any recommendations? if I take the cat to the vet for dental treatment, what would the cost be for something like this and would a cat in this condition even make it through anesthesia?
I have a question about dog food. Years ago, we had a german shepherd who was allergic to chicken. We switched him (and our other 2 dogs) to grain free and they all did amazing on it. We mixed proteins and had no issues. Now, years later, we have a german shepherd pup (9 months old now). When he came to us at 8 weeks he was eating Victor grain free active dog and puppy. Our vet is anti-grain free and recommended Purina Pro Plan large breed puppy (chicken). We transitioned over a couple of weeks, but he had soft stools or diarrhea all the time and was itchy. He ended up having anal gland issues. We added pumpkin, bananas, yogurt and nothing helped.
We switched to the sslmon/sensitive skin and stomach puppy formula but it didn’t get better. We ended up adding Victor back in, and he got better. Now he is back on the Victor puppy grain free, mixed with the Victor grain included formula. No issues. But our Vet has us worried about heart issues, and I’m worried that we’re going to get a lecture because she only recommends Purina Pro Plan, Science Diet, RC, Ian’s – big companies with a vet on staff. Should we keep trying these, or stick with what’s working? (Our previous vet retired 🙁 ) We want to do the best thing for our puppy.
My brother has a bulldog and is telling me that the dog is having trouble standing. He dosent eat or drink. When he tries to get up he walks for a few minutes then collapses. He also pants all day. Is there any thing we could do or does anyone know what it is. There isn’t a local vet where he lives but he will take her if that’s the only option.
11 month old puppy has welts/hives/bumps all over her body and legs.. not sure if it’s from something she ate, bees, allergic reaction to some type of plant? She’s acting pretty normal otherwise, just looks terrible! Her vet doesn’t have any appointments available for 10 days. He did say to give her Benadryl, which she has had two doses of and doesn’t seem to be helping much. When should I worry and consider taking her to an emergency vet clinic?
Dr. Magnifico
I made an appointment for Princess to see you on September 8th. She is overdue her shots and I sent a question that you responded to about her having her days and nights mixed up. Last night though while giving her extra attention and rubbing I found a lump on her belly. What is strange is that she slept all night and got up only to get up to eat and go in the litter box. I called the clinic to see if there were any openings but they are booked.
They were going to see if anyone had time just to check her belly. Such a quick change from 24 hours and I was concerned because she was sleeping all night. However within the last 5 minutes she is up playing so i think i will wait to see you tomorrow. The lump is on her belly more to one side and towards the back (dependingon how she is laying). I already lost 2 cats this year and I have one now with lymph node cancer mesentary. If she continues with her usual behavior of up and wanting attention tonight, is it safe to wait until the 8th or is it best for her to be seen sooner. I know to take her to the ER if she goes back to sleeping constantly….although that is her norm for daytime.
As always I appreciate and value your opinion.
My message was sent earlier today at which time Princess woke up and was playing with something. She went back to sleep and got up several hours ago to eat but then returned to the new bed I had gotten her. I brought out something that she likes to play with but she only played with it for about a minute and returned to her bed. I definitely will see you tomorrow with her and if she starts to exhibit anything more serious I will take her to the ER….unless you get this and think I should take her now. It is now 7:34 pm. This is around the time that she would start to get a little active.
Scooter, my cat for over 21 years slept by my chest every night. He became sick earlier this year and had to be euthanized. Within days of losing him one of my other cats has decided to do everything in her power to keep me up at night. She will knock things over, turn off my cpap machine, etc. until I finally give in and get up and go downstairs with her. I usually will do stuff on the computer or straighten up. She usually just sits by me and after about 2 hours I can go back up to bed followed by her for about 5 or 6 hours. She is healthy, playful, friendly. Lately she has gotten worse and wants to be up more often. Tried locking her out of our room but she has clawed the carpet and the door. I cannot lock her in another room because she will do the same thing. I have been so exhausted that on a few occasions I have put her in the carrier for a few hours so I can get some sleep. She goes in willingly and makes bo noise while she is in there. I have tried to keep her up several hours before going to bed but nothing works.
Any suggestions. Oh she is about 10 years old. One odd thing is that if one of my other cats is sleeping with me which is rare, she will not bother me.
Thank you
Was wondering when Allie is due her annual vaccines? With this pandemic and your office being closed for awhile. Now that your open , could you check when Allie is due for her physical. Thank you.
Hello Dr. Magnifico!
I found you on YouTube! I wanted to tell you how wonderful I think it is that you are going above and beyond to help pet owners worldwide!
I have a 4 year old female cat named boots. For over a year now, she has been having pretty severe coughing attacks daily. I have taken her to multiple vets that can’t tell me what’s going on. I have heard both upper and lower respiratory conditions could be involved. We got a chest X ray 2 weeks ago and it came back negative. Tried asthma medicine with no help. Tried an antibacterial in case it was an infection, and only very mild relief. Using 5mg Zyrtec daily has some relief. My vet suggests it may be nasopharyngeal polyps. I visited your page and saw your video removing these polyps in a cat, and the symptoms I have found for polyps don’t seem to quite match Boots. She doesn’t have a snorting sound while breathing, but her breathing is sometimes audible at rest. I am very fearful to proceed with further testing or procedures because I don’t want to spend so much money without knowing the problem will be fixed. Any suggestions?! THANK YOU!!
My dog has a seroma on her abdomen after surgery 2 weeks ago for hiatus hernia. It is starting to reduce in size, now about tennis ball size and she is very well.
She is desperate to exercise, are we OK to take her on walks and for how long? We usually walk her 1-2 hours a day.
Without knowing a whole bunch more information all I can safely recommend is that you seek immediate veterinary help. If you cannot do this, or cannot Afros to do this please call a rescue or shelter and ask for assistance. There are many Facebook groups that might also be able to provide direction. At this age and based on this description please consider it an emergency. I hope things work out ok. Best of luck to you both.
I would say this is an emergency since the kitten is so young and things can turn dire very quickly with young ones. Please get to the vet ASAP.
Now a second kitten from the same litter is also sick . is there anyone that could help or knows What this could be
I just can repeat what Krista already said.
You need to get them to a Vet, and if you can’t afford that try to get help from shelters or similar.
There is no way for us to know the reason why your kitten is sick, a vet has to take a look at it. Especially if now a second one is sick you should get them checked.
Not eating and being tired can be the first signs of cat flu, of gardia (altough here they usually have diarreha first), kitens with FIP can show those signs too – but all of those are just examples, there can be much more reasons and they usually are accompanied by other symtoms.
And all of them need to be seen by a vet, they can cause severe damage, even if they manage to heal on their own or can even lead to death (except FIP, which sadly is always deadly…).
Please get them to a vet, only they can help the kittens.
Best luck to you!