Anyone know whether half a Xyzal tablet would be okay to give a kitty? (My spouse says “It’s the same as Zyrtec minus one stereo isomer,” whatever that means.) We currently give him half a Zyrtec when he gets super itchy, and it helps. Reason we are wondering is we have a huge bottle of Xyzal but no more Zyrtec.
He is treated monthly for fleas, does not go outside, and we’ve tried every way we can think of to help him other than meds. But sometimes he still scratches so much he makes his ears bleed, poor guy. The meds help him a lot.
Hi Christine Remines here. Sampson’s ears were bothering him so we cleaned them. They were dry and itchy so I put some dog nose moisturizer on them. Now they are swollen like they may have hematoma. Emergency vets on your answering machine … one has an 8-9 hour wait and the other isn’t seeing patients what should I do?
Good afternoon, I have a 3 years old cat, neutered male. Last Monday he had an obstruction, I went to ER, could not afford to hospitalize him, therefore, they just unblocked him and we went home with meds. 6 days later my cat became more alive, however, he is using litter box frequently and producing small amounts of urine. My question is- is this because of the medications that he cannot hold it and empties it little by little or is this because he is getting blocked again? Current medications are Buprenorphine, prazosin, gabapentin. Also, because he has not been hospitalized for 2 days, does that mean I have to try to find someone who will keep him on fluids for 2 days or there is a chance he can recover?
Hello!! I found Dr Krista’s YT vid (Stripes the cat re nasal polyps) while researching my kitty’s condition. I have had Percy out to Pet ER w. initial thick mucus that became tinged w. a bit of blood. He was prescribed Doxy to treat the infection… it wasn’t until during the course of treatment that he began the “snoring” at which point I rushed him back to Pet ER. Having limited funds and no experience w. these issues ever before, I opted for Labs (figuring that would be a start). Unfortunately, the results did not “tell me anything unusual” and I am not a vet. It was then that I learned about these polyps … and I feel confident that this could be what Percy is suffering from (unless there may be a foreign object obstructing his airway). At this point I have no dx!! I’ve been on the veterinary roller-coaster ride trying to determine the best course of action between my local vet (Dundalk Animal Hosp), Pet ER or another vet altogether… at this point not knowing the cause of his breathing issue or how much the costs may be… I guess I can understand why “estimates” can’t be given … I am just trying to determine the LESS COSTLY route and there seems to be no clear answer. My head is spinning and I want the best for Percy and to NOT have to lose him, that’s the bottom line… my heart is hurting as this was so unexpected!! Would it be possible to fit Percy into the clinic’s busy schedule ASAP?? I called this morning and was told that Monday is already full. Emily advised to reach out on Pawbly … I also sent a pm on FB.
I really need help, I cared for 2 cats last year both former strays, one Main Coon mix w. Hypercardiomyopathy and the other cancer of his paw which was eating away. Both these babies tore my heart in 2 but I did what I had to until it was time to journey on RIP… we had a family of 6 at that time along w. my deceased uncle’s dog. My Care Credit card was easily almost maxed out… my boys and I are pitching in together as many ways as possible for Percy. He is the last of our most recent feline family and I do NOT EVER want to stop caring for animals!! Thank you for my restored faith in humanity!! ~Love~ Shelley & Percy
My cat died outside the house with blood in her mouth. And I touched and look for any marks or injuries. There’s no mark she was hit by a car, or someone hit her. And she is not going to any other house. Please, someone, say it’s a natural cause. I was thinking about this whole day. I’m stressed because of this. I worried that someone did something to her. She lived with us for 13 years.
A few days ago she couldn’t eat and vomited time by time. So we took her to the vet, and they gave saline and a few injections. She was fine after that.
The only thing that happened is before she died, she sneezed continuously at night and morning when she is sleeping with me.
I can try to make up my mind if this is due to natural causes.
I have a 8 week year old kitten he’s very active until today my daughter accidentally jumped on his back right leg he’s been limping and crying when touched but still walks on it without meowing he’s still playful and eats he will lay down more then usual and sleeps more often then usual as well should I make a splint for him or go to the hospital does it seem broken
I have an 8 year old English bulldog that has to have 2 teeth in his upper jaw extracted. Are you able to give me an estimate as to how much it would be?
At what age do I stop feeding my Labrador puppy 3 meals a day?
I have two puppies 7 and 8 months old I want to apply Revolution to one of them and I am afraid the other one while playing will lick it off and get poisoned what do I have to do separate them for how long or may be do something else
My 4 year Lab x Great Dane x bull mastiff had TTA surgery on his left knee about 15 months ago and about 9 days ago he had to have surgery on it again for a Latent meniscus tear on the back of the medial side.
A few days ago he developed a seroma. It’s a good handful size. When the vet aspirated some fluid it was the normal blood stained colour however the fluid was quite viscose (this vet was filling in for the vet that did the meniscus surgery as he is away for a few weeks). My concern is that synovial fluid is leaking into the dead space, along with normal fluid. If SF is leaking from the internal incision site of the joint capsule, will this heal on its own? Also has this occured because Benson may have been over doing it, even though I’ve tried very hard to limit his activity? No fluid is leaking out of the suture site on the skin. He’s currently on antibiotics and a NSAID. I was a bit annoyed I had to pay for the consultant considering it was a post op issue.
I’m sorry but we cannot advise on medications. That needs to be done with your vet. Also I think they can help treat this if you call them and ask for assistance. Best of luck. I hope the ears are better soon.
Understood. Thank you. We’ll take him to the vet. I hope your pets are okay!