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Deborah | 5 years ago
My Cat Is Making Noise When Breathing

My cat is making noise when breathing

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I can’t tell you if this is serious or not, but, we always have to prepare and address the worst and hope for the best. Please call your vet and ask to be seen. If it is something that affects the ability to breath it needs to be treated immediately If it is an infection you will need antibiorcs from them.

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Vanessa | 5 years ago
My Parakeet Was Trapped Inside Of Our Turtle’s Tank For An Uncertain Amount Of Time. …

My parakeet was trapped inside of our turtle’s tank for an uncertain amount of time. He’s out now and drying. He’s struggling to fly, and his feces are very watery. Should I take him to an emergency vet?

2 Responses


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Desi | 5 years ago
My Cat Hasn’t Peed In About 2 Days And I Can’t Afford Cost, She’s …

My cat hasn’t peed in about 2 days and I can’t afford cost, she’s been trying to pee everywhere around the house including litter but nothing but blood drops . Also creditcare denied me . She’s 3 and will be 4 in August. Is there anything I can do at home to help her pee .

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    This is truly an emergency. You need to get her to a vet immediately- it is only going to get more costly the longer you wait. I’m sorry. Is there anyway that you could call the local shelters to see if they can help with cost? Or talk to your vet to work out a payment plan with them directly?

    1. Desi Post author

      I’ve literally called every emergency vet and regular vet to see what they can do and they all gave me to same answer as you did, but I can’t do anything without the money to treat her so I’m stuck.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Go to the ER. Have the cat assessed and the bladder drained. Then keep looking for help. This is an emergency.

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Maggie | 5 years ago
Hi, Kirby,my 11 Year Old Cat, Has Taken A Liking To Spending The Whole Day Laying …

Kirby,my 11 year old cat, has taken a liking to spending the whole day laying outside on the covered deck. He complains if I make him come in! He and my other cat Cricket have always been indoor only cats, so I have never been concerned about fleas. But now, I’m starting to be worried that he may contract them, even though he isn’t down on the ground. I’m assuming that fleas, as well as ticks, can fly, and I don’t want either cat to be exposed to them. What protection do you recommend? I don’t want to just buy something OTC without asking. Thanks, Maggie

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I would talk to your vet about preventatives for fleas and ticks. And I would treat both cats since one can bring hem them inside to the other.

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Ej | 5 years ago
Hello Ma’am, My Cat Is Injured – Like, He Can’t Turn His Head And …

Hello ma’am, my cat is injured – like, he can’t turn his head and seems to be like swelling on his neck. He can’t walk normally because his head is not straight????. I saw him today. He was missing for 4 days when he was attacked by another cat. Can u help me please? I can’t go to vetenary hospital. Can u help me please any solution that I can do in my home and help my cat to revive? I have paracetamol tablet given for human. Can u help me out please… ????????

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I’m sorry, but your cat needs to be seen by a vet. Medications cannot be prescribed without a Rx from the vet, and it sounds like your cat has serious injuries. Please get your cat in to be seen as soon as possible.

  2. Ej Post author

    I have uploaded some photos of its neck.
    Can u help please. That I can do in home.

    1. Gloria

      You must take the cat to the vet. Figure out the payment stuff later.

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Amber | 5 years ago
Hello! My Cat Chunk Has Been Recently Having Issues With His Front Paws For The Past 2 …

my cat chunk has been recently having issues with his front paws for the past 2 months. It’s off and on and when I touch his paws he doesn’t wince or cry. He still uses the scratching pad with no issue, but he’s limping and he can no longer jump up on the bed as easily. I’m afraid he may have arthritis. What is a good supplement or something we can get to help him with his joints so he’s strong again! He’s not an elderly cat, I guess you could call him middle aged. Thank you! He’s about 15 lbs

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I think I’d start with a vet check. Medicating without diagnosis can be dangerous, and it’s possible he has an injury you can’t see.

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Giselle | 5 years ago
I Have Kitten That Is 10 Weeks Old. Just Recently I Noticed Him Limping On His Left …

I have kitten that is 10 weeks old. Just recently I noticed him limping on his left front arm, and a swollen ball on his neck It has now gotten big and swollen. What should I do, let me know ASAP plz .

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This kitten should be seen but a vet ASAP. I am worried about a fracture and abscess. These should be treated immediately in a kitten this young.

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Gloria | 5 years ago
Anyone Know What Could Cause Horribly Smelly Cat Poop?

Anyone know what could cause horribly smelly cat poop? I know what normal cat poop smells like, and this is not it! Buford has always had this condition. To make matters worse, he doesn’t cover it, so the smell quickly permeates through the whole house. OMG!!

When I first got him about two years ago (he was a feral adult), I had his poop tested for all parasites including giardia, and it all came up negative. He seems healthy otherwise.


3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Has your veterinarian sent the fecal sample to the lab for analysis? Have you spoke to your vet about this? I would start there. There are numerous things this can be but a vet visit is the best and first place to start.

    1. Gloria Post author

      Hi Dr. Magnifico. Thanks for your response. I should have said that he’s been to the vet about this but she didn’t have a clue, since the fecal sample didn’t turn up anything.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Thanks for the reply. Did you talk to your vet? In these cases I always advise three serial negative fecals before I rule out parasites. Then I do a maldigestion profile and bloodwork. After that I do a series of treatments to see if any help. Like tylan, panacur and even a steroid in some cases. But diet change is also important to consider. Let us know. Good luck.

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megan | 5 years ago
Does My Dogs Neuter Incision Look Normal? I’m Trying To Keep Him Blocked Off Into …

does my dogs neuter incision look normal? I’m trying to keep him blocked off into a small room in my basement and it’s been storming a lot recently and he’s terrified of storms so he knocks down or jumps over everything i use as a dog gate to keep him confined and makes him way to sit up on the stairs. One night he also some how got his cone off while i was sleeping. I can’t control him and keep him confined and nothing i do is working. He just got neutered friday morning.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    When is your follow up visit? I think I would try to get in to see the vet. And perhaps they can give you something to help keep him calmer? I would also have a conversation about what to look for at the incision site. Right now, it looks like it is more red than your last photo (it is so hard to tell from a picture) and it looks as if it might be oozing? So I would make a phone call to the vet. Best of luck- keep us posted.????????????

  2. Laura

    Have you tried:
    melatonin for storms
    sleeping in the same room until he heals

  3. Gloria

    Also, consider trying a Thundershirt. They’re supposed to keep dogs calmer during storms. Good luck!

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megan | 5 years ago
My Dog Got Neutered Yesterday And Some How Managed To Get His Come Off While I …

my dog got neutered yesterday and some how managed to get his come off while i was sleeping, I think his stitches may have came open from him licking it but i’m not sure. I’ve put a picture of his incision below. Does it look abnormal?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? I cannot tell from the picture- sorry. My advice, considering it’s the weekend and after hours, is to keep a close eye on the incision and make sure he doesn’t get at it. If it feels warm or looks like it is swelling, I would call the vet. I think personally, just for peace of mind, I would make a phone call Monday to the vet anyway. Best of luck????????