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Angelina | 6 months ago
Hi My Cat Went To The Vet A Couple Weeks Ago And Noticed A Scratch With …

Hi my cat went to the vet a couple weeks ago and noticed a scratch with a small bald spot as soon as I got home now he has a huge spot with scratches can anyone please identify what is could be ?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    It’s hard to identify a lesion based on a photo. If I had to guess I think that you are seeing hair loss but not an active lesion or wound. This can be from hair follicle damage or infection after it has healed. I’m sorry but it might be best to see a vet if the lesion persists, or others arise.

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Juveria | 7 months ago
My 8 Year Old Cat (male, Neutered, American Short Hair) Was Diagnosed With Bladder Stones And Underwent …

[Very Urgent] Advise on Cystotomy vs PU

My 8 year old cat (male, neutered, American short hair) was diagnosed with bladder stones and underwent a cystotomy in February 2024 to surgically remove the stones from the bladder. Unfortunately, the surgeon left behind 3-4 stones in the urethra during the surgery, which were later pushed back in the bladder. These stones blocked him again in May 2024 – he was unblocked via a catheter and the stones were pushed back into the bladder during catherization. He again got blocked a couple days ago and has been unblocked again via catherization with the stones pushed back in the bladder. The X-rays do not show formation of new stones in the last few months and the urinary analysis do not show any crystals.

We are considering three surgical options to remove the sones now: 1) cystotomy 2) PU 3) Cystotomy + PU. Please see X-rays after the cystotomy in February, the one from May and the one from last night and advise on the best course of treatment

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. The problem is that we don’t know what kind of stones these are and therefore the concern is that more will form and more will obstruct, or , that these are the kind that do not resolve and therefore you will be back here again

    If you can afford it I would do a pu and cystotomy to hopefully be done with this forever.

    If you are struggling financially ask the vet if they took a post op Xray after the last surgery. If some were left behind (which happens to all of us) ask for a discount on this surgery. At least a discount for the cystotomy portion as the surgeon should have taken a post op Xray and should have gone back in to remove them at this time,,, because of course they were going to cause a re-obstruction.

    That’s my advice. Keep me posted. Good luck

    1. Juveria Post author

      Thanks for getting back to me Krista. Can you help me understand why PU alone will not be sufficient? Can the stones be flushed out during or after PU? I will also attach the stone analysis report shortly

    2. Juveria Post author

      The stones are:
      90% Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate (Whewellite).
      10% Tricalcium phosphate (Whitlockite)
      PFA attached stone analysis

      My cat has been on medicated diet since Feb 2024 and no new stones have formed since then. Will cystotomy alone won’t be sufficient?

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Tatsu | 7 months ago
Should My 15yo Cat Perform Nasal Polyps Removal Operation? Good Afternoon Doctor. I Came Across Your …

Should my 15yo cant perform nasal polyps removal operation?

Good Afternoon Doctor.
I came across your Youtube video that you are performing Nasal Polyps removal operation to young cat.
My question is should my 15yo cat young enough to receive this operation.
Currently he is on Steroid and Yuan Bio medication but it is starting to wear-out.
Those medication worked great for the first month but now he is having discomfort in respiratory again.
My cat is not young but I would like to maintain the QOL of the cat and wanted to know if this helps.
If so, what will be the rough estimate and how long does she might have.
I know this is hard to speculate without actually seen the cat but just a ballpark will be appreciated
Thank you


2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In my experience I have never seen a polyp in a cat this old. It is far more likely that this is a neoplastic mass (cancer) than a polyp. If you are concerned about your cats quality of life than I would do and consider doing anything and everything to alleviate her discomfort and try to improve her life.

  2. Tatsu Post author

    Thank you for your quick response doctor,
    Yes I was told he has a cancer, so I guess I misunderstood that tumor and polyps are different.
    I guess too old for Chemo and radiation and surgery, what will be the appropriate to maintain the QOL ?
    My vet told there aren’t much they can do.
    I just feel helpless seeing cat in such a discomfort.
    He is eating well, and very active as for now, but just breathing seem difficult sometimes.
    Thank you

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Pam | 7 months ago
Hi Krista My Almost 11 Year Old MC Potcake (who Has Too Many Beings Lipomas To Count) …

Hi Krista
My almost 11 year old MC Potcake (who has too many beings lipomas to count) recently had his senior blood work and urinalysis – everything was normal except an elevated ALP.

The urine was a free catch sample at 4 pm and it was very dilute. This prompted me to remember that he has been drinking a little more (summer) as well as eating a lot of watermelon – and to remind me that he has also had an increased appetite over the last year. I did a specific gravity on a morning urine sample after he had no access to water overnight and he was able to concentrate his urine at 1.025

He has chronic seasonal allergies so his inner thighs have a dark pigment change – this has been present for years – there are no other derm changes and I don’t see a pot bellied appearance but the vet is considering Cushing’s. They suggested an abdominal ultrasound first followed by a low dose suppression test. I would rather do the dex test first before an ultrasound. I’m not sure that I’m convinced that Cushing’s is likely but something may be going on.

Of more concern is that this previously healthy dog coincidentally, a few days after the blood work, had an episode of vertical nystagmus and ataxia – very brief – less than 30 seconds. He’s been fine ever since but its only been a few days – I have been told that vertical nystagmus is less common with Senior Vestibular disease and possibly more likely a central lesion.

any thoughts that you have would be appreciated !

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For cases like this I usually recommend the following.
    Ask about diet. See if anything could be influencing water intake. I do a very thorough exam. This includes anal glands. Then I repeat the blood work a few months later (if not drinking or peeing excessively). If the pet is believed to be drinking and urinating more then I think that X-rays, abdominal ultrasound (by a proficient vet) and LDDT are warranted. I don’t have too much preference on order because they usually all need to be done. The biggest thing to talk about before starting all of these diagnostics is that the client must be willing and able to treat for cushings before we start the expensive procedure of diagnostics.

    Good luck

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Sardia | 7 months ago
My Dog Had Been Having Issues With Diarrhea, Regurgitation, And Vomiting. I Need Help Please.

My dog had been having issues with diarrhea, regurgitation, and vomiting. I need help please.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would need a whole lot more information about your pet to provide any help. We would need a detailed history of your dog, your environment, diet, activity, previous health history, vet care, a thorough examination and its findings and diagnostic results. Please see a veterinarian in person for help.

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Ikram | 7 months ago
Hi Krista, We Had Adopted Two Month Old American Short Hair And Got Them All Vaccinated …

Hi Krista,
We had adopted two month old American Short Hair and got them all vaccinated at Petco plus got them Spayed/Neutered.
One of them, 2 years old Riley had a runny nose(Green Mucus) right from the beginning and later on the Vet at Petco mentioned that she has a Polyp and can’t be treated at their facility.
I need your help to find a vet that can perform Polyp removal surgery on my 2 year old female American short hair cat near Chicago, IL
It seems Riley has a very large Polyp or some type of mass that’s blocking her airway and food pipe; the vet tried to insert a tube for breathing and it couldn’t go through due to a large mass that is blocking it.
This Vet @ Westchester Animal Clinic in Porter, IN recommended a Specialist and is not optimistic that this polyp or mass can be removed through surgery and was proposing Euthanizing as an option which we didn’t agree.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I apologize for the delay. Somehow I missed this one.

    Call everyone and see if you can find someone who will anesthetize and look for a polyp behind the soft palate. Call all of the rescues, shelters and private veterinary clinics. Put out a plea on social media. Use all platforms to ask for help.

    Keep me posted.

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Genesis | 7 months ago
Update: German Shepherd Diesel. I Would Like To Receive Your Advice Regarding My German Shepherd, Diesel, …

Update: German Shepherd Diesel.
I would like to receive your advice regarding my German Shepherd, Diesel, who has developed a limp. His limp has gotten a little bit better, but sometimes he will limp very badly. I have limited his activity and made sure he isn’t putting any unnecessary stress on the foot. I’ve located the source of his discomfort, which is on his right rear ankle, and it is swollen. There’s no apparent injury to his paw, and I’m concerned it could be a sprain or even a fracture. He was running around in the house on porcelain tiles playing ball, and I noticed him limping on one of his runs. I’m unsure whether to proceed with an x-ray or to monitor his condition for a few more days. Your professional opinion on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and attention to Diesel’s situation.

1 Response


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Debbie | 7 months ago
My Cat Had Some Secretion On His Bum Opening And It Was Definitely That Anal Sac …

My cat had some secretion on his bum opening and it was definitely that anal sac smell I’ve experienced before. I’ve wiped it off, but wonder what to do if it persists, do I need to express them?

This just happened today and I haven’t noticed the smell or any issues until now. I’m hoping I just caught him after using the bathroom or something and he’s able to resolve it on his own but want to be ready if he can’t.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I recommend that the vet check them. It can be an anal gland infection, abscess or mass. In some cases we can just empty them and then recheck in a few months. In other cases these should be checked more often and in rare cases we talk about surgically removing them.

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Petra | 7 months ago
I Have Two Cats So I Didn’t Notice My Cat Is Not Eating. He’s …

I have two cats so I didn’t notice my cat is not eating. He’s very skinny. He refuses his favorite foods. He’s drinking water. He’s greenish looking poo around his anus. Old and dry. I tried to clean it.

We are on one income and cannot make it to the vet. What should I do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There is no way I can give honest and credible advice without advocating that this cat sees a vet asap. There are non profits that can provide financial assistance and some that even have a vet on staff to provide care. This cat needs an examination and some diagnostics.
    Please call your local vets, shelters and rescue groups. Look for help on every local social media platform and keep asking for help. Start a go fund me. The best advice I can give if this.

    We need more information to help you and your cat.
    Please stay tuned. I am working on this very topic

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Carla | 7 months ago
A Question For Krista Magnifico: Hello! Hoping To Get Some Advice On Recommended Next Steps For …

A question for Krista Magnifico:

Hello! Hoping to get some advice on recommended next steps for my cat, Sammie, who is being evaluated for IBD vs. small cell lymphoma.

Sammie is 17 years old and is overall quite healthy! Throughout the time I’ve had her, she’s had a history of vomiting a ~once per week or two (sometimes more frequently). Vomit is usually clear, foamy. No other GI issues or health issues otherwise. She is active and energetic, and has not had any health issues until ~1 month ago when I noticed she stopped eating as much as she previously did. She stopped eating her dry food altogether, and seemed to become quite picky with her wet food. I initially thought her teeth may be bothering her because of the avoidance of dry food, so I brought her to the vet.

Vet found that she had lost a couple of pounds, unintentionally. Based on presenting symptoms, vet thought she might have a GI pathology so ordered an abdominal U/S:

Ultrasound, Abdominal Study Outcome:
Kidneys: overall normal size but mild reduction in detail and small mineral foci. Trace pylectasia noted w/out ureteral disension.
GI: Avg SI thickness normal. Mild corrugation is noted in some regions and some ileus (luminal fluid distension up to 4 mm w/ reduced
peristalsis) noted w/out obstruction. No discrete abnormalities appreciated throughout the small intestines.
Caudal abdominal nodes are prominent to mildly enlarged and rounded w/ smooth texture. One irregular cystic structure noted near right
kidney. The mesentery around the ileus segments is mildly hyperechoic.
Intestines most consistent w/ enteritis
Nodes: r/o reactive vs other
Cystic strucure: r/o benign mesenteric vs inflamed node
Kidneys have evidence of chronic disease.

Here are her prior labs:

7/15/24: Wt loss 0.28 lb; PCV: 40/7.6; Chem18: BUN 41, creat 1.7, K+ 4.3, phos 4.2
U/A: USG 1.019, pH 6.0, rare wbc/rbc; no bact/cryst; cobalamin: 437; folate: 11.2

2/13/24: Wt loss 0.8 lb; CBCcomp: hct 44, diff wnl (clots in sample; rec. resubmit)
Chem25: BUN 40, creat 1.3; T4: 2.8; SDMA <10
U/A: USG 1.025, pH 6.0, rare wbc, no rbc/bact/cryst, rare fine gran casts.

1/19/23: Wt loss 0.4 lb; CBC: (hct 40, diff wnl); Chem25: (BUN 32, creat 1.3)
T4: 1.8; U/A: USG 1.051, pH 6.5, 1+ prot, rare wbc, no rbc/bact/cryst

11/19/21: CBC: (hct 46, diff wnl); Chem: (BUN 34, creat 1.5); T4. 1.9; DGGR lipase 9
U/A: USG 1.053, pH 7.5, rare amorph. crystals, no wbc, no rbc

6/17/22 Wt loss 0.16 (as desired); USG 1.040; SDMA: 11

Most recent A&P:
1) Intestines most consistent w/ enteritis (IBD vs SCLSA); ileus likely cause of decreased appetite.
2) Nodes: r/o reactive vs other
3) Cystic strucure: r/o benign mesenteric vs inflamed node
4) Kidneys have evidence of chronic disease ; in keeping w/ previous lab findings.
1) Rx: metoclopramide 5 mg: 1/4 tab po every 8-12 hrs.
2) Continue vit B12 as Rxed.
3) picked up Mirataz but hasn't started it yet. Rec. give. metoclopramide for 2-3 days and then if not improved appt, start Mirataz.
4) to consider presumptive pred tx vs ex-lap for biopsies.

Sammie is seeming to eat better with the metoclopramide.

My question:
Is pusuing an ex-lap for biopsy recommended vs. empiric tx for IBD with steroids vs. empiric tx for SCL with steroids + chlorambucil.

Thank you!!!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Well let’s all take a collective moment to applaud the work up!! I say this because that’s a breath of fresh air!! I think that a couple things warrant a little further discussion.

    First it sounds like your GP has done a very thorough job,,, but,, done it all in house. Which in some cases is the best we can do. But. Have you been offered a referral to an internal medicine feline practitioner? If you can find someone who is BOTH great. If not go to whoever you can get in with.
    Next have rads been done? And assessed by a radiologist? At least for thorax?
    I know it might sound crazy but also check anal glands. Some of these older cats are so uncomfortable they stop eating
    Add an appetite stimulant. There are numerous options.

    Ask for an internal medicine consult via your lab services. It’s a phone call and It’s free. It has been helpful in some cases. Ask them about budesonide vs. prednisolone if you are going to start treating for INS. Which to be honest I would do over a biopsy for a cat this age with these potential differential diagnoses.
    I also add vitamin B12 and cobalaquin and immuquin to these guys. The other medication I like is cerenia and learning how to give SQ fluids at home for the kidneys. You also need a phosphate binder ( I think?, please inquire), we use naraquin. Maybe ask about azodyl too.

    … and I know it sounds like I am spouting out a lot of meds… but I gave my older cat solensia when she was a nightmare of unhappiness and it really helped.

    And let’s not forget pain meds. Every (EVERY!!! ) single patient deserves them. I like gabapentin 50-80 mg as needed.

    Please keep m posted. Very best of luck.

  2. Carla Post author

    Dear Krista,

    Thank you very much for your response!

    Sammie is eating much better since starting metoclopramide. She is finishing all the wet food we give her, and chases after me when I am preparing it for her! She’s also having bigger sized BMs. We also have her on a weekly injection of B12 for her borderline low levels.

    One point to clarify – we are lucky that Sammie’s vet is a feline-only practitioner. Based on discussions with her, she seems to recommend proceeding with the ex-lap for the biopsy and that cats “bounce back” quite quickly after the procedure. We are hesitant, however, given it seems quite invasive.

    At this point, we are deciding if the is worth it, or just to empirically treat her with steroids for presumed IBS (vs. SCL). Based on your input, it seems you would err on the side of not doing a biopsy in a cat of her age?
