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Genesis | 7 months ago
I Took My German Shepherd Diesel To A Small Airport Near My House That Is All …

I took my German Shepherd Diesel to a small airport near my house that is all desert (southern Nevada) on 8/17/2024.
He was running and chasing rabbits and was just fine. He is a very healthy dog, 8 years old, and has never had any health issues, not even hip dysplasia. He doesn’t have the common sloping back/angulation in GSDs, but a straight back, which is probably why he doesn’t have hip dysplasia. Anyway, today and yesterday, he started showing signs of limping on his rear right leg, which was much more visible today. He is hardly putting any pressure on the foot, often lifting it up. I gave him some carprofen for pain and inflammation. I trimmed his nails, because they were a little long and it looked like they were pushing up his toes and could have been the source of discomfort. It didn’t seem to help. Since we were in the desert, I checked for any injuries from the rough terrain and for cactus needles. No sign of any, but I am still very concerned. What should I do?

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Lucy | 7 months ago
Post Neutering My Vet Diagnosed A Hernia And Did A Second Surgery. They Found That It …

Post neutering my vet diagnosed a hernia and did a second surgery. They found that it was just a seroma. Now they are saying she has another seroma. She is a ragdoll and has a very saggy stomach and I can’t see a lump this time. I don’t believe it’s a seroma. They have told me to bring her in to have a drained. Is it negligent not to go to this appointment?

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Parham | 7 months ago
4 Year Old Male Cat With Urinary Blockage


My name is Parham Parsa, I found your page on youtube and have read your blog, and for once I saw someone that is actually talking about blocked cats and is raising awareness to this issue and I wanted to thank you for it.

My cat Mercury (4.5 years old, 18lbs) is currently in the hospital for another urinary blockage and I genuinely don’t know what to do, this is his third visit, first time he got blocked was about a year and half ago and he was on the death’s door, his blood work was extremely elevated, he was lethargic and in visible pain. His regular vet unblocked him and transferred him to a vet hospital for further care, this visit cost me about $5K, and after that he was put on a strict urinary diet. Second time was 3 months ago where we noticed him being in pain and struggling once again and we took him to an ER vet and he was unblocked again, despite my persistence of leaving the his urinary catheter in, they took everything out, and send him home that very night, thankfully he remained unblocked until last night. His vet told me that since he is keep getting blocked he should just get the PU surgery and all but refuse to see him, so I took him to the Metropolitan vet hospital and their estimate for getting him unblocked and doing the PU surgery was 7-8 thousand dollars which is wildly out of reach for me at the moment. After reading your blog I have decided that if I find a second job I can afford to have him unblocked and kept in the hospital for observation for a night or two but I don’t know what I can do after that. If you have any suggestion regarding an affordable PU surgery or any other suggestion I am all ears. I’m really sorry for the long email, and looking forward to hearing back from you.

I just got off the phone with his vet at Metropolitan and after they took some X-Rays they saw some large stones in his bladder which they suspect could be the reason for his repeated blockages, and recommended a cystotomy and they said that the balance would stay at 7-8 thousand dollars. As of now my plan still remains to have him unblocked and watched for couple of days but I don’t know what I should do next.

PS.. I have attached a couple of pictures of him to this post. He is genuinely the sweetest and the friendliest cat I have ever met and the idea of me having to say goodbye to him just because I can’t pay for his treatment is is something I cannot imagine.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. So many of these cats have a similar situation and it leaves their families with such a huge dilemma about what to do and how to afford all that might lie ahead.
    My advice at this point would also be to do the PU surgery and to remove the stones. If you are close to us I would be happy to see him and see if there is anyway we can help. Please call the clinic and leave your number. I will call you back.
    Dr Magnifico

    1. Parham Post author

      Thank you, Dr Magnifico, I will definitely call the office first thing in the morning. And again I want to thank you for bringing awareness to this problem. Your articles about the blocked cat were such a huge help for me in dealing with this issue.

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Tiffany | 7 months ago
So I Take My Dog To Chadwell Vet And They Are Recommending A ACL Surgery And …

So I take my dog to Chadwell Vet and they are recommending a ACL surgery and my daughter-in-law recommended you all I have gone to a surgical what are you would love to stay in the county to have her if you could give me pricing for the acl surgery.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The pre op coat is about $50 exam, $170 blood work, $200 X-rays and $125 radiology review.

    The cost of the surgery is about $3500-3800 based on weight.

    Post op care is $200 for X-rays.

    We have a boarded surgeon who does the TPLOs.

    If interested call the clinic and set up an exam with one of the doctors.

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Kissu | 7 months ago
My Dog Cannot Walk .Her Left Leg Has Not Been Working Properly.It’s Too Week….

My Dog cannot walk .Her left leg has not been working properly.It’s too week.I search everywhere the symptoms I might feel like its IVDD.She was trying to wake up but she can’t.Her weight is too heavy like 35-40kg. german shepherd. please help

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    This is one of those conditions that need a vet immediately. They can prescribe medications to help. I sorry. I wish I could do more. You need a vet to help identify what this is, or might be, and provide medication.

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Francesca | 7 months ago
Intermitent Limp Hello, One Of My Dog Has A Limp On Her Hind Right Leg That …

Intermitent Limp

Hello, one of my dog has a limp on her hind right leg that only occurs minutes after she gets up after lying down for a long period of time.
When she gets up her leg won’t touch the ground while standing up or walking.
In just a few minutes, she’ll touch the ground again, run, and jump with no sign of pain, but every time she gets up it’s the same thing, several times a day.
I’ve squeezed her leg all the way, and moved it around and she shows no pain or injuries,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Any degree of limping that lasts for more than a few days should be seen by a veterinarian. The only exceptions to this is a dislocated hip which should be seen immediately to try to put it “back in the socket”. Infection is the other thing I worry about. There is usually wound and most often pets are quiet and not eating well.

    The most common knee injury we see that causes limping is a cruciate rupture. You will need a vets help to diagnose this.

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Francesca | 7 months ago
I Have A Very Special And Painful Case I Need Help With, I Have Tried Several …

I have a very special and painful case I need help with, I have tried several different veterinarians with no diagnosis or prognosis so far. It may be a long shot, but I was hoping you could help me shine a light on this.

In April I found an extremely skinny stray cat and took him in. I first thought he was malnourished from lack of food for being in the streets, but 4 months in his case keeps unfolding.

He is likely older than 15 years old, but he’s a happy cat with a lot of energy and mobility. He weighs 3kg but he’s a big cat, you can feel every single bone in his spine, although you can’t see them that easily because he has long hair. He’s completely affectionate, loves to be pet, and asks very politely for attention and food all the time.

All we know about his past is he is neutered, he had some teeth surgically removed and he tested negative for FIV and FeLV.

He had a huge appetite when I first took him in, he would eat 100g of food in one meal and ask for more right after. He would sometimes ‘cough’, it sounded like he was choking on some kind of fluid, it doesn’t happen in sequences, but it happens almost every day until today.

He always drank LOTS of water and produced a lot of urine as well. His feces at the beginning were really solid with some mucus.

After a month, he continued to eat plenty and hadn’t gained any weight, that’s when he started to throw up. It started happening a few days a week, usually after spending several hours without eating he would throw up a clear frothy fluid with no content, and then it progressed to twice every day regardless of when he had eaten.

We suspected it could be diabetes or hyperthyroidism, but the labwork didn’t confirm either, it showed regular kidney function with small liver function alterations.

We then introduced prednisolone (2,5mg/day) and changed his diet from a mix of natural home-cooked protein, hypercaloric wet food, protein supplements, and dry food to exclusively Royal Canin Hypoallergenic while waiting for Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Hydrolyzed Protein to arrive in Brazil, keeping Omega 3 (fish oil) 500mg/a day in his diet.

Vomits went away for a while. He kept drinking lots of water and peeing a lot, but his feces got softer (not liquid).

He had periods where he lost his appetite, which we treated with mirtazapine, he reacted after 6 days.

We performed an ultrasound and discovered that basically all his internal organs were compromised. He has severe alterations everywhere. Still, the best specialists I could find couldn’t tell me what was causing it and offer a course of treatment that didn’t involve opening him up to collect tissues for a biopsy.

I personally think it is absurd that a doctor could look at this frail elderly cat who obviously can’t resist anesthesia without serious risks and say that surgery is the only way to go, all to find out for sure if we’re dealing with a lymphoma or an infection. I’m looking for someone to advise me on the most effective course of action. Of course, I aim to reverse his condition, but I understand that given his age and how advanced it is, it might not be an option.

He is currently at 3kg, eating exclusively Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Hydrolyzed Protein with fish oil, and taking prednisolone every day for a month now. His appetite is healthy, he still drinks a lot, pees a lot, and poops regularly but softer. He eats an average of 5 small meals.
Vomits are back down to a few times a week, usually early in the morning before his first meal, and always a clear liquid. He goes and eats right after throwing up so I get the impression he is not nauseous.
He doesn’t seem to be in pain overall.
He’s not gaining any weight regardless of all my efforts.

That is why I’m giving this a shot and trying to get your attention. I hope you have more resources and knowledge that could help me figure out appropriate next steps to give this little guy the best fighting chances I can.

On this link you’ll find a translation of his bloodwork and ultrasound. I had chat GPT translate it for me so forgive me if there are errors.

I appreciate any support you can lend me, his name is Valentim which means brave and strong, and I want him to win this fight.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like you have done a pretty thorough work up. The places I think that you should look into are;
    Repeat the blood work. It sounds like hyperthyroidism. I always check a free T4 on top of the thyroid T4. I also check a urine. If you haven’t sent a fecal to the lab too.

    After that the ultrasound and X-rays are where I look.

    You are still at the place where the diagnosis is eluding you. That’s where you need to focus.

    PS. Just for the record I don’t love starting pred until you have a diagnosis. It can obscure your diagnostics.

    Good luck. I hope this helps.

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Lisa | 7 months ago
My Cat Is 1 Years Old Lillyanna Is Laying Around And She Is Not Eating What Do …

My cat is 1 years old Lillyanna is laying around and she is not eating what do I do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you think that your cat is not acting normally please see a veterinarian. At least have an examination done. Maybe it can be as simple as trying an antibiotic. But please see a vet.

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Lisa | 7 months ago
My Cat Is 1 Years Old Lillyanna Is Laying Around And She Is Not Eating

My cat is 1 years old Lillyanna is laying around and she is not eating

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Elaine | 7 months ago
Anna Is Turning Her Nose Up At Both Wet And Dry Food. When She Does Eat (…

Anna is turning her nose up at both wet and dry food. When she does eat (with aid from appetite stimulant prescribed by vet) her stools are normal. She drinks/pees normally and is playful. She’s taken to sleeping under my bed rather than up with me but maybe it’s cooler there? It has been very hot here this summer. Less eager to go exploring on harness/leash in fenced in yard/garden but may have issue that I tell her not to eat the grass (have organic grass inside for her but she wants the outside stuff that has Creeping Jenny in it -toxic to cats. Grass eating only started a few months ago and she eats it & throws up a small amount of clear fluid with the grass in it). Got 2 vet opinions regarding Anna’s refusal to eat (I have tried everything from raw to cooked and every prepared wet & dry food off shelf to no avail). Anna will eat some Temptations Mixups BBQ flavor. Weight fluctuates between 6.7 and 7.7lbs. A “normal” Siberian female her age is 10-15lbs. (Anna does have very mild gingavitis & plaque but vet said this wouldn’t be reason for not eating.)

Both vets recommended an ultrasound of her abdomen but as a retiree the $500-$700 is a big chunk of change. Mostly, as a Cat Mom of many years my gut tells me something else may be the culprit for Anna not eating. She has been “flicking” her tongue over her nose more often (she has no upper respiratory issues says both vets). And, to me, the right side of her mouth seems to be looking different than the right side lately. It reminds me of my Nana who had Bells Palsy and one side side of her mouth “drooped”. I will see if I can post an upclose picture below of her right side (photo left) mouth.

Was intrigued with your video of polyps in cats and would love to know if maybe a change in Anna olfactory senses might be tied to her disinterest in eating? She doesn’t snore, btw.

Thank you!

3 Responses


  1. Elaine Post author

    Here is a picture of Anna from February before the eating issues began. Her mouth on her right side (left in photo) looks different to me, ie not drooping like it is now.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    My recommendation is to have a blood work panel done. It should include a full chemistry a cbc, fecal, urine and thyroid. At my clinic this is about $200. An abdominal ultrasound is about $350. I think that these are imperative to figure out what’s going on. And hopefully be able to start a treatment plan for. I doubt it’s a polyp. Use your resources elsewhere. I also think it’s perfectly acceptable to see if you can find these cheaper elsewhere if you are unable to afford them with your vet.

    Good luck

    1. Elaine Post author

      Thank you, Doc. My vet did a “pre-op” panel and everything was normal except:

      Total protein: 5.9 (6.3-8.8 normal)
      Globulin: 2.6 (3.0-5.9 normal)
      Alp: 11 (12-59 normal)

      The ALB/GLOB ratio was slightly high at 1.3 (normal 0.5-1.2)

      The neutrophils were slightly low but the vet said it was probably due to the stress from the visit. (The vet gave me deworming for both kitties, too)

      Because Anna doesn’t have diarrhea and a mildly decreased appetite (and holding her weight level) the vet said we could hold off on the US. But the past few days (without the appetite stim) Anna is again not eating well (treats, some yogurt, a few licks of wetfood & a few dry kibbles) I called and they are going to put me in touch with a “traveling” ultrasound doc who charges $300-$350 and uses different hospitals to do the US. Still awaiting a call back.

      Is this now an “emergency”? I am so worried about Anna…

      Thank you for your input. Muchly appreciated!
