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Jasmine | 5 years ago
My Dog Was Originally Prescribed Gabapentin (50mg) Every 12 Hours But When I Went Back To The …

My dog was Originally prescribed Gabapentin (50mg) every 12 hours but when I went back to the vet they allowed Me to do every 6 hours instead because pain seemed to be coming back faster. Now it seems the pain meds are not helping at all even with putting him to sleep. Can I give it even sooner than every 6 hours? My dog is 8.10 lbs.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    You really need to discuss this with your vet as they know your pet best. Everyone/thing is unique and reacts in their own way. I would talk with the vet and also ask about other methods of pain relief. Best of luck.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Sarah. There is the book instruction for a drug and then there is the real life patient specific advice. If gabapentin isn’t working ask for other options. There are always options.

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Nicole | 5 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Female Cat. She Was Obese For Several Years. I Managed To …

I have a 12 year old female cat. She was obese for several years. I managed to get weight off of her a few months before these issues. There has been a lot of urination outside of the box. The urination has been going on a long time and initially I thought it was behavior because I adopted a rescue dog in October 2018 she hasn’t been thrilled about the dog. Right around the time my cat turned 12 she started with the urination… February or March.

In the last couple of weeks her thirst increased significantly. Also just laying on her side on the floor, not wanting to be in her bed or on the furniture. She’s losing weight /muscle mass and she is hoarse. She is still eating, I had to coax her a bit one day so I made chicken broth from drumsticks she’s been drinking a good amount of the broth and ate chicken and her canned food. She’s actually been gulping the food down.

I can’t tell if this is kidney related or diabetes. I have not noticed bad breath. I am in a real bind and need to figure out what else to do for her till I can get money for a vet.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Inappropriate urination is often the first noticeable sign something is wrong. Increased thirst means this has been going on long enough to be a total body problem. I would put a lot of effort into getting her seen sooner than later…going too long can and will cause further damage to her already very sick body.

    (Dr. M told me bad breath is kidneys. Expect a full urinalysis and bloodwork, plus the possibility of subcutaneous fluids and prescription diet.)

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Jasmine | 5 years ago
I Just Got Back From The Vet. Basically The Vet Told Me There’s No Point …

I just got back from the vet. Basically the vet told me there’s no point in going to the neurologist if I’m not considering surgery and there’s no point of an MRI because once again I’m not considering surgery. He prescribed Tramadol along with the galliprant and Gabapentin he’s already taking . I just gave it to him now. I also asked about rehabilitation. He told me that he has seen improvements with acupuncture however he did tell me that I need to consider his quality of life. He told me if he was going to get better he would have already shown signs of improvement .im so heartbroken right now. I’m not sure what to do.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry that things haven’t improved and that you are feeling down trodden about his condition. I can’t tell you what the answer is for you or your dog. But I can say that it is not anyone’s place to steal your hope or break your heart. I know lots of dogs who aren’t perfect or even paralyzed. If you think you can manage that then that’s ok to try. If you are worried about pain that is something your vet can help with.
    I ha e to agree with part of your vets advice. If you aren’t ready willing and able to see a neurologist for a CT scan or MRI a CSF tap and surgery tem I am not sure what benefit it is to go and see them. They can’t diagnose or treat without these expensive diagnostics. And I should add not every pet with an unlimited pocketbook does well. So in some cases it really isn’t about the money. If you need help or hope get another opinion. In my experience the best vets help people find answers they are comfortable with. Even if it isn’t what you want to hear. I wish you the best. Keep us posted. Sending hugs to you all.

    1. Jasmine Post author

      Thank you Dr.

      I’m going to try the rehabilitation center and see if acupuncture or cold laser therapy works. I’m trying really hard to keep positive. I will try one more vet and see what they tell me. Thank you for all the advice and support.

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Sanjay | 5 years ago
I Have A Pomerian Dog Of Age 5years.3years Ago My Dog Was Affected By Hematoma …

I have a pomerian dog of age 5years.3years ago my dog was affected by hematoma in the left dog has again hematoma in right ear.i contacted the vet was small hematoma so the vet doctor drain with the syringe.but next day again it filled and gradually it is increasing.i want to know how much it is dangerous for my dog.can I wait one day more for surgery?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hematomas are not an emergency. So I think it’s fine to wait a day until your vet can see your pup. Please ask For more help in avoiding it the next time. Some dogs have terrible allergies that can be managed better so hematomas don’t happen.

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Sanjay | 5 years ago
I Have A Pomerian Dog Of Age 5years.3years Ago My Dog Was Affected By Hematoma …

I have a pomerian dog of age 5years.3years ago my dog was affected by hematoma in the left dog has again hematoma in right ear.i contacted the vet was small hematoma so the vet doctor drain with the syringe.but next day again it filled and gradually it is increasing.i want to know how much it is dangerous for my dog.can I wait one day more for surgery?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hematomas are not an emergency. So I think it’s fine to wait a day until your vet can see your pup. Please ask For more help in avoiding it the next time. Some dogs have terrible allergies that can be managed better so hematomas don’t happen

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Stan | 5 years ago
Does Congestive Heart Failure Lead To Seizures In Dogs?

Does congestive heart failure lead to seizures in dogs?

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    I don’t believe so. As I understand it, syncope and fainting can be symptoms but are not the same as seizures.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Please call your vet. I would be worried about calcium, electrolytes and a whole host of other things that cause seizures .

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Just Wanted To Check If Histiocytoma When First Appearing Can Not Be Red As Shown …

I just wanted to check if Histiocytoma when first appearing can not be red as shown in the picture below ? And if they are known for ulcerating the next day ? Also can a mast cell tumour do both those thing also ? I edited the lighting of the picture so it stand out more. I also added a picture of what it looked like a week later after the scab got knocked off and a picture closer to what it look like now. My dog a staffy aged 8.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Nobody can diagnose this via a photo. Lots of lumps and bumps look alike. Please see your vet. They can help.

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Noticed A Raised Lump On My Staffordshire Bull Terrier Aged 8 On The 21st Of November …

I noticed a raised lump on my Staffordshire bull terrier aged 8 on the 21st of November on my dog head that ulcerated the next day. The ulcerated lump scabed over then got knocked off the following week. I have been to 2 different vets within that time and both feel it either a histiocytoma or a mast cell tumour with both vets leaning toward it being a histiocytoma but only a biopsy will make sure. I have a biopsy for Wednesday but my question is would it be worth doing is this lump too close to the eyes for good margins? I have done days of googling and I see 1cm is all that needed for good margins and 90% of other sites saying 2-3cm is needed. I would not put my dog through radio therapy so if good margins is not possible would it be worth doing a biopsy? Another thing is I know it low chance but I don’t want to risk Anesthesia with my dog being that 1 in 2000 dog to die from it. Anyone know if good margins is possible from looking at the picture of my dog?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    Sorry you are going through so much stress with this situation. Unfortunately, it is always so hard to tell anything definite from A picture. I would have frank discussion with my vet and ask about all of my different treatment options from aggressive on down. They know you and your pet best, and can advise accordingly. Best of luck to you both.????????

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Jasmine | 5 years ago
3 Weeks Since My Dog Was Diagnosed With Ivdd. I’m Not Seeing The Light At The …

3 weeks since my dog was diagnosed with ivdd. I’m not seeing the light at the end of tunnel. He doesn’t seem to be getting better. He still cries and walks around in circles with his head low. He can walk for a few steps but then falls. Feeling so helpless. Any advice?

8 Responses


  1. Laura

    Hi Jasmine, have you contacted an orthopedic vet? Have you considered laser therapy, water therapy, etc? I understand your distress, and I have only barely followed your story so I’m not sure what you’ve done so far.

    1. Jasmine Post author

      I have not. I have taken him to 2 regular vets but I don’t feel that they have followed up with him as they should. They did not tell me anything about a follow up appointment . I am going to someone else. I don’t have enough money for an MRI . I am looking into rehabilitation centers. I think I’m going to try a place called BARC. He is currently on galliprant and Gabapentin for pain. They seem to help for 5-6 hours but then he starts crying (usually at night) I can’t tell if it’s from pain though or from wanting to be near me. He stops crying when I pet him or when I pick him up. I have noticed he also cries when he can’t get himself up( like he’s frustrated)

      1. Laura

        I’d definitely hit a specialist, then. Dr. Magnifico is right – neuro is the way to go (I wasn’t thinking straight when I suggested ortho). Good luck.

        1. Jasmine Post author

          I have a neurologist appointment for him on 12/13/19 at Blue Pearl Hospital. ????????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would seek the advice of a neurologist. And reassess pain management and quality of life. I think you need help from someone who can examine your pup and talk to you about Your thoughts. Sending ❤️ To you both.

    1. Jasmine Post author

      I have a neurologist appointment for him on 12/13/19 at Blue Pearl Hospital. ????????

  3. maria

    How did the appt go on 12/23. My dog has already had three spinal surgeries and is now dealing with his 4th episode. I would like some good news. I hope he got better. We really thought we had it beat. He did great after surgery. I just wish it was cheaper.

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Olivia | 5 years ago
I Recently Notice A Lump On My Dog’s Neck And Went To Go Get It …

I recently notice a lump on my dog’s neck and went to go get it checked out. I found out it can possibly be a lipoma and came across a YouTube video and where the cost for the removal was cheaper compared to the close to $2000 I was shown from my vet. I’m a student trying to manage my own college costs and my part time job is barley helping me out. I was wondering if anyone knows of a great vet in Los Angeles with reasonable price for the removal or something to just help me

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Ask friends and family and even place a post on social media or to allthe shelters and rescues for vets who might be more affordable. And talk to your vet about the price. Ask if there is any way they can do it safely but at a price you can afford. And please! Please add the estimate to our storylines page. That is the place we hope to be able to find information about vets and vet practices to rocked transparency in pricing to people around the world.