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Morghan | 5 years ago
Need Help!! My 9 Year Old Dog Has Had A Lump On The Side Of His Face …

Need help!!
My 9 year old dog has had a lump on the side of his face which looks like a cyst for a couple of years now. It didn’t look serious and he appeared fine so we never took him to a vet. Now we are getting worried as it keeps getting bigger and now appears a reddish colour and appears to be bleeding slightly. We are going to be taking him to a vet but I also would like some opinions before I go there.
In the image I have put in below is the lumps current state.
If u could please give what a normal procedure would be to treat it and estimated price(UK) that would be greatly appreciated

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is not possible for anyone to diagnose via a photo. Please bring your pup to the vet as soon as possible. I am very worrie this is going to rupture and it will not stop bleeding as it is not normal tissue. I am concerned it might be some kind of cancerous lesion but I also hope and believe ( based on how slow growing it is ) that is is not a malignant or aggressive kind. Please see a vet and have it removed. It looks like this can be done without too much difficulty. I wouldn’t waste time or money on aspirates. If you are on a tight budget find someone who will remove it before it becomes a bigger problem. Please let us know what happens. And best of luck.

    1. Morghan Post author

      Thanks so much for the opinion. We are taking him to a vet ASAP. I hope he will be ok. Will keep u updated about it.

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Melanie | 5 years ago
My 18 Month Old Pit Mix Woke Up With This Nodule Type Bump On Her Face. It …

My 18 month old pit mix woke up with this nodule type bump on her face. It was hard and crusty and now it’s open. I dint think it’s painful but she doesn’t like me to mess with it. I got the best pic I could. No other symptoms at all.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Trying to get info from a photo is very difficult. If it were me, I would make an appointment for the vet and ask them to do a biopsy. It could just be a small injury, but it could be worse too. I hope it is nothing- best of luck!!!

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Noticed Last Friday A Faint Circle On My Dog Head Between His Eyes The Following …

I noticed last Friday a faint circle on my dog head between his eyes the following day it opened up and they was a circle of blood. I took my dog the vet on Monday and was given cream that I applied till Friday yesterday morning. Yesterday the scab came off and they was a small red circle not sure if they was any bleeding. The 4th picture show what it look like today. Can this be cancer? As I don’t understand if cancer develope a scab ? If it was just a bump that opened up and a scab formed for it to heal then should it not be showing a fleshy circle still ? How long does it usally take for this type of thing to heal? I have spent days looking at picture of cancer and they are all lump that bleed and I ain’t seen a picture of a scab forming over any. I asked my vet on Monday after she checked it out if it could be cancer and she said it could be but if it was just a scab would she not know ? Or can cancer form scabs?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The saying goes that cancer can do whatever it wants. The best way to identify what this is is by taking a biopsy. Please ask your vet to help you monitor the masses progression and consider surgical biopsy if it persists or doesn’t heal.

    1. Ben Post author

      Hello and thanks for the response. How long should I watch this for? If it just a bump from say hitting his head that opened up and scabed over Then should it of not already healed within a week or does it take longer to heal? It been 8 days since the faint circle appeared for it to open up the next day then form a scab so how many more days should I wait to see if it heals? His also got other little lump showing up 2 on his neck and 2 on his side but they ain’t progressed like the one on his face, they are just small hard lumps.

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Noticed Last Friday An Outline Of A Circle On My Dog Head That You Can …

I noticed last Friday an outline of a circle on my dog head that you can to look for a certain angle to see. The next day you could see it more and it open up and was bleeding. I took my dog to the vets on Monday and asked if it could be cancer and was told it could be then given betafuse that I applied twice a day till today, the cream done nothing. The growth itself I don’t think has grown outwards but I think it grown a bit upwards. His been acting less energetic lately it mite be due to him getting older as his close to 8 he only seem full of energy when it come to walks or play but he just seem a bit of off less up for going up the stairs. His also got a small lump on his side and neck tho they ain’t the size of this lump.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only way a lump or bump is definitively diagnosed is with a biopsy. A photo can’t provide the answer as many of them look very similar. I would follow the directions of your vet and follow up if it worsens or doesn’t resolve. You can also ask about a biopsy or a referral to a veterinary dermatologist. Because it is on the head I would also ask about it possibly being a histiocytoma. Let us know what happens.

    1. Ben Post author

      Hello and thanks for the response. How long should I watch it for, would waiting and seeing not risk the chance of spreading or is this not a concern with tumour on top of the skin?

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Evelyn | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Abscess On The Face How I Can Cure At Home? Is It Possible …

My cat has abscess on the face how i can cure at home? Is it possible her to give anti biotic for human?

2 Responses


  1. Evelyn Post author

    At first i observe that her face has swollen and i found out this morning that it like red almost rupture.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    At my clinic I always prescribe antibiotics and warm water compresses to do at home. I’m sorry but I can’t prescribe anything over the Internet. But yes in some cases we utilize human antivirus but the dosages are much much smaller so they are often given to you by the vet to make sure we aren’t overdosing.

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suerena schaefer | 5 years ago
My Question Is About Food For My Cats And Dogs. Cats Ive Always Been Told To …

My question is about food for my cats and dogs.

Ive always been told to keep dry food out at all times so I do but I also feed them in the morning and at dinner with a mixture of wet and dry. They are all 6 years old and they are putting on weight. Should I take up the dry food so they don’t graze on it all day and just feed them their 2 meals a day. Is that enough?

I have always fed my 13 year old once a day with a mixture of wet and dry and of course he gets tid bits from our plates through the day. Lol. He’s always been a healthy weight and seems very happy. I rescued a dog a year go that was a stray and she was 1. I kept dry food out for her all day, as suggested by my vet, and also feed her with her brother at diner time with the same mixture. I have recently taken up her dry food and only feed her once a day Now with the brother.

Am I doing the correct things for my animals. I don’t want to overindulge them and have them become overweight and have the many problems that come along with that. But i also don’t want them hungry. Not sure what to do.


4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? Personally, we feed twice a day, our cats and dogs both. They get fed in the morning after their first walk and then again in the evening after their last walk. We also only feed dry food. They do get small pieces of dog treat throughout the day for good behavior and training as well. If you are truly questioning your feeding habits though, I would speak with your vet for advice. Best of luck!

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah, as well. Never free feed, especially with multiple animals in the house. It’s hard to track who is eating what and who’s off their food. In addition, you may find it better for both dogs to feed twice a day, to keep their blood sugar even and their guts happy. (I have a breed prone to bile pukes if they aren’t fed twice daily.)

  3. Krista Magnifico

    For indoor overweight cats I recommend one 5 oz can of a high quality canned food per cat twice a day. I also say to add water. It will help them feel full and not add calories. Also limit how much dry food you offer and the type of dry food. There are lots of low calorie options available. I use these as snacks during the day.

    For dogs I feed twice a day because they need calories twice a day and that way you know who is eating and how much. Which is super important if anyone gets sick or isn’t feeling well. I am a bit old. Fashioned. I like science diet. They have lots Of options and Are always affordable.

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Jasmine | 5 years ago
My Dog Is On Day 9 After Being Diagnosed With Ivdd . He Was Walking A Lot Better …

My dog is on day 9 after being diagnosed with ivdd . He was walking a lot better after losing mobility in his right front and back leg but today it looks like he’s losing the mobility in his 2 front legs all over again. What happened?? He was doing so well. His pain looked like it had gone away and he was sleeping through the night without the pain killer.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a hard question to answer for a few reasons. One we hardly ever get a confirmatory diagnosis on this disease. To do that you would need an mri or ct and an csf tap. Without them we guess that it is IVDD which is the most common cause of acute paralysis or weakness. So trying to understand what is or isn’t normal when we aren’t sure of the diagnosis is difficult.
    If it is IVDD then yes it is not uncommon for them to get worse as we try to get them better. The worsening can occur because more of the disc is slipping into the spinal cord area or because another disc is also slipping. Or because the damage to the spinal cord is progressing. Please call your vet with any questions or concerns or changes to your pet. They can help. Best of luck.

    1. Jasmine Post author

      Does this mean a longer recovery time? He is now on day 15 since he went down. I have him on around the clock Gabapentin and galliprant which seems to help . He’s still very wobbly and can only walk a few steps before falling.

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Jasmine | 5 years ago
Has Anyone Ever Used The Assisi Loop For Their Dog With IVDD? Does It Work?

Has anyone ever used the Assisi Loop for their dog with IVDD? Does it work?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I haven’t used it, nor had clients who have. But I’ve seen them at the trade shows. I don’t think there is any hard evidence or studies to support their use. But I also don’t think they do any harm. If you use it and like it will you let me know.?

    1. Jasmine Post author

      Sure, still doing my research on it but I’ll let you know if I buy it.

  2. Jasmine Post author

    Sure, still doing my research on it but I’ll let you know if I buy it.

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Debbie Molnar | 5 years ago
I Recently Adopted A 9 Year Old Cat. He Is Very Affectionate And Loves To Be Pet …

I recently adopted a 9 year old cat. He is very affectionate and loves to be pet but he won’t allow me to pick him up or hold him. I haven’t forced the issue, but someday he’s going to need a nail trim or medicine. How do I get him comfortable with being picked up and handled? The rescue paperwork notes the prior owner couldn’t pick him up either. He’s been to the vet and physically he is fine.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think a few things help. One and foremost, all good things happen in your presence. For example. Feeding happens near you. And should always be associated with you talking and being present. Next if you can touch him I would scruff and start to pet him to the point he relaxes so he is sort of forced to accept you. Now this is not a perfect plan. If he cannot be touched you should cage him and not allow him to hide and avoid you. My point is every cat is different and every persons expectation is different. If you want him to love you you have to prove to him that you are kind and loving and trustworthy. It means he doesn’t decide to avoid you. You decide to help him through his fears. Does this make sense?

    1. Debbie Molnar Post author

      Thank you for the response. He’s fine with everything but being picked up and held. I can pet him all over, rub his tummy, and play with his feet just don’t try and pick him up. He’ll sit on my lap for hours at a time and purr, it’s just when he feels 2 hands on him you can feel him tense up. I’ll give your suggestions a try.

  2. Laura

    Give it time. Lots of time. Mine wasn’t okay with it at first, either – it took him 6 months before I could pick him up, and another 2 years before he’d let me do nail trims without wrapping him in an afghan and pulling his legs out of the holes.

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Jasmine | 5 years ago
My Dog Is 15 Years Old And Was Diagnosed With Ivdd. He Keeps Trying To Walk Around …

My dog is 15 years old and was diagnosed with ivdd. He keeps trying to walk around but continues fall. I have him in a play pen right now. Should I continue to let him walk around? I feel like he’s going to end up hurting himself more.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I suppose I would ask why do you think he is walking? I’d be bored? Felling better? Stressed? What do you think? In my experience they start walking when the pain dissipates so I am all for walking and maintaining muscle mass. But, it doesn’t displace the need for physical therapy to regain lost nerve function and muscle mass. Ie you still want to encourage them to use the weak legs and not just the sting and functional legs. As long as it is safe (no stairs or access to danger) and they are not causing abrasions on the feet they can’t use normally, AND you can keep doing your pt then I am ok with it.

    1. Jasmine Post author

      Hi Dr. Magnifico, thank you so much for replying. Half of me thinks he is doing it because he’s bored but the other half of me says that he does it because he’s in pain. Because right before he wants to start walking he cries a lot and then I stand him up so he can walk and he stops crying and only whimpers a little as he walks.

      ok, so I will continue to let him walk around under supervision .

      Thank you!