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Dental Extractions On A 14 Year Old Hyperthyroid Domestic Shorthaired Cat With Heart Murmur
Treatment Cost (USD): $1014.55
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Pyometra Surgery On A 7 Year Old Staffordshie Terrier Mix
Treatment Cost (USD): $982.60
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New Pet Exam On A 1 Year Old Heartworm Positive Golden Retriever
Treatment Cost (USD): $298.91
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Routine Spay On 1 Year 6 Month Old Golden Retriever
Treatment Cost (USD): $440.00
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Wow Sarah, that’s brave of your vet AND the owner, must have been nerve-wracking to assist in that operation!
Tell us about this battling bruiser “winking” at the camera 🙂
How is he coping since the dental work?
Thank you Sarah!! Excellent job as always!! You are the best and I really appreciate your help!!