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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Spay (OHE) In 10-Month Old Kitten: Prudence
Treatment Cost (USD): $206.00
Prudence, a 10-month old domestic shorthair tabby cat, presented to the clinic for a spay (ovariohysterectomy or OHE) surgery.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Malibu, A 14 Yr Old Indoor Cat With A Pyometra
Treatment Cost (USD): $455.00
Eating some. Lethargic. White discharge from vulva? Licking a lot. No vomiting or diarrhea. Indoor only. Patient is NOT spayed. Last heat cycle about 8 weeks ago.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Greyhound With Chronic Hookworms
Treatment Cost (USD): $216.00
Dorie came in to see me as a walk-in emergency on Sunday. She is a 3 year old happy, healthy Greyhound. She was rescued from off the track about 1.5 years ago. When she first came to see me (for her new patient examination) we did an exam, gave her a microchip, reviewed her vaccine history and sent out a fecal sample to the lab. We send out a fecal (I feel it is imperative to send these to a lab and not do an at home test or do in the vet office as the lab gets better yields AND can help with issues like hers). She came back positive (3 plus A LOT!) for hookworms. Dorie was treated after her first visit with us and has been fine since. SHe has been on monthly flea & tick (credelio) and heartworm prevention (Interceptor Plus). Until last Sunday when she arrived back at my veterinary office with diarrhea. Every pet with diarrhea should have a fecal exam done.. every one. Missing the easy to diagnose is unacceptable in my opinion. I know lots of people dont want to spend (although I more often hear them use the word "waste" money or diagnostics, but I always say missing the most obvious and often very likely is just bad medicine. Start at the basics; diet, inappropriate food/treats/etc indescretion, and parasites for diarrhea if the pet is otherwise healthy (puppies I worry about stress, food, parasites and PARVO!).
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Canine Neuter And Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery, Meet Beau And Baxter. Brothers With The Same Surgery, Same Day!
Treatment Cost (USD): $357.00
Beau (black) and Baxter (brown) are brothers. They are 8 months old and their parents wanted to neuter them to try to help the urine marking, aggression which can sometimes occur with brothers, and surgically correct their umbilical hernias. The hernias were found on physical exam with the veterinarian who gave them all of their puppy vaccines. hernias can be small and benign to large, severe and in need of immediate (or as soon as possible) surgical intervention. The severe hernias allow abdominal contents (usually intestines) to "slip" out of the abdomen. If this happens, and, if the intestines stop working, strangulate, dilate, or twist (torse) it can be life-threatening. For Baxter and Beau the hernia was small, (about 1/2 inch) but a pinkie finger could go into it, and the fat coming out of it could be pushed back into the abdomen. It is best to fix these and always spay/neuter as this is a congenital issue that can be passed on to the offspring.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Spay (OHE) In River, A Domestic Shorthair
Treatment Cost (USD): $188.00
River is a 9 month old domestic shorthair cat who presented for a spay surgery (OHE, or ovariohysterectomy)
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Spay (OHE) In A Domestic Shorthair: Lemon’s Story
Treatment Cost (USD): $188.00
Lemon is an approximately 2 year old domestic shorthair cat who showed up as a stray at her owner's home. Shortly after arriving, she gave birth to a litter of 4 kittens. Lemon's owner decided to keep and care for her, so the decision was made to spay Lemon so she doesn't have more kittens. At Lemon's first exam appointment, it was noted that she had some enlarged mammary tissue.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Indie’s Story: Spay Surgery (OHE) In A Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Treatment Cost (USD): $522.00
Indie is a 9 month old Pembroke Welsh Corgi who presented for a spay procedure (OHE, or ovariohysterectomy.)
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Spay Surgery (OHE) In A Shih Tzu/Bichon Mix: Alyse’s Story
Treatment Cost (USD): $424.89
Alyse is a 9 month old Shih Tzu/Bichon Frise mix who underwent spay surgery (ovariohysterectomy, or OHE) at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Kirra’s Mass Removals And Dental Cleaning.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1028.52
Kirra had two masses growing under the skin over her spinal area. They larger one was about the size of a lemon and the smaller, just a few inches from the first closer to her tail, was about the size of a grape. The larger one was beginning to cause the skin to stretch to the point where rupture was eminent. When a mass ruptures the area is very unlikely to heal closed as this is abnormal tissue. A nonhealing wound or ruptured mass can result in chronic bleeding/exudate, infection or even maggots. Large masses that are about to cause skin rupture should be surgically excused before they get so large the skin opens or the mass removal is too large to close, or is causing the pet discomfort or ambulatory difficulty.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Dental Cleaning And Mass Removal In A Bloodhound.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1081.00
Dewey is a one year old Bloodhound who had a pendulous subcutaneous mass at his sternum. He was also unneutered. The mass needed to be removed as it hanging and the skin covering it was thinning and would eventually rupture. A pendulous mass will continue to stretch and eventually rupture which would then need to be surgically removed. In doing both surgeries at the same time it reduced both the cost and the anesthesia risk/exposure.
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