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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Oliver’s Story – Canine Cryptorchid Neuter In A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Treatment Cost (USD): $683.00
Oliver is a one year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who had two abnormalities: a small umbilical hernia, and an undescended right testicle. This is known as cryptorchidism, which is a medical term that refers to the failure of one or both testicles (testes) to descend into the scrotal sac. In most cases of cryptorchidism, the undescended testicle is retained in the inguinal canal or in the abdomen. In Oliver's case, it was located in his inguinal canal. Neutering a cryptorchid dog is a bit more complicated than neutering a dog whose testicles have descended normally, so the cost is often a bit higher in these cases.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Jake, An American Bulldog, Gets Neutered
Treatment Cost (USD): $370.96
Jake is a happy and healthy American Bulldog puppy who was scheduled to be neutered at around 9 months old.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Canine Neuter – Jax’s Story
Treatment Cost (USD): $498.20
At around 7 months old, Jax began showing signs of anxiousness and stubbornness, and he started "humping everything." Jax's veterinarian recommended neutering - along with regular exercise and consistent discipline - to reduce his anxiety and sexual acting out.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Ian’s Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $481.80
Ian is an otherwise healthy and happy pup who has a history of ear infections, and was also diagnosed with an umbilical hernia at a young age. During one of his puppy visits at about 6 months of age, his owner was counseled to consider having Ian neutered.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Riley The Australian Shepherd Gets Neutered!
Treatment Cost (USD): $409.25
Riley, an Australian Shepherd, was neutered just prior to his first birthday.
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Emergency Visit
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Kurtiss | 6 years ago
Bladder Blockage
Treatment Cost (USD): $1400.00
My cat Peter had a bladder blockage. He was crying out and his tummy was solid. He never meows unless we talk to him and then he responds. Totally out of character.
1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Kurtiss!
    Thank you for sharing your cats story. Please let us know how things go. Did your vet talk about the possibility of recurrence? Did they put him on a different or special diet?
    Thanks again!

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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Radioiodine Treatment For A Hyperthyroid Cat. Treatment For Hyperthyroidism In A Cat With I-131.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1962.00
Bica was experiencing weight loss. This was also muscle loss. She seemed healthy, was eating well, but losing muscle mass.
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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
A Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) Surgery On A 5 Year Old Feline (cat) With A History Of Blockages
Treatment Cost (USD): $1891.26
Lewis had previously been unblocked twice at our vet center. About a month after his second unblocking procedure was completed, Lewis's owner noticed that he was straining to urinate again. He was also crying and peeing around the house. He was brought in immediately and after an exam it was determined that Lewis was blocked again.
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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
An Unblock Procedure On A 5 Year Old Feline (cat). Needed Multiple Unblocks
Treatment Cost (USD): $1395.00
Lewis came in to the clinic with urinary problems. His owners suspected a UTI. After an exam the veterinarian determined that he had a urinary blockage. With a prescription diet, medication, and an unblock procedure, Lewis was feeling better. About a month later Lewis was straining to urinate again. After an exam this time, it was determined that Lewis had another blockage. He was x-rayed and had another unblock procedure completed.
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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
An Unblocking Procedure On A 4 Year Old Feline (cat)
Treatment Cost (USD): $1446.00
Ricky came in to Jarrettsville Vet Center with symptoms of not urinating and hiding in his house as well as vomiting. His owners were concerned that he wasn't acting like himself. After an examination he was determined to have a urinary blockage. Ricky had urinary problems for about a month prior to the eventual blockage. This is a common occurrence with cats and it is important to talk with your vet about a treatment plan.
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