Cat With Allergies
Treatment Cost (USD): $335.50
Took my cat was taken in to the vet in May to treat allergies, difficulty breathing (snoring sounds) and a head tilt. Eyes don't look the same. One eye's pupil is smaller. Was given an exam, anti inflammatory, antibiotic (convenia), vitamin b-12, ear drops, and an X-ray of lungs. Vet did not communicate with me about any of the issues. I've been a client for 5-6 years. Vet tech said she hoped cat didn't have Horner's syndrome. I didn't know what it was or what to say. She said the "next step" would be seeing a specialist. I did not know what that meant either, as they had never said this to me. They were busy I had dropped off the cat between appts and came back to pick him up.
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Routine Dog Spay On A 9 Month Old Mixed Breed Dog
Treatment Cost (USD): $410.00
Paisley has received all of her puppy vaccines. She was then old enough to be routinely spayed. She came in for an exam and pre-op blood work was completed (a 6 panel chemistry and CBC).
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Lucy: Feline With Severe, Chronic Stomatitis
Treatment Cost (USD): $705.70
Lucy is a rescued kitty who first came in to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center with her new owner because she wasn't feeling well - she was lethargic, not eating well, and had two large lumps on the side of her mouth. She was diagnosed with severe stomatitis and hospitalized for treatment. Over the course of the next several months, Lucy received multiple medical treatments in an effort to manage the distressing symptoms caused by her stomatitis. She was given several courses of antibiotics, steroids, and pain meds, and even received laser treatments to help manage pain and swelling. Eventually it was recommended that the best way to help Lucy would be to schedule her for a complete dental cleaning and extractions of diseased teeth.
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George The Cat – A Girl With A Painful Mouth
Treatment Cost (USD): $642.48
George, an older female cat, was rescued by a neighbor after her original owner passed away. Her new owner brought George to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center because she seemed to be in pain when eating, often pawing at her mouth.
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Ginger Boy: Just Because You’re Missing Most Of Your Teeth, Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Need…
Treatment Cost (USD): $462.63
Ginger Boy's owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center because his mouth seemed to be bothering him. He was drooling excessively, and had become reluctant to eat, even when his food was softened. This is despite Ginger Boy having had a dental cleaning and multiple extractions a couple of years prior - most of his teeth were actually missing at this point. The treating veterinarian recommended that Ginger Boy have full-mouth dental X-rays before scheduling another dental procedure, just in case he had any "retained roots." Retained roots from previous extractions can cause pain and infection.
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Beau The Cat Had A VERY Painful Mouth
Treatment Cost (USD): $1065.38
Beau is an 11 year old Domestic Shorthair cat who was showing signs of severe dental disease. He was pawing at his mouth, not eating well, and his owner wasn't able to give him any oral medications to treat what appeared to be an abscess.
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Pepper The Cat Gets A Dental Cleaning & Tooth Extraction
Treatment Cost (USD): $376.50
Pepper, a 3 year old domestic shorthair cat, came to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center when her owner sought a second opinion as to whether or not she needed to have a tooth extracted. Pepper's owner had been to another vet in the area, and was given an estimate of $800 - $1000 for a dental cleaning and extraction, and due to the signficant expense, she wanted a second opinion. While Pepper's owner wanted to the right thing for her cat, she found the original estimate to be cost prohibitive and was concerned about raising adequate funds for the procedure.
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Nova, A Rescued 6 Year Old Himalayan Cat, Gets Dental Treatment
Treatment Cost (USD): $786.20
Nova's owner rescued her and brought her to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center in February, 2019 for a new patient exam. She was doing well overall except the veterinarian noted that she had severe plaque on some of her teeth, and mild plaque on others. Her owner scheduled her for a follow-up dental cleaning.
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Routine Cat Spay On A 1.5 Year Old Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $210.00
Weenie came in to be spayed at Jarrettsville Vet Center(JVC). She had also received routine vet care up until this point. She was spayed later in life because she is a smaller cat.
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Kana Had Facial Tremors, A “tragic” Look, Erect Ears, And Twitching Eyes. She Had Tetanus…
Treatment Cost (USD): $60.00
A wound on her toe had been present and reluctantly healing for about 3 weeks. Her mom noticed that her ears were standing up on her head, her eyes were pulled back into her head and moving quickly in multiple directions. She also had her facial muscles twitching and pulling her mouth back to her ears. She had a “tragic” look to her face. She also was not walking normally and not eating or behaving normally.
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New vet today. Practice is for cats only. Vet spent a LOT of time checking Lucas. Going to try an antibiotic for possible middle ear infection.
How is Lucas doing?
Pam, did Lucas ever find relief? Did the antibiotics help?