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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Cat Dental With Extractions. This Is An FIV + Cat Who Had Multiple Bad Teeth…
Treatment Cost (USD): $760.16
Dental disease is the most common disease we see in veterinary medicine. The dental decay was found on Smokey's annual examination by his veterinarian.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Dental With Extractions On A 12 Year Old Mixed Small Breed Dog. Cost, Protocol And…
Treatment Cost (USD): $1072.38
Hobbes, like many small breed dogs who are over 6 years old, had dental disease. Hobbes dental disease was so severe he had very bad breath and mobile teeth. Dental disease is the most common problem we see in veterinarian medicine.
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Jennifer Taylor | 6 years ago
Roxy Needed A Second Opinion For Frequent Urination & Increased Thirst
Treatment Cost (USD): $1218.00
Frequent urination since October 2018 and increased thirst, history of frequent urinary tract infections, blood in urine and spay induced incontinence. In January of 2018 she began vomiting stomach contents within 5 minutes of eating a meal and also began having periods of confusion.
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Nicholas P. Woodward | 6 years ago
Stella’s First Vet Visit With Us (her New Owners) And A New Vet
Treatment Cost (USD): $70.00
Stella wasn’t showing any symptoms or conditions but we had never personally taken her to a vet (we just adopted her 2 weeks ago). We wanted to confirm that she was healthy, and we did know she was a little overweight.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Edie Is A 7 Month Old Kitten Who Has Had Chronic Snoring And Nasal Discharge…
Treatment Cost (USD): $500.00
Edie has had chronic mucoid (yellow and thick), and making snoring/loud breathing sounds almost all the time. She was originally thought to have an upper respiratory infection, but after four attempts of treating for this she came to see me, Dr Magnifico, for a second opinion.
3 Responses


  1. Gary Stokes

    Good thing it was a polyp! My cat was doing the same thing and no polyp was found.
    This went on for about 4 years and her vet kept giving her different antibiotics and nothing helped. I asked if they could do a nose culture.
    And they said no they couldn’t so like I said it went on for 4 years!! It wasn’t until moved back to Lexington SC from Nashville TN that her doctor in Columbia SC saw her. And I told her what was going on and what they said about they couldn’t do a culture! And she said sure they could have! And she said I’ll do one now!
    And she sent it off to be tested and it came back that she had pseudmonas!! It is resistant to most all antibiotics! That’s why nothing they had given her helped! But the good news is there was one antibiotic that it wasn’t resistant to it was marblefloxin ” zinaqun ” she but her on a two month round of doses and it cleared it right Up!!

  2. Gary Stokes

    Be very careful pseudmonas outbreaks in cats are running rampant in the United States in the last several years so if your car shows any signs of nasal discharge and whising and sneezing get him or her checked for a polyp! If no polyps them get them checked for pseudmonas! Pseudmonas is very Dangerous!! It can cause nerve damage! Nurolagical problems heat problems peralisis and even Death!!

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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Lilly Was Spayed. Here Is Her Story, And Cost Of Care For This Procedure.
Treatment Cost (USD): $435.10
Lilly is a 7 month old mixed breed dog. she weighs 12 pounds. We waited a little longer than the typical 6 month spay time as her adult canine teeth had not erupted yet.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Daisy Had A Week Long History Of A Drooping Right Side Of Her Face.
Treatment Cost (USD): $300.00
One week onset of progressive paralysis on the right side of the face. This includes decreased blink on the right and a sagging side of the face.
1 Response


  1. Megan Tholin

    Could it maybe be caused by a tick-bourne illness? Erlichia, etc? Were any labs run? Tick PCR, etc? Or even a foxtail, maybe?

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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Painful Mouth, Difficulty Eating, Ulcers On A Cats Mouth/lips. Indolent/rodent Ulcers. Feline
Treatment Cost (USD): $143.70
Werewolf was having trouble eating, eating less and also less active. His family thought he might have a bad tooth, which is common in older cats, but instead he had ulcers on the top lip, left and right.
1 Response


  1. Nicole Jacobs

    Hi. Can you tell me how you treated this? My Pumpkin has a very similar problem, he has a set of asymmetrical ulcers on his upper lip, but they aren’t going away and none of his vets (regular and oncologist) have a clue what they are from or how to resolve them. He was doing well with chemotherapy for Lymphoma but the ulcers have made him backtrack.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Towson Pet ER
Treatment Cost (USD): $12500.00
2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am so sorry to hear about your experience. Truly. I hope that your pup is better and I hope that we can find a way to offer more help to more people who need it so we can save more pets. I would like to hear more about who offered to help with your pets care and maybe we can assist with this? you can call the clinic for an appointment or email me. best of luck to you all,

  2. Alexandra Fishman

    Hey Anna!

    I was just reading through the stories and I wanted to clarify one thing for you. The standard for a criminal case is beyond a reasonable doubt (somewhere around 95%) as we don’t want to throw innocent people in prison. The standard for a civil case, which this would most likely be, is only “a preponderance of evidence” or more likely than not (anything over 50%). This is not that high of a standard and is a lot easier to meet.

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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Dental Cleaning With Extractions. Meet Mocha A Middle Aged Chihuahua Who Needed Her Teeth Cleaned…
Treatment Cost (USD): $438.84
Many small breed dogs have dental disease by the time they are 3 or 4 years old. Mocha had already had one dental and needed another due to dental calculi accumulation that caused gum recession and tooth mobility.
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