Emergency Visit

Bladder Blockage


My cat Peter had a bladder blockage. He was crying out and his tummy was solid. He never meows unless we talk to him and then he responds. Totally out of character.


Bladder Blockage with possible infection.


Catheter with 3 days of hospitalization, medications, and specialized food.


He survived and is still a happy go-lucky boy. He received amazing care. We did take him back for another emergency visit because he was experiencing some pain after the medications were gone and they prescribed him some more for comfort (to help him pee). They recommended to keep him monitored because once they have a blockage they may have one again.

Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed: Lynx Point Siamese
Treatment Cost (USD): $1400.00
Provider Business Name: Amherst Animal Hospital
Butte, Montana 59701
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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello Kurtiss!
Thank you for sharing your cats story. Please let us know how things go. Did your vet talk about the possibility of recurrence? Did they put him on a different or special diet?
Thanks again!