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Bridget is a 9 yr old Havenese with a history of glaucoma. Her is non-functional…


Squinting, painful left eye. Cornea was blue and the eye was enlarged. She was seen multiple times at an ophthalmologists office to resolve the condition. The eye was poorly responsive to medical therapies


Brachycepahlic dogs (Havenese are an example) are more commonly seen to have ophthalmic conditions due to the conformation of the skull. Glaucoma is an elevation of the ocular pressure inside the eye. In some cases this can lead to blindness and a persistently painful eye. To relieve the pain and the burden of a non-functional eye an enucleation is a surgical treatment option. Bridget was seen by a boarded ophthalmologist who recommended this surgery be performed.


Brachycepahlic dogs (Havenese are an example) are more commonly seen to have ophthalmic conditions due to the conformation of the skull. Glaucoma is an elevation of the ocular pressure inside the eye. In some cases this can lead to blindness and a persistently painful eye. To relieve the pain and the burden of a non-functional eye an enucleation is a surgical treatment option. Bridget was seen by a boarded ophthalmologist who recommended this surgery be performed.

Pet Type: dog
Pet Breed: Havanese
Pet Date of Birth: 11/02/2008
Treatment Cost (USD): $859.00
Provider Business Name: Krista Magnifico, DVM,
Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
Jarrettsville , Maryland 21084
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